Wow! What an amount of memories you have gone through in just two minutes, Abhilish!!! You know, it's the little things in life that matter most and that two minutes was so necessary to bring home how special everything is and you express that so delightfully in the poem. Two minutes may not seem like much but you packed so much into them, it is truly amazing. I love this poem, it speaks to me, Abhilish! Gratitude with beautiful blessings for sharing with me, dear poet. Sublime inking, penned with humour...
Posted 7 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
I know, I recollected quite a few memories in 2 minutes. My mind always races in time, what to do! B.. read moreI know, I recollected quite a few memories in 2 minutes. My mind always races in time, what to do! But yes, little things in life matter the most and I'm glad you liked the poem. Count your blessings as they say. Just grateful and thankful for everything. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts, Marie.
A.H.! Dang! You sure rush to the positive side! I read and write so much melancholy sometimes I feel like suicide, lol. Thank you, Poet, for dragging me back from the edge!
Seriously, it does seem nice to read positive viewpoints like this. I never thought of life this way!
Posted 3 Weeks Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Weeks Ago
I'm so glad to hear this write cheered you up. Thanks so much for reading and leaving this wonderful.. read moreI'm so glad to hear this write cheered you up. Thanks so much for reading and leaving this wonderful review. Have a wonderful day, GlendaK !
The word "godsmacked" comes to mind when I read this poem, thank you so much for sharing this moment of revelation, clarity and remembrance in such a poetic way
Posted 6 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Months Ago
I'm glad to hear you thoughts. Thank you for visiting and reading, Amanda.
I love the thought behind this poem. As a woman, you found a way to make beautiful everything we hate. you made me long to clean the house, wash the dishes, etc. we take these everyday things for granted sometimes. especially the 2 min. well done
Posted 7 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
Thank you LVM for a thoughtful review. I'm glad to hear that I could make these daily chores more be.. read moreThank you LVM for a thoughtful review. I'm glad to hear that I could make these daily chores more beautiful for you and I believe the little things always are beautiful. I know, life sometimes gets to us and we end up overwhelmed with tasks around us. I take 2 minutes of break, think and pay gratitude to whatever we have now :) Thanks for reading.
You find poetry in the most mundane tasks of the day. That is an art that will always keep you upbeat. Two minutes CAN change the the most wonderful way. I enjoyed this stream of consciousness write. Lydi**
Posted 7 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
Glad to hear you enjoyed this write. Thanks for reading and the thoughtful review, Lydia !
good use of your two minutes, a lesson we should all consider instead of building imaginary scenarios of doubt, danger, and disappointment. enjoyed sharing your tying time. -carl