time to playA Poem by keithdanger rides upon shadows darktime to play crescent moon dark sky not sailor's delight danger rides upon shadows dark silence is not golden nor always quiet monsters within escape again come come they always say come out come out come out and play we know the way always have always will the skies within foster storms of calming horrors come out come out they always say peacebutfukyouanyway come out come out they always say peacebutfukyouanyway we have understanding war is on the way wake up wake up come out time to play no peace no peace wake wake up there's war comin wake wake up fuk'em anyway time to play
Added on October 20, 2022 Last Updated on November 9, 2022 Authorkeithnowhere you would want to knowAboutwho i am, what i be ... i write about that from which many shy. i am not afraid. i know the costs of living life for all it's worth. i am but complicatedly simple. i sing the words of no fear and ce.. more..Writing