I AM DOC WATERS ... TOO!A Story by keithBoldFaceCrazinessI AM DOC WATERS ... TOO! 'OK!' we danced, we danced, i sat down cause my feet were sore. i sat she danced away! damn if trixie wasn't a handful and more. but i knew that, so did everyone else. she was an icon of days past, never aging, never wavering, always doing what she did because it paid the rent and as she once told me ... 'honey, what i do is what i do because i like SEX. nothing more. i'm not looking for mr right or ms wrong HA! i'm doing it cause I LIKE SEX!' ... 'end of story' 'HEY DOC! phone' yelled tracker from behind the bar. 'YEAH' 'doc i'm in trouble and i NEED YOUR HELP! like NOW!' 'OK ... OK! what's so damn urgent vanna?' "doc, they came in, messed with my Ts and As then stole my letterboard. I NEED MY LETTERBOARD DOC!' 'OK ok. i'll be there as soon as i finish this shirley temple dr pepper.' ''tracker pack 'em up. we got work to do!' off we went to help vanna find her letter board and console her for the assault on her Ts and As. where does one start? why the beach of course. where would it be any other? especially the docks. well know for attracting the dregs of society. wait a minute, that's where i stay on my boat, in my slip, onboard my 46' bertram. my boat DREAM GIRL TOO. she wasn't the greatest or prettiest by more than a mile or so, but she worked for me. she caught fish. giant fish. marlin, blue fin, wahoo, tuna, dolphin ( i know, mahi mahi. sounds better for the turons.) and mackerel for baits. yep, i'm old skool. swimming baits like squid, mullet, ballyhoo, and spanish macs. all rigged for swimming not dragging thru the water. anyhoo ... been doing it for ever from my first days onboard with my dad. renamed her after his dying (passing is for football or driving down or up the road.) i just added the TOO. we had been to mexico, many islands in the caribbean, most ports along the gulf coast. down around key west then north following the gulf stream. many fish she did draw. still does but it's harder and harder to find suitable tagalongs these days. everybody is too damn busy!. oh well one might say, deep with cold water ... uh ... that's actually a PG accounting of a fisherman bragging about his ... never mind! tracker was right behind me, releasing lines and checking the house for what needed stowing before we got under way. this was not a pleasure cruise ... 'DAMN IT ALL TO HELL! HANG ON VANNA HERE WE COME!' next time, doc and tracker find vanna's letter board and ALL the letters except the Ts and As. who would do that? BoldFaceCraziness
© 2022 keith |
Added on June 16, 2022 Last Updated on June 17, 2022 Authorkeithnowhere you would want to knowAboutwho i am, what i be ... i write about that from which many shy. i am not afraid. i know the costs of living life for all it's worth. i am but complicatedly simple. i sing the words of no fear and ce.. more..Writing