![]() karma !!A Story by angry_pandit![]() karma !!![]()
certain recent events have made a believer out of me for the concept of destiny, what you sow you shall reap, being a Hindu
our mythology says we have 7 births assigned to us, and karma of each
birth decides the fate of your next birth, so when you feel that no
matter how hard i am trying and no matter how nice a person i am, i always get deceived by other people and luck never favours me, its just coz
this life is already predefined for you, there is nothing you can do to
change it, you just have to realize that by filtering your karma in
this birth all you can ensure is to have a healthier and convenient
life in your next birth. you own your soul for 7 births the only
control you have over it is, how pure you wanna keep it, to explain in
a better way, its like your incentive package, the better you perform
the more you get and the worst you perform you get fired. i know this
all sounds too made up or feels to convenient of a theory but this the fact, i have not only experienced it but also had a debate with a sage over this, coz i was the kind of person who always got a thrill out of power and control, and would smirk at the idea of destiny, '' i control
my own destiny, and that is why i have the lines of fate in my hand so
as only my actions can decide how my life will be, no saint and no god
has a hold on my destiny, i believe in god but i believe more in myself, god gave us senses and limbs to control our life and not be mere puppets " ya i agree, arrogance galore ! so you can only imagine what i must have gone thru to take a sudden u-turn on my belief system. i'll
give you an example y is that few people always get away with things
and others get caught for the slightest of faults, so many people work
10 times harder than we do but yet lead a less fruitful life, some
people do hard labour for 15 hours in the hot sun and yet earn less
than most people who just punch numbers in the air conditioning room in
an hour. you meet your loved one by fluke, and will never be able to
get the person you devote yourself the most. unanswered questions i
agree !
my theory is there is certain amount of work every soul is required to do, now he can choose to do it equally in all 7 births so that he can have a very fruitful and balanced life always, or else he can goof around and exploit his luck and do least bit of work, he will be the one doing hard labour in the next birth, coz the numbers always need to tally, the universe depends on balance of energy, if you don't put in now you will have to put in twice as much later on. so my point is life is like an accounts sheet, every credit will have a debit, balance the equation in your favour with tools like humbleness and self awarness, do no harm now and no harm shall be done to you later coz patience is a virtue !!! © 2010 angry_pandit |
Added on January 6, 2010 Last Updated on January 6, 2010 Author![]() angry_panditMumbai, IndiaAbouti am a nobody. living in a world as a somebody.i want to meet everybody. i am a 25 year old guy, don't act my age most of the time though. there are hardly things i don't like, i am somehow born to.. more..Writing