�Up to now we survived�

�Up to now we survived�

A Poem by angelina neves

Ema�s challenge: - Word-paint me your interpretation of the picture�


Up to now we survived”, we say and repeat

Believing the Universe conspires on our behalf
And as our world is tumbling down
Thinking and questioning are forgotten
A greedy black hole is ready to overtake
Nature, thought and the most beautiful dreams
Up to now we survived”, we repeat as we eat
Our world that shrinks, becoming uniform
With out much space for the imagination adventure 
Of exploring new feelings, new lands, new rules
Questioning sensations or new forms of connection
Up to now we survived”, but...
If we refuse to rediscover the individuality of humanity
Fighting, trying to paint everything with the same colors 
Killing each other and nature believing the universe 
Will protect us against all other forms of life
Will we survive much longer?
We could survive, if we had the courage 
To make the journey to discover our natural links 
Regain the sanctuaries of thought creation
This forgotten universal space where all is different
Color, feelings, landscapes, believes, language
Open to the inside of our questing minds
Somewhere inside the infinity of our dreams
Reserves of the most incredible oasis and deserts 
We can look and find the strength we need 
To become, once again, thinking human beings
And not armies of miserable robots 
Commanded by greedy framed propagandas
Only inside ourselves we will find a way to survive
In the recreations of enchanting fantasies
Overcoming all fears of naked unmatched individuality
Regaining the language of the unframed symphony
Saving ourselves, our future and Earth

© 2008 angelina neves

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I love this one too. If only the world would heed its message!


Posted 15 Years Ago

Unfortunately, individuality is suppressed at a very early age, when a child is exposed for the first time to education. In a classroom of many children, uniformity is extremely essential to the teacher who must educate the entirety of the classroom.

Children who are extremely gifted, or children who are slow, are pretty much left to the wayside, and soon learn that being "different" isn't desirable at all. It is only the exceptional child with the greatest strength of personality that is able to escape the "robotization".

Very thought provoking poem, as always, my friend. I'm giving you all my stars.


Posted 16 Years Ago

some very good ideas and questions in this piece. nice writing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

My goodness, you travelled deep into the picture. The word that sticks in my mind is individuality. The major man-made sufferings of the world have always been caused by men hypnotised by, led by and persuaded by, often brilliant but flawed leaders whose driving force is greed and lust for power. We all, on the other hand, have virtually limitless capacity to find and enjoy beauty and goodness if we do but explore and develop what we really are and the treasures we have because we own the powers of thought and curiosity. Where did we go wrong? Maybe here in GB there is the start of a kick back. There has been in our broadcasting, over the last ten years a gradual though accelerating drift towards filth and obscenity until even much of the BBC was unfit to watch. Recently, two particularly unpleasant 'stars' really overstepped the mark and there was a public outcry - objections reached astrononic proportions, resulting in resignations and the banning for 6 months of the offenders. All because 100,000 or so people became individuals and did something, stepped out from the herd and discovered that individuality doesn't have to be alone ( a paradox, but I'm sure you take my thought). Your poem said all this to me and more; what's more, it was beautifully written,

Posted 16 Years Ago

Simply wonderful Angi. Very well thought out philosophy penned so superbly onto the page. Another great poem from you so excellently done. Thank you for sharing and good luck in the contest!


Posted 16 Years Ago

A beautiful ideal.

I hope a more and more individuals break free
then maybe will all of man kind :)

well done

Posted 16 Years Ago

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I especially liked the last lines of this poem. You are truly a hopeful person. I appreciated your candor in your message, and you were right in your insinuations, you had caught me out in my self flagellations, berating myself for growing older. You are right to be positive. Keep encouraging. Friends?

Posted 16 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2008
Last Updated on November 19, 2008

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