what a dear sweet Haiku. In ordinary use, the word ‘happiness’ has to do with one’s situation (one is fortunate) or with one’s state of mind (one is glad, cheerful) or, typically, with both. These two elements appear in different proportions on different occasions. If one is concerned with a long stretch of time (as in ‘a happy life’), one is likely to focus more on situation than on state of mind. If a short period of time, it is not uncommon to focus on states of hearts. Loved it....you always make my heart leep.
A very well-written brief poem in the haiku syllabic form. "The walls of the heart..." I like that.
Do you write in Portuguese and then translate into English? I sometimes do that in Sicilian. By the way, my favorite poets are those who write in Spanish and I suppose in Portuguese, though I have not read the English translations of Portuguese poets. Can you recommend any? I read neither Spanish nor Portuguese. The little I might know of those languages I know because of my Sicilian and Italian familiarity.