![]() billet-doux "Love letter"A Story by blueAngelAbby![]() Combination of romance with mystery and tragedy![]() Billet-doux "Love Letter" Abigail
D. Manacmul Have you heard a story about the
beautiful lady fell in- love with a beast? I’ll guest yes, but that was a story
long time ago, now you will witness a new version that never heard before. New
characters, new conflict, new tragedies and new story...... Experience some new
kind of feeling and know the real essence of love.......
Billet-doux "Love Letter" Chapter 1 There was a scary wild wolf! At the
forest running after a young-lady...She's getting tired, when she fell down the
wolf had its chance to grab her. Thankfully there's a man throw an arrow
straight to its back. The wolf lay down, the lady saw the man who throws the
arrow, she tried to communicate with him but he hurriedly run away."Wait!!
I just wanted to say thank you, thanks a lot for saving my life!!!!!!!"
When she got home, her big sister talk to her"Smyr! Our father was"
looking for you, where did you go? And what's that? A wound where did you get
that huh?"Sis, would you please calm down I'll tell you later
okay?"Her sister shrugged and leaves her worrying. After Smyr take a
shower,her sister already cleaning her wound. Her father came near with eye
brows up."Father, I was walking at the forest then suddenly there's a wolf
run towards me,I didn't know what to do so I'll just run also,then I fell down
into the ground that's why I've got wound, the wolf almost grab me!!(she stand
up,and put her hands together,then sit)but thankfully..."She give her
father and sister a big smile"Then what happen next?" "My savior
came! He's my hero!he throw an arrow into the back of the wolf and the wolf
die.....maybe if he didn't came,I'll guest I'm already dead..and eaten by that
monstrous dog..and that's the story"Her father and sister keep silent..,until
-"So,What he's name?"-her sister asked."I didn't have a chance
to talk to him,he already run away...how I wish, I see him again..."
"How about he's face?" Smyr show a sad face and said-"No...I'll
just saw a man wearing a black hood and a mask" "a mask?” “yes a
mask,I didn't saw it clearly but I think it look’s like a beast” Her sister got
shocked-”What!!!!? a beast,such a weird..” The evening came,the mood was so
peaceful and calm, the lady Smyr silently watching the moon..,until she noticed
something at the side of her window.Then she got surprise for what she found,it
was an envelope with a letter inside. ”sister look! I saw a letter,at my
window.” Her sister Leanna get the letter.”May I see,hmm...It is a love
letter..”a love letter?” “yes, don't you see there's a heart draw at the back
with your name and a capital letter N,this is for you, you should be the one
who open it.” Smyr..... Dear young lady,I’m sorry if I cant introduce myself
just know me in the name-” Ethan” I’ll just wanted to say,I heard your
thanks,ahmm..so your welcome.. I’m always watching you, every time you are
walking at the forests I want to make sure that you are alright when you go
there,I know that something harm will happen and I am right.Aside from
that I have a request -please take care of your self,you are a lady, staying
outside is dangerous.. but don't worry I’ll protect you as far as I can,but
of-course much better if you tried to be careful also. You know? you made me
feel brave,honestly it such a pleasure for me to save the girl who captures my
heart for the very first time....Yes I’ll repeat I’m the one who shot an
arrow,I’ll hope you will never get mad of me, because I always watch
you,promise I will never hurt you,my lady...so please allow me to become you’re
savior I’ll wish me and you will see and know each other very well
someday.........so this is for now until next time sleep well, goodnight.......................
Ethan After reading the letter Smyr smiled and lay down to her bed."It's
him...sis...he's so sweet...," "Who? your knight and shining
Armour?huh..a man with a black hood and a beast mask,dahhhh" "Why!?he
save me sister, I must owe him" "fine, but don't you think he seem's
a mysterious stalker" "no! an admirer,a secret
admirer...."Leanna leave her sister, “goodnight sis"then Smyr closed
her eyes... Here came’s the sun, shining..Smyr wake up,she moves her eyes at
the window, she saw a man standing, it look's like a prince the image was
blur,she tried to open the window and
then........"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"The prince appear to her dead,
with the face being scratched and a neck seam’s sliced by a sword.
ahhhhhhh!!the lady keep's on shouting until.."Hey...sister wake
up!"Leanna slap her “Ouch""Why? what was your dream?"
"A nightmare......I saw a prince dead, there outside my window I'm so
scared..." "Maybe it had a connection with your secret admirer..what
do you think?" "I don't think so..." she whisper..
Days passed by,reading a letter from Ethan add to her way o life,
she and sometimes her sister were reading it,and after the last word..now she
can sleep well and the moon will kiss her goodnight. Day by day Smyr seem's
already falling in love with Ethan. Although she didn't know exactly who's this
guy,for her what important is the love of the guy who wrote s letters for
her."Do you like him already?" "Yes...sister,I finally like
him,and I think I'm falling....,through his words,he always make's me feel calm
and delight, I feel that there's an angel who guides me every time I'm reading
his letter" "weird........" " I want to see him..."
"how? it's too much dangerous!you didn't know him! his strange"
"Your wrong,I already knew him.." " how? Because of that
letters? a letters from a secret admirer who doesn't have a plan to show
himself to you?, your such a pathetic" " please stop! stop thinking
that he is a strange person, don't you see, he save my life,he always want to
protect me,to keep me safe and away from any harm, and as I have said he's just
wearing a beast-mask ?I never said he is a beast..""fine..if you love
him,go,good luck when both of you see each other, but still I warned you,I am
your sister you knew me ever since before...." "Hey! your majesty! I
noticed that you are smiling since we came here" "look at her, she’s
beautiful isn't she?" "ahh,a lady,yes,she look's pretty" Prince
Wolfer from a far kingdom who goes around to seek for his future Queen, he
decided to stay at the town of Perga where he saw the lady and that lady was
Smyr. Since that day he saw her,he command his servant to collect more
information about her." Your majesty,look! What I've found!" "What’s
that?" "A love letter...,I saw it near at the outside window of Lady Smyr,
and as I have read he is an admirer a secret admirer" "love
letter.....,I want you to know who' s this guy and his connection to my lady,my
future Queen..." It was one lovely evening, Smyr begun to read the letter
with her sister Leanna. Smyr...my heart, I am ready now,I want to meet you, I
want to talked with you personally and say how I love you so much. Don be
afraid,my lady, you knew that I will never hurt you....please hope you'll
come,I have just one request, please don't asked me to let my mask remove from
my face, don't worry I hope I can explain to you later....I can't wait to meet you,
shall we see each other at the forests,near at the side of the river.Just come
and I'll be there....... your savior Ethan....... Suddenly Smyr heard some sound at the window,she came
closer."what was that Smyr?" "nothing I'll just feel someone
came here outside my window" "who?,your secret admirer..?"Smyr
smiled..... It was one of he soldiers of Prince Wolfer,he heard everything from
that letter,he hurriedly tell it to his master."Tomorrow morning at the
forests near at the river, they will meet each other,I heard also that he
request not to remove his mask,and he will explain why later,prince you must
stop him,lady Smyr was already fall in-love with that guy who wrote s
letters.." " Dont worry I had a plan, for now on I am Ethan I am her
secret admirer....whoooohahahahahah'" (an evil laugh) . Part 3
"la,la,alallalaal"(Smyr singing) "wow It's look you had a
wonderful morning huh...so you planned to come?" "yes....I have so
many things to say,I don't care what he look's only I know was I love him,I
feel it here,inside my heart “That time Ethan almost got there at their meeting
place but he encounter Prince Wolfer and his
soldiers-"Well,well,well....so it's you?" " who are you
guy's?get out of my way" " wow,who do you think you are?to command me
I am a prince and your just a dirty ,with a mask molded a beast...yak? I'm so
curious about your real look,I cant wait to see your face"
"wha...why!? I never did anything -"opps,be quiet I'm gonna kill
you" Prince Wolfer get his sword and move it into his Ethan's neck"
faster tie him! and remove his mask then give it to me!" "No...!!you
cannot do that,please don't.." The one soldier remove the mask from his
face and then-the real face of Ethan came out..,Prince Wolfer stocked his eyes
and the soldiers too.After a deep silence............... "Whooa.....,what
are you doing with this mask?,your handsome huh...I guest much good looking
than me..."Yes it is true that Ethan was really good looking person,that's
why he can made all the girls fell in-love with him easily,when her girlfriend
Myrna saw him with other girl, because of that coincident Myrna was the one who
give the mask to him and put it on his face then said"Never remove that mask,
especially for the girl's,if any man saw your face it's okay nothing will
happen,but..,if you let a lady saw it you will turn into a monstrous ugly
beast!!!!!!!"-that's the story why he keep's on wearing the
mask."What is your problem?, ahhmmm...is there any magical thing's
regarding this mask?"the prince wear it."say goodbye to your lovely
lady...,and say hello to the new you..."Prince Wolfer give him an evil
The soldier's bring Ethan into a small dark room. Prince
move to the meeting place,he saw Smyr sitting and read once again the last
letter Ethan gave to her before they meet.""Hey...my
lady..."(voice at the back)When she look at the back,she saw a bunch of
flowers holding by a man wear a mask."It's you...?" "Yes Smyr
it's me.." her heart beat fast,and became speechless,she didn't know where
to begin"Shhhh..you dont need to force your self to speak,I'm contented
that your here with me.." The lady smiled and say "thank
you."The prince tried to hold her hand -"thank you also for trusting
me..promise I will never hurt you.."Smyr take a big smile and look to the
impostor Ethan."why?" " nothing I just remember the first letter
you gave to me..you said that line also" "ahhh....yah,I remember
that,and that was true" "Hey!!!!!let me go!!!!someones waiting for
me.....","hah? nobody's waiting for you my friend,this time our
prince Wolfer and lady Smyr was so happy meeting each other..., don't worry our
prince will protect her."Ethan cant do anything except to cry,he felt like
his loosing his own heart..... "Goodnight Smyr,shall we meet again?"
"Of-course,I will" When she get inside-her sister hurriedly
asked"What happen?,hey!share something." " Amm..he's nice,he
always keep me safe and he was such a gentlemen....." Prince Wolfer sat on
his favorite chair and keep thinking about the mask,he doesn't have any idea
why Ethan need's to wear it." Where is he?,I want to talk to him.."
the soldiers bring their master to Ethan." Wolfer take a sit.,and watch
the poor Ethan.He look at the prince with his sorrow face and silently said"Did
you meet her?" "Yes..,definitely""can you tell me some of
what she say to you?"She said every time she was reading a letter she felt
like there's an angel guiding her,but I did n;t came here to talk about
that,tell me what is your name?" "Ethan" "no,your real
name.." "I can only say Ethan..." "Why!!! you had so many
secret's!" "It's simply because I'm only living because of those
secrets" "How about this mask?what is the reason you need to hide
?" "sorry,it's hard to explain,you will never understand.."
"I guest I knew already..you are nothing but just crazy! yes you are
insane.." The Prince and lady Smyr often meet each other,until one day he
asked Ethan to write." Why I need to write a letter,both of you already
seeing each other?" "She's missing your letter...,it must be
continues" "I'm gonna write for you? to make her deeply fall in love
with you?hah..never!" "Fine..,you don't want? I think it's better if
I just kill you,right?" "yes.....much better there's no reason for me
to live" "oh,your making thing's hard,mmm,how about if I am going to
kill the one you loved?" "you cannot do that.." "no,it was
so easy,she's just a girl" Ethan had no choice so what he did is write,for
the sake of his Smyr" It almost a month,Ethan is writing a letter for
Prince Wolfer. Everyday he's crying he write's two letter's -one is for Prince
and another one that contain's all his sacrifices in the hand of the
Prince..then he will kept it..One day,Smyr tried to read once again the
letter's she receive to Ethan.She saw a letter tell's about a necklace it
state's that-he will gonna show it to Smyr,if the day come's they see each
other.She was thinking why Ethan didn't let her to see it until now"maybe
he just forget it.."She decided to mention it to Ethan(Prince
Wolfer)."Ah...the necklace!?oh..of-course I remember that."
"where is it?,you said you're gonna show it to me"
"ammmhhhh...-yah, wait I knew it was here." Prince Wolfer tried to
find inside his pocket."sorry,I forgot I put it under my pillow,maybe next
time okay?" Smyr smiled,but she was worried to the guy's expression,she
felt something strange.She tell's it to her sister when she got home."So
your saying that your not sure if he's your real admirer,is that what you're
trying to say?huh....?"Aaa-I don't know,I'm confused..." "the
best thing you can do is asked him to write for you,on the spot personally
observe his hand written,his style and how he wave the words."
"great! nice idea,thank's sis" "what if he cant write,what will
you do" "I hope his the one...."-she said silently. "Where
is the necklace?!!!!,I need it" Ethan stock at the moment...-
"What?,a necklace ?""yes you said you re gonna show it to
Smyr" "I've lost it" "impossible..."Prince Wolfer
command his soldier to find the necklace."If necessary take off his
clothes!!!!!" The soldiers made their effort but they didn't found it.
"I'll guest he's just hide it.maybe it need's a thing that will make him a
very good and nice puppy " "What is that thing my Prince?"
"Torture......" So they tie Ethan,punch and punch until it burst a
blood,they kick him,they do not let him eat,they almost tried to kill
Ethan.No mercy......all parts of his body being sliced by a sword,they breaks
his fingers. When the evils left he stocked his eyes at the pen,crying
"why....all this things happening to me,I already pay all my sin's what's
more?,what's more......I'm already dead,ever since that day.."then...his
eyes slowly closed.... Ethan was sleeping until he heard a crying
lady.-"Please ..!let me go!,keep your hands away from me."It was a lady
who disguise into a soldier to rescue Ethan.He hurriedly wear his clothes and
cover his face.Then the soldiers put the girl inside the room too."Go be
with him! you come to rescue him,fine better to see you
both..,"dead!" "Master!!!!it's glad to see you alive"
"master?,who are you?" "did you remember Mrs. Ana?"
"Hmm,yah my mama Ana? she's the one who took's care of me." "I'm
her daughter,Anie,She's been worrying since you left,before she die she asked
me to find you"There was a tears run down from Ethan..after he heard the
lady'said to him."you must not came here,your just a girl how would you
rescue me from a monster Prince like Wolfer" They been together almost
half of the day,until evening,because of weakness Ethan remain sleep..Anie was
wondering also why he need's to cover his face.She tried to remove the cover
and she was surprise when she saw Ethan handsome image.Ethan awake and see
her,he sat down and cover his face again."What did you do?" He's
heart pumps so terrible suddenly he begin to change..he's hand,feet nails,his
hair,he touch his face and he feel that it's changing..the most terrible time
that Ethan never want to come had came...-he turned into a wild monstrous
Beast. Anie was so scared ,her whole body was shaking.The guard came-he saw
Ethan he lay his knee and backward
crawling"Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"The Beast go angry he use his
strength,he destroyed the gate an he escape..the soldier'a tried to fetch
him,but they all failed. They have no match to a Beast.Ethan went back to his house
at the forest while Anie saw the secret letter's she keep it and grab the
opportunity to escape.Prince Wolfer together with Smyr was having a walk at the
forests when the soldier came and news-"He escape!!!!!!the lady
too..!!"-said the soldier catching his breath."What!!!shi---,how???!"
"Who escape?"-Smyr asked."Nothing,dont think about it
okay?ahmm,sorry but I need to fix a small problem,see you later."Prince
run and shout to Smyr "I love you!!!!!"Smyr tried to response but she
felt different.,so she just continue to walk and think of what
happen."Damn soldier's!!!all of you was useless!" "but prince we
cannot fight him,he turned into a Beast!","a beast?ha-how?"
"We don't know I'll just leave him with the lady.then when I came to look
for them I already saw a beast"The prince think deeply'I guest I have an
idea why he need's to wear this mask, every time that there is a man who saw
his face,it's alright but if it was a lady-he will turn into a Beast"the
soldier's agree."I need the necklace,and I need him","But
how? it's too difficult" "I don't care use your head!!!!!!!!,if we
didn't caught him,he can came back and kill us.." Because lady Smyr enjoy
the atmosphere of the surroundings she lately notice that it's getting dark
already,she heard some noise ,it's like someone's watching for her she tried to
sense what's going around until she saw a man wearing a black hood,then it
run's away,"Hey!!wait who are you?!"Smyr try to run after him but it
was so fast.He hide at the cave he's been so tired...there was a soldier found
him'Aha,there you are!" They throw their sword straight to his feet so
that he cant be able to walk.the beast got hurt he get mad,he get the sword and
throw it back to the soldiers and run...he came to his house very exhausted and
he felt so weak.He get the pen and a sheet of paper,with his hand filled with
blood..he write.. My lady....I'll guest it was the last letter I can write for
you.I'm sorry If I didn't let you saw the real me, things-became much
worst this time.My life will be no longer but I wish when I die you came here
and touch my hand...then you will see a thing that will serve as a key for you
to know,who exactly I am...... Just remember that I will love you forever until
the day ends and I hope that in our next life,God will grant our love... I Love
you Smyr................ Ethan Anie came,she sit near at the beast,a little bit
scared..."I'm sorry.......,I didn't mean to--"shii.., don't blame
yourself,this is all my fault I'm the one whose responsible for this.(very
weak)"Here,I keep all the secret letters I knew it's important for
you" " just-keep it,and I have one wish for you-please bring this
letter to her ,it was my last letter...." the lady get it and
cry-"Yes, don't worry I will give it to her,I promise......"The beast
passed out, Anie lay him at the bed and whisper "It's time for you to
rest,rest now Prince Nathaniel........." That evening Anie read all the
letter's every pages has a pour of blood, every line-she feel's it run through
her veins and every letter make her heart felt sorrow...after she read the last
letter she sleep. On the next day,she look Ethan,she tried to touch him but it
seem's he already lost his life..."Wake up!!!!!Hey! you must not die!!!she
need's you..."She hurriedly run to Smyr home carrying the letter.(knocking)Leanna,somebody
knocks at the door,go open it"-said there father."Who are you?,What
can I do for you Miss?" "I'm looking for Smyr" "She's not
here" "Where did she go?" "She's at the forests,with
someone" "who?" "Ethan..." "No, it's not
him!!!He's just a fake!" After that Annie run."Hey?wait,what do you
mean it was not him?"Leanna got worried. That was the moment Smyr asked
Ethan"prince Wolfer" to write.Prince felt nervous he's hand was
shaking"ahh,sorry,Smyr...I cant write now..."Smyr got hurt,suddenly
Anie came."of-course you cant!!!!you are nothing but a fake!!!it's over
for you demon prince!"Prince stand-up "Who-are-you..!"Anie give
the letter to Smyr."Wait,Smyr don't believe her!!she's just lying"the
prince grab the letter."Hey give that to me,that's mine,if you didn't hide
anything,you dont need to be afraid"Prince Wolfer gave the letter,When
Smyr read it,she was so shocked and cried."What is this!!!!!!!how can you
explain his to me?hah?" "What?.ahhmmm-he soldier's came,"Smyr
go! run!!!!" "the soldiers tried to stop her but the prince should
keep your mouth shut..,you just bring yourself into hell..""your
wrong!your the one who go to hell!!!"Prince Wolfer sliced her head,and it
roll straight to prince feet."I said,keep quiet.."then he kicked it.
was crying to her sister,"What if he was already dead!!!what I am going to
do?" "calm down we will look for him okay?, we asked for somebody to
help us.." In the afternoon they find at the forests,near at the cave
there was a miniwoodenhouse. It was open so they decided to came
inside."Whhooo,what is that animal?"Leanna was so scared “a
monster..."Smyr remain silence."Be careful! maybe he's just
sleeping.One man,came closer...."Be careful"."It's dead...no
pulse at all"Smyr felt something, it’s hard to explain,she came near at
the beast and beside his pillow she saw the secret letters, she read it one by
one after that she cry her body was shaking -Smyr have read all since the
prince caught him then there was a girl saw his face so he turned into a beast
until he 's fighting for his life. Smyr hold the beast hand,it's pist closed
she got surprised when she saw something fall from it...,it is the
necklace."It's him...”"Who? Your admirer?" "Yes, and- he is
also prince Nathaniel!!!!!sister,it's him the lost prince" "What are
you talking about?,he's dead since we are young.""It is the necklace
I gave to him when we had our last visit to the palace""Impossible,
how it can be?"-said the other man."It states to his last letter that
when I touch his hand that was the time I know who exactly he is"Suddenly
here come's a beautiful lady"Yes it's him, the lost prince-Nathaniel"
"Who are you?"
name is Myrna-the girl he breaks the heart, all I do was lpve him but he
betrayed me"She tell the whole story-"What a fantasy.."-said the
old man."I's not fantasy.., he is my friend since we were young his the
one who loved me and I love him too....."Smyr collect the letter's and
give it to the beast hand.,gratefully there's a one letter she notice that it
was lightning, she get and read it. "My mind, my heart and my soul was
always be with you,as long as you've leave I live also, just say you love me
and I will always be here for you so glad and with full of life.." "I
love you! I love you!!!!!!!Wake up" "What are you doing?"
"I need you please...,I really do loved you..." Smyr never stop
crying she is being comfort by her sister Leanna.Until there was a light shine
brightly -afterwards the beast turned back into a prince."You're
alive!!!!!!!"Smyr hug him.."What happen?Smyr?"Nathan touch his face
he looks at the mirror “I’m back.."He saw Myrna,he's knee lay down and
said-"I'm sorry..Please..Forgive me.” "Please stand....I'm the one
who need's to asked apologize, I almost kill you..""Thank
you.."He hug Myrna a minute later the prince came.."It's not
over!!!!!!",Myrna point her hand to the prince and put the mask into
him"You want this mask right?,so I will give it to you, I am now giving
you the curse-if there's anyone who saw your face you will turn into a black
terrible wolf!!!!" "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Nathan asked her to
break the spell but-"No he deserve that, he killed many, he doesn't have mercy,
he killed his soldiers, and Anie" "But-"Nathan,always remember
that I always love you..good luck..to your new life" Myrna dis appear
together with prince Wolfer. Nathaniel came back to the palace with Smyr they
get married and the whole kingdom rejoices. It was their first evening being
together,Smyr was sitting near at their window and watch the moon,at the moon
she saw an eye...She felt nervous"Ahmm..Nathan did you see that?"
"What?" "At the moon.." "What,it's wonderful."
"Ahmm..Maybe it's just my imagination.."Smyr smiled and Nathan touches
her face and suddenly they kissed....while the wolf’s eye was watching
them............... THE END
© 2015 blueAngelAbbyAuthor's Note
Added on April 8, 2013 Last Updated on January 12, 2015 Author![]() blueAngelAbbyPhilippinesAboutI am a student,who really want to write and read,aside from that I am an anime addict also more..Writing