![]() Christmas 1947A Story by Angela Posey Arnold![]() It really is more fun to give. It was true in 1947 and it is true in 2008.![]() Once Upon A Christmas By Angela Posey-Arnold “What are you getting for Christmas this year, Jimmy? I think I’m getting a record player. I picked one out at Elmore’s.” Bonnie said to her friend and classmate at lunch. Jimmy swallowed the last bite of apple, “A record player? That will be neat. I’m hoping to get the .22 Winchester I asked for. I need it for hunting. I think I will get it”. “I can’t wait for the class Christmas party tomorrow. The best thing is being out of Haleyville Junior High School for the Christmas Holidays. Mother made some cookies for our eighth grade party. Oh, by the way, we want you to go with us to town this afternoon. And stay with us for the Tree Decorating Downtown tonight. Can you go if my Mom picks you up?” Jimmy asked. “Sure, I’ll go. I know my parents will let me. I have some packages to wrap but it can wait. What time is she coming to get me?” Bonnie asked. “About 3:30. She wants us to go shopping for something with her. Then we’ll go help decorate the tree and wait for the lights to be turned on. I always love that part.” Jimmy laughed. “I’ll be ready at three o’clock”. Bonnie said hurrying back to class chattering with the other girls. Jimmy’s Mother, Mrs. Godsey, watched the children in her first grade class walking home. As she tidied her small cold classrom the thought of the children haunted her. “If they get a coat for Christmas it will be a miracle, I know they won’t have toys like the other children.Just look at them. Poor farmer’s children with tattered clothes. The harvest was poor because of the drought. They will be going home to empty cupboards and no Christmas presents. I heard Jimmy say he wanted a rifle but I can’t do it. I cannot buy that rifle knowing these children will have nothing, by no fault of their own.It is just the circumstances of being the sons and daughters of farmer in this small rural community.I am thankful for this old school, there is no way they would get an education without it here so close.” She thought as she closed the classroom door for the last time in 1947. “Lord, please help them.” She heard loud and clear the still small voice. “You help them. You have the money and it would be a good lesson for Jimmy and Bonnie.” “Oh Lord, forgive me. I should have thought of it. I will, I just have to figure out a way to do it without them knowing. Farmers are very particular about not taking charity and making it on their own. I do not want them to know I did it. I’ll think of something. Help me Lord, Your Will be done.” “Jimmy, are you in your room? Get your coat it is going to be a cold night for decorating the tree downtown. And Jimmy, wear your old shoes.” Mrs. Godsey called to Jimmy. “My old shoes? Why Momma? I don’t want to wear my old shoes. Everyone will be in town. You want me to look like a tramp? I don’t know why you bought these new shoes if you won’t let me wear them.” Jimmy complained. “Just do it, son. And call Bonnie and make sure she is not wearing dress up clothes. Tell her to wear her dungarees.” “Okay. I don’t get it. But, okay. Bonnie will think I have lost my marbles but okay. Mothers!” Jimmy picked up the telephone to call Bonnie. He had to wait while Mrs. Hyatt and Mrs. Murphy complained about their bunions for five long minutes on the party line. “Could yall talk about this later? It is 3:00, the Christmas Tree Decorating starts at 5:30 and I need to call Bonnie Self.” “Talk to you later, Myrtle. Soak your feet in Epsom salt” Mrs. Hyatt said as she finally hung up the phone so Jimmy could make the call. He told Bonnie what his Mother said and she agreed to wear her old pants and shoes. “I don’t understand your Mother sometimes, Jimmy” Bonnie giggled. “Me either, but let’s just do it. Maybe she is going to take us to the movie later. See you in a few minutes. Bye.” Bonnie was ready and waiting when the Godsey’s drove up to get her. She ran to the car. It had started to snow and with every flake the excitement of the season increased. Downtown Haleyville was all a buzz with late shoppers. The stores were decorated with nativity scenes and carols played from the stores. “Okay, children. We are going to go to Elmore’s and Haye’s Hardware. Here is some money. Jimmy you pick out three toys for boys. Bonnie you pick out three things you think a girl would like. I have some shopping to do. Charge it at Haye’s and I will meet you at the Drug Store for hot chocolate at 5:00. We will have just enough time for a sandwich and some hot chocolate before they light the tree.” “Mother, who are we buying these for?” Jimmy asked. “Some kids in my class. Now hurry along.” “This is so much fun. I love buying gifts. I found some very pretty things for girls. What did you find, Jimmy? Bonnie said as she carefully removed the gifts from the bag to show Jimmy. “Wow, I got some good stuff. Trains, balls and even a toy tractor with moving parts. Whoever these kids are they are going to love this. Here comes Mother. Let’s order so we are not late.” Jimmy ordered sandwiches and hot chocolate and the three of them warmed by the wood stove in the Drug Store. The streets of town lined with people waiting for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting. The snow picked up pace enough to raise the spirits of hope so prevalent in the Christmas season. The Baptist Pastor stood and read the Christmas story from the book of Luke. “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:1-14 KJV) After a prayer of thanksgiving to God for sending Jesus, the Saviour of the world, the chubby mayor with pomp and circumstance that only a politician can muster, lit the tree. The lights, white, red, blue, green, shined so brightly and the Star on the top of the tree warmed the hearts of all. The lights were bright and so beautiful; Jimmy looked over and smiled at Bonnie. “Are you crying? What in the world are you crying about, girl? It is a happy occasion.” Jimmy said as he shook his head, whispering under his breath, ‘girls’!” “I am crying because I am happy.” Bonnie said wiping her tears and laughing. “That is so weird. Let’s go find Mother. I am freezing.” Jimmy said as he made his way through the crowd who had started singing, ‘Joy to The World’. Meeting back at the car the two kids carried the bags of toys. Mrs. Godsey opened the trunk. It was full of food and other items. “Okay kids we need to bag all this up into three different bags. Put a boy’s gift and a girl’s gift in each bag and we will fill the rest of the bag with fruit and food. Let’s get busy it is getting late.” The threesome filled each bag and got into the car. “Mother, can you explain this to us now?” We thought we were going to go to the movie. I don’t think we are going to the movie Bonnie.” Jimmy stated. “Kids, I want you to realize how blessed you are. You two along with most of your classmates have so much and some people do not. I am not sure you realize the children who will not get anything for Christmas this year. We are going to make sure that doesn’t happen. We are going to be Santa for them. But, you can’t tell anyone we did this. And we are going to have to be very sneaky about it.” “Oh this sounds like fun.” Bonnie said “It will be joy. I want you to see how giving really is more blessed than receiving. We are going to ride out to the Pebble community. Mr. Posey’s store is closed this time of the evening and the school is closed until after the New Year. It will be dark but our eyes will adjust. We will visit three different homes. These are the homes of some of my students. We can’t let them see us or hear us. I am going to drive the car to the end of the road and turn the lights off so they don’t see us. Then each of you will take a bag and very quietly sneak up to the porch and place it in front of the door. Then run! Run behind a tree or in a ditch and hide. I’ll be hiding too.” “Bonnie, this is gonna be neat. Ain’t it, Bonnie? Bonnie are you crying again? GIRLS! What are you crying about now?”Jimmy asked. “I just feel so sorry for them. I am so glad we are going to help them. I can’t help but cry. I just didn’t realize there were people right here at home that would not get anything for Christmas.” She replied through tears. “Bonnie, this is exactly why I wanted you to come along with us. We need your help. And you have such a tender heart I knew you would be the perfect one to help. Jimmy, stop teasing her. This will be a Christmas you will never forget because you gave. You will learn tonight why Jesus said, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’. Try not to cry for a while. You need to be watching where you are going. I can’t have you falling and getting hurt.” Mrs. Godsey hugged Bonnie and they gathered the bags. Jimmy shook his head, “Girls! I feel good about giving too, but I aint gonna cry about it.” “Oh hush, Jimmy. Let’s get going.” Bonnie skipped off in front of him. Mrs. Godsey followed along behind the pair of twelve year olds. They walked softly toward the first house. There were no lights on outside and all was dark except one lantern burning in the window. The snow had stopped. Silver gray smoke flowed from the chimney and hovered among the trees like a canopy. A huge Oak tree stood strong and tall in the front yard. “Okay Bonnie, here’s the plan. Sneak to the porch, put the bag down and high tail it back to this tree. They won’t see us behind it. Go” Jimmy ran and Bonnie followed. In a flash the two had placed the bags on the porch and ran back behind the Oak. Dogs began to bark, chickens scattered and the lantern began to move. The door opened and a young man in overalls stooped down to inspect the bags closer. From their vantage point behind the Oak tree they could see a small Christmas tree in the light of the fireplace. The man smiled, looked back over his shoulder and said, “Kids, Honey, come here. Looks like Santa has been here.” Two children ran out on the porch in their pajamas and their mother came from the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. “What in the world? What is it Jeremiah?” The mother could be heard over the giggling of the children and the hearty laughter of the man. “It is Christmas. It sure is Christmas.” He looked around the yard and then looked up and smiled. He picked up the two bags and went back into the house with the children jumping and giggling behind him. The door closed but Bonnie and Jimmy could still hear the joy filled laughter coming from the house as the family discovered the food and toys. “Come on Bonnie. We need to make a run for it before they come out to see who left it.” Bonnie come.. Bonnie.. Are you crying again? Oh good heavens. Come on….. Come on.” Jimmy took her by the arm and ran back to his Mother. Breathless they reached the car at the same time. Jumping in, getting a breath and talking at the same time they told Mrs. Godsey every detail of the mission. “And I looked over and Bonnie was crying, again!” Jimmy explained. “I was not, be quiet. Where are we going next Mrs. Godsey?” “Just two more houses much like this one. We will do the same thing.”She cranked the car and proceeded down the dirt road. The next house had more lights on inside so the two elves were more careful in their approach. This time the only place to hide being a ditch. Again they watched as the family realized someone cared. With priceless looks on their faces they knew God had heard and answered their prayers. The last house was at the end of a long dark dirt road. Mrs. Godsey said, “We are going to leave four bags here. They need food. Jimmy I have two of your old coats in the trunk and two old pair of your shoes. We are going to leave those too. Each of you will have to carry two bags. I can help if you think it will be too much. The Harrington family lives here. Mr. Harrington was killed in the war. Since then Mrs. Harrington has tried to keep the farm going but they won’t be here next year. They are moving out to Texas to live with her family there. She just cannot work the farm and raise two children alone. They have nothing. Their clothes are ragged and worn. At least this will help them until they get with their family.” She leaned against the car and took Jimmy by the shoulders. Facing him she said. “Jimmy I need to talk to you son. I have put $22.95 in the bottom of one bag. It is what I had planned to spend on your rifle. I can take it out and buy you the rifle or I can leave it in there. It is up to you.” “Give us each two bags Mother. We can carry them. Come on Bonnie. Let’s be really quiet this time. Bonnie, don’t tell me. You are crying.” Jimmy said as Bonnie hugged him. “That is so sweet Jimmy. You are going to give up your Christmas present to…..” Before she could finish Jimmy shoved two bags in her arms and said, “Come on, and stop crying. Girls! I don’t know if it is all girls or just you Bonnie.” They looked at Mrs. Godsey and she had tears flowing too. “Oh! Come on. You too Mother?” The two began walking toward the house. Jimmy had to stop and blow his nose. “Catching cold?” Bonnie laughed. They placed the bags unnoticed and quickly slipped away. The eight mile drive back home was quiet for a while. Then Mrs. Godsey began to sing, “Silent Night Holy Night” …. The kids joined in joyously aware they just grew up by a leap. “Look, it is snowing again. I think Jesus is smiling.” Mrs. Godsey exclaimed. “I do too Mrs. Godsey, I do too.” Bonnie said softly, her heart full of love, thankful for the blessing. Jimmy looked out the back car window gazing at the snow, he grinned and thought to himself, ‘I really am not going to miss getting the rifle this year.’ He turned around and said, “This is the best Christmas. It truly is better to give. Bonnie, stop crying, pleaseeeeeee.” I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.(Acts 20:35 KJV) ©2008 Angela Posey-Arnold
© 2008 Angela Posey ArnoldAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 20, 2008 Author![]() Angela Posey ArnoldHillsboro, ALAboutAuthors Short Bio My name is Angela Posey-Arnold I am a 48 year old published Christian Author and retired RN. (prematurely--long story) In addition to an array of writing projects I.. more..Writing