![]() The NeversA Poem by AJ DouglasThe Nevers pile up like yellowed newspapers in a hoarder’s home threatening to topple over with the slightest vibration of my footsteps across the floor and bury me to desiccate like a mummy under the desert sand as with bated breath I weave my way around them carefully as if attempting to avoid waking a baby I never asked much from life as it became clear rather early in my journey there was no chance I would ever be happy unless I kept my expectations curtailed my desires seemingly simple yet even they have proven impossible to realize forced to settle for less and less until I cracked like the foundation of an old abandoned farmhouse, its plaster walls crumbling to dust, the protective paint flaked away, the wooden siding exposed to the elements now warped and rotting no one able to recall who once lived there long ago kept warm within as it snowed in the winter and dry when outside rain poured during spring’s storms just as I’ve given so much of myself to others over the years only to be left bereft More succinct than Poe’s Raven the wind whispers “never” through the windows So many places I will never go, so much of this world I will never see Never will I know what it is for a man I love to be madly in love with me to hear him say so as the sincerity of his feelings overcome his fears to be made love to with alacrity as if he wishes to possess every part of me melding as a single soul for that fleeting but unforgettable moment of ecstasy Never will I know the sense of safety of sharing a bed at the end of each day Until I draw my last breath I will sleep alone due to my own faulty physiology Knowledge I have long been denied I once sought someone to teach me only to learn such salacious secrets were never meant to be known by one such as me At my end it will not be demons or ghosts waiting impatiently to cut the silver cord and claim my desolate spirit as it leaves my spent and broken body but the Nevers in my last hours which will gather together to taunt and haunt me © 2023 AJ Douglas |
Added on September 19, 2023 Last Updated on September 19, 2023 Tags: loneliness, never, depression, life, death, regret, poverty, love, sex Author