The Good Enough Girl

The Good Enough Girl

A Poem by AJ Douglas

The good enough for now girl
the kind men merely settle for
arousing in him no ardor or passion
but who has proven herself loyal
and useful over the years
the safe bet
posing little risk of heartbreak
far from beautiful unlike the woman 
he'd been betrayed by in the past
blind to the fact he let her win
by allowing her to take from him
the most meaningful gift he could give
what the good enough girl 
has looked for all her life
the one thing she ever wanted 

© 2023 AJ Douglas

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The poem revolves around the idea of settling for someone considered "good enough for now." It presents the perspective of a woman who is dependable, loyal, and useful to a man but lacks the passion he had for a previous woman. The poem explores the contrasts between beauty and heartbreak, delving into the complexities of relationships.

The woman described as the "good enough for now girl" is the type that men settle for, not necessarily their first choice, but a safe and stable option. Although she may not arouse strong emotions in the man, she has proven herself loyal and reliable, resulting in a lasting relationship.

The man likely chooses her as a "safe bet" to avoid the heartbreak experienced in a past relationship with a beautiful but betraying woman. By settling for the current woman, he may protect himself from similar pain.

The poem also touches on the man's unawareness of how he may have compromised his true emotions or love by choosing the "good enough" woman instead of pursuing a deeper connection.

On the other hand, the woman longs for a meaningful connection throughout her life, seeking genuine love and affection, which she feels she has not yet found.

Overall, the poem delves into themes of compromise, the distinction between surface-level attraction and deeper emotional bonds, and the desire for love and significance in relationships. It showcases the intricacies of human emotions and relationships, shedding light on the dynamic between settling for someone "good enough for now" and yearning for a more profound connection.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

This comment revolves around an analytical robot that lacks feeling and emotion.


The poem revolves around the idea of settling for someone considered "good enough for now." It presents the perspective of a woman who is dependable, loyal, and useful to a man but lacks the passion he had for a previous woman. The poem explores the contrasts between beauty and heartbreak, delving into the complexities of relationships.

The woman described as the "good enough for now girl" is the type that men settle for, not necessarily their first choice, but a safe and stable option. Although she may not arouse strong emotions in the man, she has proven herself loyal and reliable, resulting in a lasting relationship.

The man likely chooses her as a "safe bet" to avoid the heartbreak experienced in a past relationship with a beautiful but betraying woman. By settling for the current woman, he may protect himself from similar pain.

The poem also touches on the man's unawareness of how he may have compromised his true emotions or love by choosing the "good enough" woman instead of pursuing a deeper connection.

On the other hand, the woman longs for a meaningful connection throughout her life, seeking genuine love and affection, which she feels she has not yet found.

Overall, the poem delves into themes of compromise, the distinction between surface-level attraction and deeper emotional bonds, and the desire for love and significance in relationships. It showcases the intricacies of human emotions and relationships, shedding light on the dynamic between settling for someone "good enough for now" and yearning for a more profound connection.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

This comment revolves around an analytical robot that lacks feeling and emotion.
Interesting concept of this Good Enough Girl
Sad but salient points. I think a lot of people can relate to this. Despite the slight degradation, there is a true righteous pride to it. Done well....

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 20, 2023
Last Updated on July 20, 2023
Tags: love, relationships, heartbreak