Lost Soul

Lost Soul

A Poem by AJ Douglas

She sits impassively on the second hand sofa
the tags of her clothing size 0/2
in her postage stamp size apartment
sewage backing up in the shower
that she pays for working two part time
dead end jobs for minimum wage
doping herself up to deal with non-existent dangers
imaginary injuries
boogeymen she's birthed herself
Not once as a child was she sent to bed without dinner
or told she was ugly, stupid, or unwanted
denied a doctor when she was injured or ill
by her mother who was supposed to love her
as I endured for eighteen long years
all the things I promised her when she first
was placed in my arms she would never know
She looks like Margot Robbie or Marilyn Monroe
Everyone tells her so
She could be everything I wanted to be
do all the things I ever dreamed to do
if she wanted to

© 2023 AJ Douglas

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I am confused by this write. Why would anyone live like this unless they had to? Maybe out of stubborn pride or a deep desire for independence?

I wonder if this is similar to what my "mother" thinks of me, even though, it isn't really that true..
I've done better than she has done in her whole life in two or three years, and I will continue to do better.

Posted 1 Year Ago

AJ Douglas

1 Year Ago

This was inspired by my daughter who is 23. I've asked myself the same question over and over...why .. read more
light and ashes

1 Year Ago

I'm really sorry to hear that, and I can't imagine what you are going through. Maybe the only thing .. read more
WOW this is a very powerful piece of poetry. It exudes an honesty that only liberated writers are compelled to reveal. Because in the end what defines our art is the truth we put into it. Excellent work. Thank you for sharing your poem with us.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 15, 2023
Last Updated on July 15, 2023
Tags: parenthood, child, drugs, potential, loss