

A Poem by AJ Douglas

This poem is based on a murder that took place only a few houses up the street from where I lived when I was a child.

Word of the murder moved swiftly up and down my small town street in the humid heat of that July morning before the news crews with their cameras descended like gnats on the neighborhood to capture what they could of the carnage a bloody palm print inside the back door the sheet bearing scarlet stains in which she had wrapped his body after stabbing him thirty two times in his sleep before concealing his corpse in the bedroom closet spread out on the grass as flies gathered like the crowd behind the police tape seduced by the scent of death

© 2023 AJ Douglas

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Kind of creepy, especially being that close, but very cool in how you have presented it. Nicely done.

Posted 1 Year Ago

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AJ Douglas

1 Year Ago

This really happened n the small town in Iowa where I grew up. Of course it being a small town in th.. read more

1 Year Ago

Wow, the story of the book is something else entirely. Now that is really creepy. What were the chan.. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 21, 2023
Last Updated on June 21, 2023
Tags: murder, death, blood, flies, reality