Where the f**k am i?
A Chapter by angel of death
I was walking with my boy to the mall and thinking about what my mom had said to me the week before and was actually starting to look around everytime i saw something suspicious and it creeped the f**k out of me but it was like deja vu like this s**t had happened before,that it had actually happened in a different life,could that be true?could this have happened before?or was i just going crazy thinking about this so much?I came to my senses and i realized my friend was asking for a light for his ciggerate,as i handed him my matches i suddenly got really dizzy,when i came to i was lying in a clearing that looked like hell there was s**t everywhere,all torn up and s**t.I looked around alot closer there was more s**t around me but i couldent see to my right at all my neck just would not turn to that way yet.i finally got a better look and i screamed there was two people next to me(dead)one with a hole in the back of his head and another one with a notebook in his lap and a pistol dangling from his hand i tried toi get up but it was hard as hell.All of a sudden i heard somone coming so i jumped in the bushes so who ever was coming would not see me.As the person came closer i almost fainted with fright,it was my mom but like twenty something years younger i jumped out to give my mom a hug,ask her what was wrong,and beg her to take me home.But when i came out she completly ignored me and ran right past me,i looked to where she was heading and took off past her to try and stop her but she went right into me and out my body,i was almost crying with fright.I was dead or having a vision and i did not like it one bit,it scared the hell out of me and now i wanted to go home and wake up and say it was just a bad dream when my mom came in my room.I heard her say something so i walked closer to hear her and when i got close enough i heard her say rest in peace Andrew,rest in peace Clyde.I was shocked,my uncles where dead right in front of me,the first time that i had ever seen them in the flesh and they where dead!All of a sudden i heard someone coming and tried to get a better look,i saw about thirty people walking down the dirt road coming closer to my mom and the surroundings.Lichelle Beaulieu turned around and grabbed the pistol that was hanging from my uncles hand and walked about thirty paces to where they where she just kept walking shooting all of them with awesome a*s aiming hitting most of them in the neck or the head.When she ran out of bullets she pulled the shotgun that was strapped to her back and just started bucking at them when they where all gone she stopped and fell to the ground,brought the pistol to her head and that was when i just took off after her grabbing the gun just in time,to her it must have looked like it slipped from her hand she got up and took off walking back down the road.I came to and glanced wildly to see where the f**k i was.My friend was shaking me,trying to get me awake i jumped up and took off right to my house when i came to the door i just bashed it open and my mom was like what the f**k Devin!Do you know how much that costed?I have to talk to you right away!Its really important! |
© 2008 angel of death
Added on August 26, 2008
angel of deathmesa, AZ
I am 15 yrs old dont give a f**k about life all i care about is my pen and paper i am leader of native gangsta disciples run two branches of the set and still feel like s**t i love to write poetry and.. more..