A Juror Summons Letter

A Juror Summons Letter

A Story by Andrew N. Farrens

The letter below explains it. Although this letter is was written with humor, since I belive not in what I wrote, it is a real letter to San Joaquin County Jury Room......

Superior Court-Stockton
Jury Assembly Room
222 E. Weber Avenue
Stockton, Ca  95202

June 3, 2013
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter to inform the Superior Court that the 'Jury Summons'  sent by your offices on 05/17/2013 inaccurate and invalid.  I reported, in person, to the Jury Assembly Room on October 10, 2012.  A few days after I received the summons, I placed a phone call to the Jury Assembly Room so that I could correct this obvious computer error.  I was told that the computer system had two different Juror Badge Numbers.  The Juror Badge number under which I reported is xxxxxxxxxx and the Juror Badge number that the new summons has is xxxxxxxxx.  I was also told over the phone that since I had reported in October 2012, I was eligible for Jury Duty until January 2014, which does upset me somewhat.  I have been fascinated with the Criminal Justice System my entire life so I have always wanted to serve on a jury.  I read a lot of John Grisham.  I hope that one day I can serve on a jury and convict these scofflaw Jerk Chicken criminals that run rampant through-out Stockton and San Joaquin county.  I firmly feel that if a Policeman arrests you, then you must be guilty without a doubt.  I would actually like to see public executions in front of the Courthouse regularly and also have these nasty, insidious petty criminals whipped with the bastinado, also in public.  It is high time that we stop coddling these weak spirited fools and put the Almighty fear of God into, hallowed be his name.  There is no excuse for weakness.  I hope that this letter clears up the issue and I honestly wait with excitement for my next Jury Summons, so that I can do my part for Democracy and help clean up this crime-ridden city.....
Your Obedient Servant,
Andrew N. Farrens
2544 Michaelangelo Dr.
Stockton, Ca  95207
June 03, 2013

© 2013 Andrew N. Farrens

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ROFL!!!!! I am still laughing. Spent a few days there in Superior court Stockton CA. Actually was on a jury for a charge of concealed weapon. Was short and sweet, but still interesting. The cop who testified looked like he walked out of The Terminator. At one point he was handed a letter, he pulled a large folding knife from somewhere near his collar to open it. The ladies on the jury were very impressed with him. LOL

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Andrew N. Farrens

11 Years Ago

sorry for grammatical and spelling errors was but I was teaching Go-Ju Karate this afternoon and the.. read more

11 Years Ago

ouch... I've jammed a finger or thumb playing basketball before. They have a way of constantly remin.. read more
Andrew N. Farrens

11 Years Ago

Thanks, Mark.....


one Republic ! rock n roll

Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh my! I can sense the irritation even if it was written with humorous intent.

Posted 11 Years Ago


Posted 11 Years Ago

Man you shoulda done what I did. There was lotsa people all standing around and junk and SHE said if ANYONE thinks they don't need to be here step forward. Some people did. I was last. I went up to see the judge ma'am and she said to me and says WHY do you think you shouldn't be here today ?

I told her flat out honest, your honor ma'am I just got out of the mental ward, All Saints Medical, and I want you to know I'm gonna do the best job I can of saying the dude is innocent and stuff, make your work easier.

DISMISSED ! She yelled at me - and I went home, later my doctor told me that I don't ever need to go for jury duty again and had some papers drawn up to that effect.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I have been on Jury duty twice. Both nasty cases. It is interesting the process and how the serious cases are handled. I like the desire and hope to fix the crime-ridden city. Thank you for the very good letter.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Yes indeed cleaning up other peoples filthy mess is a very lucrative business since there will always be a new generation spreading their filthy s**t in the face of the compliant civilized society; who musn't be offended, insulted misled or misguided. Yes we can FIX society cant we? surely!

Posted 11 Years Ago

ive missed jury duty before, not the worst of things i've done, while i don't agree that people are found guilty for being arrested, i sense the satirical in this. "public executions" lol, I will take some points from this email next time to get out of jury duty :p

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

this was terrific, and i agree with the harshness you spoke of for punishing those idiots.....even though i get the sense you were having some fun there. i was juror #9 on a murder trial years ago....we found him guilty.

Posted 11 Years Ago

That's what called a belief in law and order. But these days sonny you can't have public executions and whipping in public. You'll have to go all the way to Riyadh for that.

Posted 11 Years Ago

You didn't...did you??? Priceless!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Added on June 4, 2013
Last Updated on June 4, 2013
Tags: Drew, Farrens, Andrew, Stockton, Kazinsky, summons, juror, jury, California


Andrew N. Farrens
Andrew N. Farrens

West Stockton, CA

Andrew Nicolas Farrens A/N/F Drew Kazinsky westies 209 Andrew N. Farrens a.k.a Drew Kazinsky is an awful, often Confused Poet/Writer/Musician/Word-Bully/Word-Slinger and many .. more..


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