Why I Do Not Celebrate 4:20 Anymore.....

Why I Do Not Celebrate 4:20 Anymore.....

A Story by Andrew N. Farrens

This was a question I began to ask myself in recent years......


I just can't feel right about celebrating 4:20 anymore…….


            For those of you not in the know, April 20th is the universal day of the year when all the World's adherents to The Goddess of Marijuana light up in celebration of what they inherently consider THEIR national holiday.   In locations like Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, crowds of various ages all gather to listen to music, enjoy the outdoors of a beautiful (most usually) Spring day that promises, more so than New Year’s, that a brand-new year of fresh chance has finally arrived, and also to partake in the mostly community peace-pipes stuffed full with good marijuana.  The day is filled with joy and love, almost always peaceful since the average user under the influence of marijuana does not become violent.  It is like this in many spots around the U.S., and around the world, since 4:20 has gone global.


            In The Bay Area of California, many police officers ignore the clouds of smoke that lazily waft through the air filled with music and singing, making the occasional arrest when they spot some-one selling large amounts of marijuana or some other despicable ‘hard’ drug.  Most Police Department of enlightened communities, like the rational and responsible American Citizens who just happen to smoke ‘weed’, want to separate the serious narcotics from the marijuana for the simple reason that the current Federal Laws regarding marijuana are tyrannical and unfair in their very essence.  I do not want to go into the reasons Federal Cannabis Laws are malicious and utterly stupid, the results of men Harry Anslinger.


            According to certain legends, the roots of 4:20 go back to a group of students who used to meet in the Point Reyes area (The North Bay), located on the Central Coast of California. These otherwise studious (allegedly) students would smoke out at 4:20 every day after school, which was in between the time when they finished extracurricular activities at school and before they "hit the books" at night.  I love the story because they were responsible, intelligent stoners but frankly, I suspect it was very likely a replica of a scene from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", when all the damned slackers stumble out a sixties era Volkswagen Bus that was choked with marijuana smoke, saturating every occupant with that unique, acrid stank.  


            This and several other theories have put forth about the origins of 4:20 but regardless of who began the tradition, it was quickly adopted by the counter-culture. For years April 20th, despite it also being Hitler's birthday and the anniversary of the Columbine Massacre --along with many other unfortunate events throughout History--, was an almost Underground phenomenon and I was a proud supporter of it ever since my ninth grade year, when I was told about it by a long ago forgotten classmate.


                        I am not a supporter of 4:20 anymore........


             It has become too commercial and after the political debacle in California when the legalization of marijuana legal was voted down, I lost hope. That particular Proposition was not lost because the “square bears” voted against it but by the greedy dealers, and especially the avaricious “commercial” growers through-out California (mainly in Humboldt and Mendocino counties), who saw their profits floating out the window with the advent of legalization.


                        Who really benefits from 4-20??


            The marijuana dealers, Medicinal Marijuana Clubs (though people NEED their medicine.) and ultimately, the producers of marijuana (along with certain Government alphabet organizations in ways of budgetary concerns). I have nothing against growers personally; some of the greatest people I know, folks I consider family, are producers and dealers. As a matter of fact, some of these people  I know voted FOR legalization so I should not be so quick to brand the entire group. However, the majority of marijuana agriculturists and dealers are TRAITORS to the Movement and although I do not smoke much anymore, if I do put a little tree in the air, I only spend my money with certain people.


                        I am loyal that way.......


            So while y'all are burning (or vaporizing) the most beneficial plant that The Gods ever bestowed upon Humanity today --and I truly believe we do NOT deserve such a wonderful and merciful gift due to our inherent wickedness as humans--, please remember those unfortunate people who have suffered or are still suffering in the War Against Marijuana (basically I mean “The War on Drugs, which is the longest war America has ever fought) and realize that we all could be toking RIGHT NOW --at least in California-- without fear of reprisal from the Gestapo Police State in which we all now live, if not only for the greed of the materialistic growers and dealers......





Res Ipsa Loquitur


Andrew NFarrens 

April 20, 2012

West Stockton, California

© 2012 Andrew N. Farrens

Author's Note

Andrew N. Farrens
This is another gripe about Mainstream Mass Commercialism but regardless of how you feel about recreational use of marijuana, it has been proven scientifically, at least for some, that it also has wonderful medicinal applications, too. I will be the first to admit that many abuse the "medical marijuana" system but this essay is more about capturing the special holiday-like atmosphere 4:20 once had for me and other friends, before the commercialism..........Thank-you. As to whether or not you should smoke marijuana, I leave you with a Hunter S. Thompson quote to consider:
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
Hunter S. Thompson


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interesting write...fact is, maryjane (hemp) became illegal when the lobbyists and supporters of artificial rope makers decided to eliminate the competition for their product by passing laws to make hemp illegal, thereby making the manufacture of hemp products a felony. it's no better or different than outsourcing or hostile corporate takeovers except that they went the distance and had the substance banned for both commercial and private use. now we live in a country which has been absorbed by this cut out the opposition policy. welcome to the "free" world, where, as long as you have the money yoou can do whatever you desire...even break the law. America...gotta love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


It's a medicine people abuse like any other drug used to escape reality. Once used by medicine men and women. Excellent read and write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

wait i meant this years 420 was fun and decriminalization of marijuana is quite close its just a matter of time

Posted 11 Years Ago

if you drive a little south, you will see a tour of a house to a man who waged a war against maryjane, cause it might have challenged his news paper empire, and the logging companies he owned. His old man was named George and had an eye for gold, the man himself, William R. Hearst.

Posted 11 Years Ago

You seriously think marijuana should be given away? Should alcohol be given away? Should food be given away? (oh wait; it is) Why shouldn't marijuana be paid for--it's just another commodity..

Posted 12 Years Ago

Excellent write, sir. There are so many reasons marijuana should be legal...and so many reasons it isn't. Its legalization would not only be the boost to the economy this country needs, it would take a huge bite out of the illegal drug trade here and be devastating to the cartels that import so much of it to the U.S. We are still in bondage of all the false anti-marijuana propaganda that has been a plague from the '30's to today. Possibly, when the baby boomers pass us the political torch, we can do something about the ignorance and greed...

Posted 12 Years Ago

quite informative, i wonder the outcome had hitler smoked weed instead of methamphetamine maybe he would have made it into art school.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Interesting write , did not know Americans had a day for marijuana , Marley would approve.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I have always found 4/20 to be one of the most ridiculous "holidays". Sure I like some marijuana from time to time, but the celebration of it is absurd, can you imagine people celebrating alcohol on a certain day of the year in such a way? Or celebrating any way that they may choose to recreate. Let's have a "pills day". I have personally always been annoyed with the way that certain people carry on about their smoking. Geeze, just smoke the thing, enjoy it, move on, don't talk about it.
It seemed so silly this year when in the south wedge of rochester new york, sitting on my front porch, all of the people walking around and stopping by saying "happy 420" as if it was goddamn christmas! Yes it was non violent. The cops seemed to look the other way, people were having fun... but it felt so cheesy.

around here bars and venues have 420 shows, the one at my bar is sponsored by a local smoke shop or head shop or whatever you want to call it. We always make money off of that show, both in tips and on the door, everybody has to find a way to make their money. We don't make money everyday, but we have those certain days every year that we can count on and that is usually a needed one for me as ski season is over by that point, so I am broke.

things cost money. It costs money to grow and transport that weed, therefore it must cost money. Who has the money to hand that stuff out for free?

sorry, had to rant on a bit because you sparked me, prompted me with your writing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

While I agree that the marijuana laws are stupid (they are there because thats where the money is for BioTech companies), I have to disagree about giving it away. Someone has to take the time to cultivate or at the very least, pick the weeds and process.. that's worth something.

Other than that, another great write my friend! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I smoked marijuana in college but stopped when I started work. These days I do a little echinacae. Its a herb prepation you'll find in pharmacies .... creates a bit of relaxation and takes the edge off.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 10, 2012
Last Updated on October 10, 2012
Tags: Andrew, Farrens, Stockton, California, marijuana, weed, bud, 420, four, twenty


Andrew N. Farrens
Andrew N. Farrens

West Stockton, CA

Andrew Nicolas Farrens A/N/F Drew Kazinsky westies 209 Andrew N. Farrens a.k.a Drew Kazinsky is an awful, often Confused Poet/Writer/Musician/Word-Bully/Word-Slinger and many .. more..


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