Why is Stockton, Ca Bankrupt? -Utter Corruption--A Story by Andrew N. FarrensBlatant corruption and it makes me sick to my stomach. This is the first I have written about Stockton's bankruptcy but I promise it will not be the last.......Indeed. Res Ipsa Loquitur. .A.N.F.This is why it is moronically absurd that my home-town, The
City of Stockton, is now declared bankrupt. We have the best deep-water
channel/port on the West Coast and quite possibly in the entire whole of The
United States of America. As you can see from the photo below, which I took
right before sunset today, there is a huge ship docked in front of the port and
even bigger, ocean going vessels can travel here to load and unload precious
economic cargo. The Central Valley of California is one of biggest growers of
produce and we have this wonderful deep-water port to ship it out of. Goods of
all sorts can make their way inland so that it is easier to truck items up and
down the West Coast, along with easy routes to the Mid-West. Stockton
geographically sits not only on the Delta but also lies in between Interstate 5
and Hi-way 99. Both are major freeways that connect drivers to everywhere. Why are we not taking advantage of our natural resources? Is
there not any work being done at the port? Well, I'm sure business is being handled as per usual, with
the same kickbacks to city officials who grow rich from the blatant corruption.
That is also part of Stockton’s history; we are historically corrupt. The rich
get richer while the poor go with-out help. Soon the so-called Middle Class
will starve. If responsible, moral business people --or at least not as greedy
as the current a******s-- took back control of Stockton's economy, using the
port and other natural resources that are at their disposal, which are actually
quite plentiful if one looks carefully, then Stockton would not suffer the
indignant embarrassment native Stocktonians feel whenever we see our city
portrayed on the Mainstream Mass Media. I detest my city, not because of the way it looks or the
horrid weather we have in the summer, but mostly because the City Government is
utterly corrupt and it sincerely disgusts me. I have seen it firsthand. I have
watched a Deputy District Attorney -who shall remain nameless-- amuse himself
by tormenting folks he considered "bad people", along with his
private investigator friend, who used to be a deputy sheriff. They'd plot
against "enemies", using whatever power they had acquired politically
to ruin lives or at the very least disrupt them entirely. This was during the
reign of Baxter Dunn and Monte McFall, both of whom were indicted and I believe
convicted of what basically amounted to utter corruption. Baxter Dunn was once
the Sheriff of San Joaquin County and the Deputy D.A. and his a*****e buddy
private investigator friend were in tight with the Dunn administration. How do I know all of this? Well, my deceased father was great
friends with this Deputy District Attorney, who suffered from anti-social
problems such as child-porn addiction and Nyquil dependency and as a result did
not have many friends. Allegedly, he was such a good friend of my dad’s; he
risked disbarment when he associated with my fugitive father in 2007. This was
shortly before my father died of a prescription narcotic over-dose, when he was
living in Reno, Nevada. The D.A. bought my father a television and some other
things when what he should have done is put him in rehab. He was too afraid of
my father to do so but he could have really helped my family by getting my
father into rehab, which was almost impossible for my mother and me to do.
Unfortunately, the D.A. did not really help my father and thus is somewhat
responsible for the death of my father, as all who were involved in my dad’s
life are guilty. We simply did not do enough…… Please do not tell me that Stockton is bankrupt for any of the
reasons stated by the City Council. It is all happening because somebody got
too greedy. The simple but sad truth is that Stocktonians are to blame because
we elected these jerk chicken a******s or we allowed them to be hired. Simply
put, we did not pay enough attention to our City Government. It is a wise
practice to never trust a politician but alas, we were lured to sleep by the
sound of gun-fire as the violence rages on in the streets of Stockton........
Res Ipsa
N. Farrens Drew
Kazinsky June
27, 2012 http://www.writerscafe.org/uploads/rte/39e73464b5106c5bfdfacee873b93a6d.jpg © 2012 Andrew N. FarrensFeatured Review
1 Review Added on August 30, 2012 Last Updated on August 30, 2012 Tags: Andrew, Farrens, Drew, Kazinsky, Stockton, California, Bankruptcy, crime, economics, Corruption AuthorAndrew N. FarrensWest Stockton, CAAboutAndrew Nicolas Farrens A/N/F Drew Kazinsky westies 209 Andrew N. Farrens a.k.a Drew Kazinsky is an awful, often Confused Poet/Writer/Musician/Word-Bully/Word-Slinger and many .. more..Writing