Liberta' (Freedom)A Poem by andreii93This is a poem I wrote after having passed my last school exams. The title says it all.
Avevo corde che mi legavano,
radici infossate nel più' impervio dei terreni. Prigioniero di una ragnatela di ghiaccio io ero. E non sembrava esserci via di fuga alcuna, mi trovavo in un tunnel oscuro e nero dal propagarsi inusuale. Ma poi vi fu un lampo di luce ed io assoporai la liberta', incerta. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: [I got ropes that bound me, roots sunk in the most inaccessible of the lands. I was a prisoner of an icy cobweb. And it seemed like there was no way of escape at all, I found myself in a dark and black tunnel, that propagated itself in an unusual way. But then there was a flash of lightning and I tasted freedom, uncertain freedom.]
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StatsAuthorandreii93Milan, ItalyAboutAndrea, 18 yrs old. I'm a fairly laid-back Italian guy who dreams of a better world. I don't claim myself to be a poet, nor I want to be considered a writer. I'm just a guy who enjoys writing. more..Writing