Iubirea care a fost (The love there was)A Poem by andreii93I wrote this poem in the beautiful Romanian language. It's about a boy who recently broke up with his girlfriend and now he can't get over it.
Mi-aduc aminte de tine,
de când ziceai ca totul ar fi fost bine. Iubirea mea, tu ai fost fericirea pentru care atât de mult am luptat. Dar, acum, eu singur mă duc în pat. Credincioasă, amabilă: sunt expresiile cu care am putut să te descriu. În cer luna străluceşte şi culoarea ochilor tăi frumosi îmi aminteşte. Nu vreau sa plâng, nu ar avea rost. A terminat atât de curând, nu mai am cuvinte. Şi mă doare. Dorul meu e tare. Numai Dumnezeu ştie oare cât de mult te-am iubit, în inima mea până la sfârşit. Acum doar o întrebare: ce ar trebui să fac? Nu ştiu, zic sincer, dar, suav, zboară o privighetoare în cer. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: [I remember you, when you did say that everything would have been fine.
My love, you’ve been the happiness for I had to fight so long. But, now, I
sleep alone in my bed. Loyal, lovely: these are the expressions which I used to
describe you with. The moon is shining in the sky, and it reminds me of the
color of your beautiful eyes. I don’t want to cry, it wouldn’t have sense. It
all ended up too early, I’m wordless. And it hurts me. My sorrow is great. Only
God knows how much did I love you, in my heart up to the end. Now, I only have
a question: what should I have done? I truly don’t know, but a nightingale flies
suavely in the sky.] © 2012 andreii93 |
Added on August 26, 2012 Last Updated on August 29, 2012 Tags: romanian, love, iubire, girl, boy, relationship, nightingale Authorandreii93Milan, ItalyAboutAndrea, 18 yrs old. I'm a fairly laid-back Italian guy who dreams of a better world. I don't claim myself to be a poet, nor I want to be considered a writer. I'm just a guy who enjoys writing. more..Writing