Narcissus.A Poem by AuroraHe died of unsatisfied desire, his decaying body feeding the ground that gave life to his flower incarnate.All is fair in love, in war but not all circumstances. For my love is not of the norm: conventional romances. Unlike you, I can't confess my love to this said person. My reality is on a slant; obsess, and the condition worsens. But I can't help if all perfection lies solely in me. Can't you tell I am enthralled by what my eyes forever see? You don't understand that I am my own best friend. Someone who always will be by me till the end. Have you figured out just yet who said-mystery-lover could be? You ought to do a soul search, too; pay attention to what you see. I am in love with my own self, my definition of perfection. There'll always be me, myself, and I... For I am in love with my reflection. © 2009 AuroraAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 17, 2009 AuthorAuroraNJAboutHi! I was on hiatus but I am going to try and start writing again. Hopefully, I can get somewhere and/or find the time to do so. more..Writing