This night is caped in blackness intensively reflecting silence, glued to the sky, barely touching horizon. Lost clouds embrace each other like a scattered existence trying to find a clue.Thunder mislead by light finds it's way into my soul. It will be a short while before raindrops dance onto earth, shivering, waking her up, until I feel.. until I hear..
Rain's heart beats faster! my hair sticks to my face and my thoughts to my mind.I run to hide under an old oak tree that has been sleeping in my garden for a hundred years, but then comes the prince to kiss her leaves.. She trembles then leads the dance. My tears colored with rain paint joy on my face..
Time has passed with passion and too many new life experiences, but nothing lasts forever. clouds are not holding hands anymore killing rain drops. The night yawns then surrenders to dreams.
and I surrender to the smell of wet grass..