This is beautifully sad and so perfectly heartbreaking!
"I can still hear his words- spoken, unspoken
My brave promises to him-a few still unbroken"- These lines out stand for me, I loved them the most..
Also, then ending...ah! It's beautiful..
I loved this piece :)
"To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful."
Aww, I really liked the flow of this. It is really hard to pick up those pieces when they are scattered everywhere. The heart is the one things that is hard to heal, but with time, it will :)
Very well written!
So much sadness in this piece.
I loved the ending stanza, how we blame ourselves for love gone wrong.
Very honest and sincere your words are.
Very good write : )
Nothing can again break my heart
For I, have already torn it apart.
Love that stanza. I love it when people say that they are shattered by people again and again, when your heart can only be broken once really. Interesting thought, but pretty true. Makes sense, just as people say that they are "in love" whenever they are drawn to another person, so too whenever they get hurt by that person they are "heart broken." Only a chance for one in each case. Great job, really thought inspiring.
Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a piece of blank paper until your forehead bleeds - Douglas Adams.
I am a woman in my 20's.
I love writing...sometimes it doesn't.. more..