Slammin' you

Slammin' you

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

some errant thoughts


"I may not know how to slam poetry," she said,

"But I am pretty sure my poetry is slammin'",

Like the day or days he slammed the door,

And she didn't know it wasn't like the thousand times before,

A series of incidental incidents, not coincidence

Hours and days and years she left behind

More days than she can count

The ache inside her heart was the same texture as her puffy eyes --

The mirror from which she couldn't hide,

But now, the only scars are on the inside,

And every once in a while she can hear her scratching

At the walls of her mind,

The one she buried under his lies …




Mushy afterthoughts --


tasteless fruit

from a poisoned tree.

this is how much

you mean to me




Soul cleansing --


To say I need to purge you

makes you sound more

significant than you

actually are.

just a light dusting

is all that's needed

on any given day;

shake out the cobwebs

till you're all out of my way.

My bothersome crocodile


When the crocodile

lurking in my dna

whispers his lies

danger is imminent,

even though you're not here ...

I close my eyes

and shut one ear.

I listen to the birds

and wait till you



Nothing special


Inside your whispers it's so easy not to listen

I feel the me I knew begin to peel away -

layer by layer words like acid burn hotly under

embers not easily tamped by watery placations

still inside those whispers it's so easy to forget

You're nothing special

an empty vessel

wearing a man.

© 2019 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson

My Review

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This is very realistic to the way one's mind will visit a topic that you want to stop visiting, so then we gently nudge the thought into a different space. Anyone with such errant thoughts will know that fighting them makes them rear their ugly heads even worse. But I love your sardonic little nudges that show these errant thoughts are just like incidental farts that need to feel some fresh air from an open window/mind (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

A little less harsh than early on for sure, I've mostly exorcised those demons. Thanks for taking th.. read more
Wow you beat the heck out of that ghost... good riddance as my grandmother would say! A very interesting structure in this poem I like the different headings before the stanzas in define of your thought flows and some very nicely cutting lines throughout. I am lucky in this regard my neurological condition is one that eradicates long term memory so before to long a grace replaces the negative with a dull thud:)

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Hi. Thanks for reading. I have sort of picked up and honed this style here. I have always written po.. read more
Robert Trakofler

5 Years Ago

I like it:)
"tasteless fruit from a poisoned tree. this is how much you mean to me" such empowering lines! Even if he is "an empty vessel wearing a man", he is obviously not all that easy to forget. I hope writing this helped purge him from your heart. Well written. Lydi**

Posted 5 Years Ago

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Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Thank you, yes, some endings are hard to escape
This is epic and wonderful poetry.
"Soul cleansing --

To say I need to purge you
makes you sound more
significant than you
actually are.
just a light dusting
is all that's needed
on any given day;
shake out the cobwebs
till you're all out of my way."
The poem above. So good, my favorite. I did this often in my life. Thank you dear friend for sharing the outstanding poetry. Should be in a book.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Thank you so much. I know you get me
“Slammin’ poem Lyn! Great formatting- here and there on the page as thoughts, events, happen in real-time...painful verses, deftly and eloquently written with assurance and emotion, assonance, alliteration, rhyme and metaphor- forgive my run-on praise, please! The scenario of abuse resonates- you say crocodile, I say snakes- it’s so familiar- only we can shut it down. I feel these honest, poignant verses deeply in my core. You’ve overcome and it is such a triumph. Important write for all. Brava!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

What a great and thoughtful review, thank you
Annette Pisano-Higley

5 Years Ago

You are very welcome Lyn!
Knowing the story gives such meaning and vibrance to these pieces Lyn. As I read I recall the transition from then till now and am happilly envious!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Happily envious - I'll take it, thusly earned, I believe. Thank you
I think the speaker is the one slamming the door this time. Slamming the door on the past, painful memories and regrets. Abusive relationships don't have to be physically violent ones. Verbal abuse can leave its own special kind of inner wounds. I think the aftermath of such is what we're seeing here. ''an empty vessel/ wearing a man.'' She can dish it out as well as take it.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Thank you. Yes. Abuse can take many forms
It startles me how we fall in so easily. Even when we are strong and knowledgeable. There always seems to be that pinhole and they seep in toxic. We give in so fast...without a notice...without a resistance....thinking it's electric at first...and before we can step backward...we are trapped. Thank you for helping me purge some of those mind webs. They grow and you don't even realize they've settled in.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

People who love truly, deeply, without thought for deception do get caught, but it's not they who ar.. read more
you know Lyn, I love this poem of many thoughts.... and many needed 'cuts', as Ana has said.. I don't think many truly understand what harm can be done to someone in a supposed "love" relationship and how much damage to someone's heart and soul and also how sometimes it is so difficult to purge that damage and to live whole again..... I think Lyn, the way you write, how you write allow people to begin to get a sense of this....

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Thank you. The trauma is real and deep, but still, it can be overcome. :)

5 Years Ago

Indeed it can.... and I'm sure we both know people who have done so
I agree with my friend jacob "the empty vessel/ wearing a man"
love that line too

these are all so damn good, there aint nothing between them except perfect space.... Neville

Posted 5 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

5 Years Ago

Thank you, and glad you stopped in

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 7, 2019
Last Updated on May 7, 2019
Tags: slam, done, hate, anger


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..


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