My gawd! I'm a thot! I never knew about that word. I just wrote & posted a story to reveal the extent of my thot-full youth! *wink! wink!* I love the first part of this with alliteration overload, which serves your sarcastic purpose beautifully. I've been gone a while becuz winter was tough for me. Good to be back reading you again! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
You. My dear, are far from a thot, but always, a thoughtful reader. :) thanks. Haven't been here in .. read moreYou. My dear, are far from a thot, but always, a thoughtful reader. :) thanks. Haven't been here in a while myself
this was like linguistics gymnastics :)
clever, and I love
and i'm not opposed to selfies but don't agree with fat shaming or hazing of course
but 'thot' is new to me and all I can say is if a woman wants to be a thot, then let her be a thot
the question mark in that phrase makes me wonder if it was poking fun at a double standard
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Ah yes, there are thots, and then there are THOTS. thank you.
I had to look up thot too. Same as hoe. I knew that because my grandkids speak about hoes. Plural of thot is thotties which made me think of totties and led me back to your princesses. We don't do princesses in my household :) I gave up on prince's some time ago. Look where you took me :)
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
How awesome. Yes, it's a whole new language. a BIAS is a crush. Um. Ok?
also looked up thot.... and it made me wonder what the relationship is between self absorption and a thot... and then I re-read your poem Lyn and got my answer... and got it emersed in the words and style of your writing... nicely done Lyn...
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thank you darling. I had a thought or two when I discovered the word
6 Years Ago
seems like, looking at your style of writing, you had at least 3 thoughts on thots... lol...
Phew, I have never been called a princess, but I have it narrowed down to 28 possibles.
Poetry, just like real life, has too many prince/princesses, who regale us with how utterly delightful there lives are, who tend to be the saddest, loneliest people, with nothing but a fantasy lifestyle to strive to. If they haven't got it, it must be useless types who never quite realise how thin their veneer of respectability is.
I was just saying that very thing to my astronaut buddies, before we stole the shuttle and gatecrashed some chinese moon party :)
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Lmao you are one kooky and unique personality. Thanks
6 Years Ago
Kooky... I love that, we should use it more. Maybe we don't because it sounds like cookie and....hmm.. read moreKooky... I love that, we should use it more. Maybe we don't because it sounds like cookie and....hmmm, cookies :)
I write under a pseudonym.
I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..