The finish line

The finish line

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

The story of Emily Doe moved me


To you I was just

another trophy

to be worn.


My clothing ticker tape

to be torn

and thrust through --


The finish line is just a goal

It doesn't need a name,

It doesn't have a soul.



what I refuse to be

and you think you are.


I was asking for it,

after all,

drinking at that bar.


Who can blame you for


my nodding off as saying yes?


Just because I fell down

doesn't mean you shouldn't

yank up my dress.


Who knows what

would have happened

if passersby hadn't interrupted


Your self-satisfaction

with your

"20 minutes of action"


You learned from your daddy

"Father knows best"

If a girl doesn't say no,

That's as good as yes.

© 2016 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson
Brock Allen Turner is not a quarterback, but the
theme is the same.
These stories are all too frequent. Rape is rape.
It needs to end. Emily Doe speaks for all women
who have ever had this experience.
Read her victim impact statement.

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I feel your message here is very strong & poignant becuz of the vivid word pictures you've drawn here that pull no punches. These are the kinds of details that really make your point come alive:
"Who can blame you for
my nodding off as saying yes?"

and (of course) the intensely stated last stanza. I love your straightforward style. I think this is every bit as strong & clear & impactful as my piece on this same topic. Thanks to you, as well, for bringing attention to this enduring problem which seems to be eclipsed by all the other tragedies in our modern world (((HUGS)))

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you for reading and reviewing, and for the amazing story on the subject. I think at some point.. read more

8 Years Ago

Speaking of putting ourselves in precarious situations . . . one of these days I'll get the courage .. read more
This story is completely disgusting and disturbing and the only thing good about it is that it's grabbing attention and raising awareness.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

I heard it first on my favourite talk radio Toronto's am 640. Mike Stafford, the host, was very emot.. read more

8 Years Ago

It's a human thing, I agree.
I agree, wholeheartedly, spot on! This story, like so many others, just makes me want to scream. This person and his father need serious counsel. Of course, the sentence by no means fits the crime. At first I thought this happened in South Dakota, where a rape sentence is usually very light. I think these judges went to the same law school. News like this is what makes most women, like myself, remain quiet. In thirty five years, things haven't changed much in this arena. Women and children are abused and murdered every day and oft times there is just not much justice. It's not a cultural thing or a race issue, it's a moral issue. None exist. A child learns morals from his/her parents. Granted, there are exceptions, but mostly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. How does a father think this is okay behavior from any son. I feel for the wife/mother and any sisters/daughters in this family. Thank you for sharing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you. That means heaps, coming from you. I am so sickened by the whole story. We are still, aft.. read more
You are spot on with this one. The fact the Judge gave this sorry excuse for a man such a light sentence irks me to my very soul. The rapist's father is a disgusting excuse for a dad. How would he feel if HE had a daughter who was treated in this way? I have read her statement and it moved me so! Your poem says what so many are thinking, KL. Great job. Lydi**

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you. I think this woman is one of the bravest, most earnest, most expressive people I have eve.. read more
Lydia Shutter

8 Years Ago

Nor do I! It is ludicrous!
And honest.

That escalated quickly.
But that's not a bad thing.

This is a very tense topic, one that is the subject of scrutiny and contempt by almost every society out there. While some view it as more forgiveble and open to discussion, I don't think any of the victims could ever accept that.

Sometimes the messege behind a poem overshadows the poem itself, the meaning vastly more important then the vocabulary, format and the words.

Keep up the good work.
You've done well.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you. I hope you got the chance to read her story in her own words. The trails of pine needles .. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2016
Last Updated on August 14, 2016
Tags: rape, violence, anger, no means no, victim


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..


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