A Christian and an Atheist went for lunch

A Christian and an Atheist went for lunch

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

it'll either be crickets or a stampede to this one ...

contractually speaking

I have reached
an agreement
with the God
of my upbringing.
when it comes
to certain subjects,
neither one of us
brings the other up.

As the wise words of Alanon taught me, "take what you like, and leave the rest"

Questioning belief is not the same as abandonment of belief

I choose to believe in family, in community, in love.
for me,
they just happen to gather every Sunday at church.

each Sunday

A while ago,
i had a talk
with the God
i grew up with.

we leave each other
to our own beliefs.

and each Sunday
i dine at his table
with my family.

If there is no room for
any other point of view,
you are,
in my opinion,
a radical,
ye of any faith,

© 2016 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson
This has been brewing for a bit. We all have our ways of viewing the world,
those with the staunchest beliefs on either side cannot see the word
God without cringing, or kneeling. Neither of which is necessary, in my opinion.
and I still think this is one of the best songs written on the subject

My Review

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I'm always on the fence when it comes to God. Not a believer but I have a lot of what if moments.
Thoughtful writs KL. Always good to keep an open mind and respect points of view.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Yes, I am a fence sitter who happens to like a lot of people who go to church, and hence, have put m.. read more
Matching Socks

8 Years Ago

As it should be... :)
Free will comes to mind reading this. Perhaps some people are afraid that if everyone does not agree with them that somehow that means that they might not be "right"...I have found that those people can be very unpredictable when threatened with questions they do not have the answers to. For myself, I know I do not, and probably cannot have the answers to life's deepest questions...but each person finds their way and it is a very personal journey. You cannot force a rose to bloom, or a child to grow faster, or make the sun come up...All comes in it's time and not according to any person's timetable. This was a great piece that I have sat here pondering and thinking about for quite some time.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you. It is one of those things I have come to peace with, which seems to rattle both sides wit.. read more
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Interesting and thought provoking write. Well-written and elaborated lines. I like that you included the quote. I learned to be careful with this topic but also tolerant. I respect every form of belief as long as it isn't too radical and destructive.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

It is extremely tricky. Healthy skepticism is the line I choose to straddle -- which generally annoy.. read more

8 Years Ago

Heathy skepticism is a must for every (intellectual) person in my opinion.

I have a l.. read more
No, there is no proof and sometimes I am envious of those who have blind faith and believe everything said on Friday nights, Saturday mornings, or Sunday mornings. Other times, I simply believe in me...and those I love. I believe in doing good for the sake of doing good, not for what it might bring back to me. I believe bad things happen to good people and visa versa....and there is no way of explaining these "things". Your words are well written and will give each reader a lot to think about. Great work, KL. Lydi**

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thanks. I missed this review somehow. I do appreciate. What is interesting for me is that I develope.. read more
Lydia Shutter

8 Years Ago

We all change our beliefs as we mature.
Love the song...
love crickets
love the stampede

You have to work it in there.

On gentle ground must be the in between.
a kindness that allows us to be- where ever we are.
Sometime I don't think we can see until we've suffered ourselves-
and then we see that suffering is binding the eyes of those that cannot see.
I don't know where that came from...

I'm weird.
Interesting thoughts- you obviously made me think.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

I missed this review. Thank you. And I love your response. For me, I have somehow found a middle gro.. read more
"crickets or stampedes". hmmmm... interesting, POV I guess, the only problem I see is where is the "truth"?? Where is the reality of the world?? Cause truth is not an opinion or what is popular or how many people believe something.. it is either truth or not and applies to everyone... people can believe in god until their child is running into the street without looking, suddenly "leave it in god's hands" is replaced with the reality of a possible death sentence at a very early age... we live in a real world or we don't.. what we believe has consequences whether we want to believe this or not, the world is roundish or it is not, it revolves around the sun or not... humans have believed many things that were not or ever will be true, real!!

It maybe be fun to imagine things, (hell much of art and aesthetics are based on myth and imagination); to even have imaginary friends, but to base you life and the lives of other on this??? I wonder how many would want to confront an Ork and Sauron's eye, perhaps a vampire... hmmm I wonder where this god of judea and islam was when the drones dropped bombs and the airport and subway blew?? counting the dead??? but real people attended to the wounded and did all they could to help the injured because this is how human being are at their best... I am not an atheist since you cannot be against something that doesn't exist...

I guess KL I must ask, does this make me a cricket or a stampede??? Very interesting poem and ideas here KL...


Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Hilarious. The point I was trying to make, is that vehement believers on either side tend to lose th.. read more

8 Years Ago

I must be the cricket then... vehement and losing my head.. oh well, I think I will go and have coff.. read more
i like donovan's song "wear your love like heaven"

good advice....we need to live as christians...not just talk about it and judge others for not having the same beliefs...we are spiritual in our own way...and what works for each individual is the best...
i really like this expression....all the way through---let's just sit at the same table with our individual beliefs and dine together.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thanks, that is exactly my feeling -- the labels we choose don't matter -- one can live a very un-Ch.. read more

8 Years Ago

This is such a good review, I'm going to be lazy & defer to it . . . I love the Donovan song, as wel.. read more
there is good in every one of us - there is also evil - but there is free will and prayer - what works for someone as long as no one gets hurt should not be judged and condemned with severe hatred and unrighteous anger

best to you,

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

anger should come from neither side -- none of us truly knows -- so let's all get along and not spoi.. read more

8 Years Ago

as long as there is love and the willingness/dedication to make a relationship work - then our race .. read more

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8 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2016
Last Updated on August 15, 2016
Tags: Christianity, acceptance, religion, tolerance, family, love


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..


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