pain is not a metaphor for anything

pain is not a metaphor for anything

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

get it all out, he said -- for Chris, I can hear you chuckling already.

a prescription for apathy

doctor, hand me
a prescription
for your apathy
to my pain.
you hear my words
but you don't
live in my brain.

horse pills with my cheerios

pain killers
are perhaps
not so aptly
the user
is the
of the

not a hero

I am not a hero
for working
through the pain.
I am just a mother
who wants to
play with her kids

"loss of consortium" doesn't sound like it needs a mature label.

© 2017 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson
why not pick a cheesy pop song

My Review

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Hey I must say love the presentation here ^^ Goes without saying you are talking about how with age both the physical and the mental pain just increases and showing no signs of stopping ( i think) Also I have to say there is this disclaimer like feel to the poem. You know the one's like "All the scenes/ actions presented in this film...... blah blah" But then that gives it a hint of humor even though this write is really about your frustrations with the increasing meds and well I guess I have never really liked doctors so you know I definitely understand you hate for them, they just pile on medicines rather than decreasing it. Also I am sorry to hear of you are unable to spend time with your kids and playing and enjoying with them, hope you can do it soon (if not already) It's really nice how you write about your own situations like this ^^

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Well thank you. Pretty much sums it up, and yes, the disclaimer feel is entirely intentional. I am i.. read more
the definition of pain has changed over the years. When my friend left her phone in my cousins car
overnight, she was in obvious pain. The young Asian boy hung himself over a broken relationship.
the 14 year old transgendered boy in Ohio ran in front of a semi truck because he was bullied
in school. And then I get a cold sore right before my blind date on Saturday night. All examples of good and honest pains. "You don't live in
my brain" are the most heartbreaking words ever uttered yet It is the statement that governs
all of art and the need and the desire to create it.

I felt this one KL......felt it deeply....dana

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you very much for your thoughtful review dana. I truly cherish your words and your visits.
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Not to be excited about your struggle and pain, but I am excited to read something so real. I feel your pain, your anger in your observations, that sunk in a hole of meds and robot doctors, of the pain physically and mentally as we start ticking the days off...damn mortality...damn becoming aware and realizing...this is real writing and real life.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you thank you. I had to spell it out for people who kept looking for the hidden meanings. :)read more
I feel you . . . your intensity has fueled this prickly piece with plenty of blunt observations well stated. I hope you can get back to playing with your kids very soon (if not already!) (((HUGS)))

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thanks. I really was that crazy mom who went tree top trekking. Now, grocery shopping is a chore. I .. read more

8 Years Ago

I see "tree top trekking" & then the picture of Shakespeare beside your words . . . I can't help but.. read more
full of sarcastic bite ... pain is a many splendored thing for poets, musicians and artists .. very clever play on the pills says i! "I'll take three bottles full please .. I have much to inflict today" rather grim .. stark and too real .. last verse in contrast is such a heart felt simple thing to ask ... brings out the empathy in me ...really like your closing line me a bit of a smile to go on consortium labels nor approvals with the big exception of "I am" :) ..I always am delighted when you use this form ..and obviously your poem got me goin' !
ps ... not to forget about very real and physical pain of course .. and as a retired RN ..we push it (pills not pain) ... if you say you hurt hurt damn it!! ;) hope you have a particularly pain free day today KL!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Yes, thank you. I needed to vent, as I am discouraged and need an outlet. Loss of consortium, when a.. read more
Einstein Noodle

8 Years Ago

its a great word! (had to look it up to make sure i knew what it meant) love to you KL! :)
I know this feeling. Fractured a knee, and I got a full leg cast, and some ibuprofen.
I hate to say the old line, but you have to adapt.

if they could make strong enough painkillers which would still leave normal sensibilities.

Take it slow my friend.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

This is true. I try not to take too much during the day. Muddles the brain and all. And the deep br.. read more
when others can't seem to understand the magnitude of one's pain - that adds to more pain and exasperation - you miss a lot of things, that you used to love doing - pain is such a tragic nuisance that gets in the way of living


Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

yes it certainly does. it is a bit of a beast. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

8 Years Ago

you're welcome, my dear :)

these are fantastic...sardonic humor, and such reality..."your apathy to my pain, you don't live in my brain"

Priceless...the only one who really understands the pain is the one going through it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thanks. I never knew what loss of consortium was until my accident. Such legal jargon sucks the life.. read more
Chuckling here... wait till you can't take Aleve - because you are too old. Think of it - an over-the-counter-pain-reliever with an age limit for adults.

As to the original statement I made with you - too many thought the hurts you've been describing was relational or emotional NOT physical; the aftermath of a car accident. How many times have EACH OF US went to a doctor and described PAIN and where... and been ignored out of hand because the doc knows better; by the third or fourth visit you would think that just maybe the docs might listen - after all their initial course of diagnosis hasn't done anything and lord alone knows what else might have been missed.

anyways ...this was a gentle "rub" and I hope you feel a lil better - sooner rather than later.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

too many. damn I hate my own stupid grammar errors.

8 Years Ago

yeah ...neat huh?
Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Right up there with wrinkles and bursitis.:)
I am just a mother
who wants to
play with her kids

Yes. I need to write about when I hit that place too.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

8 Years Ago

Thank you for popping in. I appreciate the visit and the review.

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10 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2016
Last Updated on January 5, 2017
Tags: pain, anger, depression, aftermath, accident, injury


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..
