stop gawking and use that f'n cell phone to call 911
rewind the clock if only 5 minutes later
over the bridge.
hey Kev
you don't mind if I call you Kev, do you? I mean, after we have shared such an intimate connection, I kind of feel like I can call you anything I want, you know? wad4 whiplash is not near as sexy as it sounds. I usually like a man to buy me a drink if he is going to take my back door at 70k per hour.
finally, a poem I commented on already... er.. wait it is from 2016.. oh well back to reading older ones... lol
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Ha ha, thanks! I move em' by category, and sometimes it gets tedious scrolling through all the old o.. read moreHa ha, thanks! I move em' by category, and sometimes it gets tedious scrolling through all the old ones.:)
agree with E, (and S. King), poems are an explanation in and of themselves, even if we do not get them... but this poem is wide open and I would say, "back door" men are mostly ignorant pigs whether in auto crashes or in sex... everyone knows that eye to eye is better in sex and in crack ups (as long as it isn't at like a 100 mph)..
sorry about your car and the pain of whiplash... yuk!! Ouch!! Hopefully Kev at least apologized for rear ending you and his insurance is paying for the damages...
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Not only did he not apologize, he tried to blame it on the weather. And I am okay as I can be, given.. read moreNot only did he not apologize, he tried to blame it on the weather. And I am okay as I can be, given that I just found out I have broken bones in my hand that will require surgery.
KL, this is terrible... will you be able to drive the bus??? wish I could do more than just (((KL))).. read moreKL, this is terrible... will you be able to drive the bus??? wish I could do more than just (((KL))), you deserve some good fortune you know!! if it will help I can write some silly poems and leave you lots of OCD things to point out to me.. I can be your misplaced apostrophy king, or misspelld wonder... I am quite good at this you know... ;0)
8 Years Ago
I await the appointment with the plastic surgeon. Bone fragments removed and such. I would assume I .. read moreI await the appointment with the plastic surgeon. Bone fragments removed and such. I would assume I will be off work for some time, don't know how long ...
8 Years Ago
I have been dealing with the damned thing for over a month. Was only sent for x rays because I wasn'.. read moreI have been dealing with the damned thing for over a month. Was only sent for x rays because I wasn't healing properly ...
ouch! i like your note! i am reading a Steven King story called "11/22/63" .. somewhere in the first half he says "Explanations are just bad poetry" ..gotta love it right ;)
tragedy without bounds .. over the bridge and gone .. your rewind 5 minutes later is intriguing i think ... a bit of a conundrum ... we can sell ourselves so short sometimes ... and unhealthy choices will have their say ... i am a sucker and most always take the "ladies" side have to say that your backdoor man isn't worth a twit to the loss of your protagonists death ... ouch!
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thanks for stopping in, and while double meanings are definitely intended, the pic in this poem IS t.. read moreThanks for stopping in, and while double meanings are definitely intended, the pic in this poem IS the back of my car.
ahh! i did not see the details ... ouch again and makes your poem more personal :) close calls make .. read moreahh! i did not see the details ... ouch again and makes your poem more personal :) close calls make us think ... totally hope you are OK ..whiplash can show up much later i am told .. you be careful young lady!! :) needing someone to call is poignant ..even if the relationship may not have had much depth to it in reality ..its what the mind wants it to be that trumps things from time to time ... sorry! here i am twittering on like and old man eh!? love and peace and joy
8 Years Ago
read it again! love your biting sense of humor there girl!
8 Years Ago
ah you see now. many people interpreted it as a relationship gone wrong. Well it was. Just not in th.. read moreah you see now. many people interpreted it as a relationship gone wrong. Well it was. Just not in the way some were thinking.:)
mmm yes, the back door man...out the front door in a flash...commitment is something tornadoes never quite have...they do the damage and are gone...not even caring about the aftermath...some people are much the same.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Yes, both literal and figurative this one. The pic is my car.
I write under a pseudonym.
I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..