A Sonnet for Emily

A Sonnet for Emily

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a sonnet for a free verse poet

A poet who once lived in a small borough,  
Endeavoured to write all night and all day,
Vowed to make her words endure come what may,
Honed her craft till it made her brow furrow,
Till the weight made her feel like a burro,
She began to contemplate; wish and pray,
To muster the courage to go astray,
And embark on an off the rhyme furlough

She then devised a most radical plan,
To step outside the small box she was in,
Toss out rhyme and iambic pentameter,
Thought she would when no one believed she can,
A poet named Emily Dickinson,
Women's history free verse pioneer.

© 2016 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson
I have set myself a challenge of writing sonnets now and again. But since I am a rebel
against form poetry, I have opted for an ode to a free verse poet within the confines
of a Petrarchan sonnet, written in iambic pentameter as an English sonnet, rhyme scheme for the Octave is a b b a a b b a. This presents the problem, the sestet presents the solution in the rhyme scheme c d e c d e -- (Volta) Free Verse! Heresy, I know, but conventions and rules in poetry are meant to be broken
CAPTCHA outbrave
I am not a one trick pony. I choose to write my emotions freely and with honesty.
That does not make me a good or bad poet, but a human poet. Any verse can be
moving, be it within the confines of a strict form or not. It is how the words are
presented on the page that the emotions are revealed. -- although this one does break some rules, it also follows a lot of them, and I have decided to leave it, as is.

My Review

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A beautiful poem for the great Poet. I like how you weaved the poem to a very good ending. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry. I like when the old Poets are kept alive by us.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much.
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome.
I'd say, rebel, most brave, woman, poet these describe both Emily and you KL... perhaps the captcha in its attempt to describe your poem should have simply said: "KL-esque"... .
Perhaps you may get the sense I appreciate your " not a one trick pony" poetry..

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Thank you I appreciate it. I am having fun.
I love free verse and she was a master of it for sure, and this is such a fine sonnet honoring her. BRAVO!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Thank you, glad you enjoyed, I hope she would appreciate the "irony"
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

Something tells me she would, wait I am channeling her now, heap I hear a giggle in my head.
I really like this one, but then I am also biased, since Emily Dickinson is my favorite poet of all time.

well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Thanks I was thinking Emily might appreciate the twist of praising free verse with a sonnet.
jacob erin-cilberto

9 Years Ago

yes, a good twist....she violated form so well....she would like the use of form to talk about viola.. read more
Great not only the fact that you branched out, that in itself deserves praise for been corageous. Then the word Burro, and most of all a way to elevate another writer. I know very little actually and although I did do a quick recap of her life I realized that to that extent the image created here is more than enough. Of somone tried and succeded in many ways.

Innovative feeling here


Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Well, basically, I tried to put myself in the place of a woman of that time frame. There are so many.. read more
Rene Salinas

9 Years Ago

Well in my view is more what you feel more related to and again purely subjective stick to it until .. read more
Now you are bamboozling me with technical detail! It reads as well as your true free verse but is different. Good to extend oneself and experiment out of your comfort zone.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

9 Years Ago

Yes, well, I feel to adequately express emotion I am better with free verse, but within certain subj.. read more

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16 Reviews
Added on October 21, 2014
Last Updated on August 16, 2016
Tags: sonnet, poem, ode to free verse, pioneer, Emily Dickinson


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..


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