EEEK! a Sonnet

EEEK! a Sonnet

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I am not big on form poetry, but I think a playful Hallowe'en sonnet is just the ticket.

It's the time of year when people delight,
in ghastly ghouls, goblins, ghosts and boorish beasts,
devils rock sabats and cannibal feasts,
Hallowe'en witches play games in the night,
reach under the table, something may bite,
wolves howl high and owls scream their eerie cries,
skeletons walk, staring through vacant eyes,
spectres celebrating a secret rite,
girlie boys who get all scared and weepy,
they're the kind of people who make me snore,
I think they are ultimately such a bore,
fearing monsters green and slightly creepy --
things that slither and slime should be aware,
I love to eat all things that bump and scare!

© 2016 Lyn Anderson

Author's Note

Lyn Anderson
sabat -- demon ritual (also sabbat) spectre -- evil spook
I rewrote it to conform to the structure and syllables -- thanks for the help - since 2016 learning iambic pentametre correctly, I have not examined for perfect pentamentre -- I at least am happy I didn't end them all trochaic -- I guess the subject matter helped. I may revisit at a later date to make sure it conforms to form

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Good effort .... Guess I won't bother with my trick or treat bucket at your door😂

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

ha ha very funny, thanks.

10 Years Ago

You are welcome!
this one made me giggle for sure girl.. lovely "formed" piece... wicked imagery with a playful tone that made it not only entertaining but amusing as well.. what fun!.. enjoyed this ma'am :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

oh and love the title, adds another layer to the humor!
Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed.
I love it! :)
Especially the last line!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Glad you did, that was my injecting personality into the form.:)
Matching Socks

10 Years Ago

Well played. :$
My… your narrator is a vicious one! :D A terrific Halloween sonnet! I'd never have thought to write a sonnet for Halloween.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you. Truth is, I struggle with form poetry if it is a poem full of emotion, it comes off schlo.. read more

10 Years Ago

You're welcome. I try not to think about form, really. It's almost like I hear it in my head before .. read more
I love it. An excellent Halloween sonnet. Others beware and aware...:).......

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much, glad you stopped in.
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome....:)..........
Oh, this is a lot of fun! You have scared up quite a sonnet, KL - definitely puts me in the All Hallow's mood!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Little children are delicious too, may I suggest you eat one or two. I have had my fill and can consume no more, for I am afraid they have bared the door. Oh little pretties, come. Come and taste of the candies I made fresh for you. I like to watch as you chomp and chew. Oh how precious the little ones. And aren't these cute dressed as suns. I think first, I shall gobble you, but after my nap, Or I shall burst.

A wonderfully spooky poem indeed. And I am far too morbid.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

No you aren't thats awesomeam

10 Years Ago

You penned a wonderfully spooky poem. I walked all over it. I am sorry for that. I really need to st.. read more
Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

You did not. I liked it.
BOO! .. you scared me with this creepy sonnet lol,... j/k ..really a delightful write with flowing rhyme.. 'tis the season...

well done KL

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you for popping in
  Fran Marie

10 Years Ago

you're quite welcome;
A delightful sonnet for the season. I have written only one and I applaud you for your rhyme and meter. It's creepy and a wry.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you. It took some work and help but I am happy it fits.
You mentioned that you didn't enjoy writing in forms, but you rocked this sonnet girlfriend!!! The perfect little creepy gem to celebrate Halloween!

:) Julie

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you, no, I don't as it doesn't come easily to me, but sometimes easy isn't a challenge, so I h.. read more

10 Years Ago

Good for you! Forms can be fun! :)

10 Years Ago

Good for you! Forms can be fun! :)

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20 Reviews
Added on October 10, 2014
Last Updated on August 16, 2016
Tags: hallowe'en, beasts, witches, goblins, ghosts, scare


Lyn Anderson
Lyn Anderson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I write under a pseudonym. I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..


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