Me perdoa
A Chapter by Lyn Anderson
for Caradoc - me perdoa 
Me perdoa; a little over the top for sure, but I feel I owe it to a chivalry lover Como você
I stand corrected but love my own twist on your favourite American Tail, despite my error in placement blending in my mind "Goodnight my Someone" married to "Somewhere Out There" but damn, it's good that way instead ... some apology, I know that's me ...
© 2016 Lyn Anderson
Author's Note
You won't get it if you aren't in on the joke, but nonetheless here it is for Caradoc
CAPTCHA retype
Apology not required. :)
Inspiration is inspiration and I enjoyed how the two blended within you to create something cynical but sassy. Your poetry has attitude and personality and I like that. What's more, is then you wrote this charming little piece.
I, myself, am now inspired, and so as a teaser, a blend of the two, with that breathe of idealistic hope you sent to me.
"Goodnight my someone, goodnight my love. Sleep tight my someone, sleep tight my dear. I will find you someday, I will find you, don't fear. For I know you are somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight. I know that we are both sleeping underneath the same big sky. So goodnight my someone, goodnight."
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
I feel warm and fuzzy all over -- hey wait, I am -- I am a cat, after all, lol.:)
1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 19, 2014
Last Updated on September 7, 2016
Tags: pardon, perdoa, mistake
Lyn AndersonToronto, Ontario, Canada
I write under a pseudonym.
I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..