For Edgar the English Elocutionist - and everyone like him!
He sits upon his lofty perch a thesaurus in one hand a dictionary in the other waiting to flip through an encyclopedia if need be
with his snotty green pen telling me my poetry doesn't measure up - my opinions aren't relevant because he is the biggest elephant in the room no one dares burst his arrogant balloon
my insults are lost in translation as he continues his dissertation without hesitation marking papers with impunity
assuming presuming looming over me correcting my interpretation of the Moose of Ogden Nash
yet how can he know it without even asking the poet?
And when I find it prudent to question as his student the answer is simple you see he is just smarter than me.
Haha...sounds like two of my daughters middle school teachers. She took beginning art and the teacher was a complete dick. I can't draw a stick figure but my daughter was really good. He never gave her above a D. When i went to talk to him he went into a ten minute tirade about the nuances of subtle shading. I said..."You are eight weeks into the school year in a beginning art class. Gee must be hard not having a room full of Picassos already!" And then there was the smarmy b***h who informed me that she didnt teach English...she taught LITERATURE. (Drawn out with a heavy enunciation on each syllable). Gag me...;-$.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Yep, this particular charmer marked in green ink, because he said it was less offensive than red. To.. read moreYep, this particular charmer marked in green ink, because he said it was less offensive than red. To this day green ink makes my blood boil. He also looked pointedly at my mum and said, well, "her opinion is wrong, that's why." Unbelievable.
ha ha of all people why in the hell would you think you? I had this insane English teacher - he actu.. read moreha ha of all people why in the hell would you think you? I had this insane English teacher - he actually marked with a green pen instead of red because it was supposed to be less offensive. Too this day I can't STAND green pen - he also used to start you at 100 and work his way down to the mark he thought you deserved after all your mistakes. He was a gem! :) You are the furthest from a pompous a*s I could imagine. :)
I write under a pseudonym.
I don't do Read Requests, but you can PM me if you want me to read something specific. I make friends with people who I read and interact with. I won't accept random reque.. more..