Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

A Chapter by amdc101

Chapter Seventeen

Preparing for a Journey

Mabel and Castor hurried along, ignoring all the people gaping at him. A couple of times Castor had wanted to stop and talk to old friends, but Mabel had pulled him along irritably. Now she was walking ahead, red hair blowing around, hand in hand with Castor as she dragged him onward. Soon they came to the house that looked as if it were in it’s pajamas, ready for night. The curtains were drawn over the few windows, but the inhabitants were clearly home, for candle light was seeping out through the cracks.
Castor shook his head at how obvious it was that they were hiding something. Seconds after Mabel knocked, a face appeared at the window. At first it was wrinkled with worry, but at the sight of the two welcome faces, it sagged with relief.
When the face disappeared, the door opened a crack and Mabel and  Castor were hurriedly ushered inside.
Mabel released her death-grip on Castor’s arm once they were safely inside. He didn’t even care, all he could see was his best friend that he thought he had lost forever.
Their eyes met and their faces broke into expressions of happiness and disbelief. They walked towards each other slowly, as if they thought the moment wasn’t quite real. The two friends embraced like brothers, and suddenly everyone was laughing, as if that one moment of happiness erased every problem they were facing.
This time their was no announcement. The door burst open and Fablen and Firethorn came running through. When they caught sight of the Prince, they collected themselves.
“My Prince,” Fablen said.
“Call me Calleo,” he answered. “And this is my wife, Evette, and our daughter, Devon.”
Fablen instantly fell in love with Devon. In the corner, Rachel stood, smiling shyly, waiting to be introduced.
“And this is Rachel,” Evette motioned for her to come closer. “Rachel,” she said, “This is Firethorn, and Fablen.”
Rachel nodded politely, staying quiet.
Another knock was heard at the door. The room fell silent once again. Ameline headed towards the door and peeked out the window. She let out a sigh of relief, and everyone else followed, as if the whole room had been holding its breath. Ameline opened the door and Roana walked in, holding the lumpy bag of masks. She began to lay them out on the table hands shaking slightly.
“What are we really doing here?” Firethorn asked.
Calleo took a deep breath.
“Evette and I, obviously we can’ t go back to the castle. It would be to dangerous. The Lion Prince would know right where he could find us. We need to go into hiding. But we need help. Roana was in charge of the disguises.”
Fablen and Firethorn looked at her questioningly. She grimaced slightly, conveying in ine look that she was sorry she had kept it from them.
“We were hoping you would be willing to help us. We think it would be best to travel with the Taining Folk. New people join them all the time so anyone who needs to can come along. What we need is for the four of you to get the rest of the Taining Folk in on the plan. They will need to be willing to help us and willing to come with us until we reach our hiding place.”
“Which is where?” Fablen asked.
Calleo turned to Castor.
“That’s my job,” he said. “And I think I know just the place.”
Mabel had been quiet this whole time, which was rather unusual for her.
“Well?” she asked now. “Will you help?”
Fablen and Firethorn looked at each other and then back at Mabel.
“Let’s go. There are a lot of people we need to talk to.”
Calleo took a closer look at his friend’s face. He seemed aged with worry, but some of that melted away when he shook Fablen’s hand in earnest, thanking them for what was about to be done. Together, Roana, Fablen, Firethorn, and Mabel left.

* * *

Ange stopped her horse outside her front door. She jumped from the horse, narrowly avoiding a muddy puddle on the side of the street. She grabbed onto the rope tied to a post outside her door. Her horse snorted and stomped as she tied him up. The strap of her leather bag cut into her neck as the weight of its contents pulled it down.
She pushed open the creaky wooden door and was greeted by young laughter.
Delphina had just introduced Melina to Hawthorn. Melina was giggling profusely as Hawthorn ran up her arm, his small feet tickling her with every step. Moreno stood by watching. His chest was puffed up, and his mouth was nearly straight, but his eyes were laughing. He looked over his sister like a hawk, ready to protect her fiercely, and all out of love. Jenna sat by watching. Her eyes danced too, following Hawthorn’s every move.
Robin came out of the kitchen, her sleeves rolled up and sweat beading up on her brow. She smiled at the children while walking quickly over to Ange, still standing there with her groceries.
“Where’s May?” Ange asked. She nodded in thanks when Robin lightened her load. Following her back towards the small kitchen, she listened while Robin said,
“Upstairs with Sage. She’s helping me- holding a damp compress to her head, letting me know of any change.”
“That’s your girl,” Ange started to smile, but the look on her face was also coated with worry that could not be covered up. “How is she?”
Giving up trying to cover her worry, Ange’s voice took on a tone of desperation.
“So far, nothing has changed,” Robin began.
Ange’s head and shoulders drooped, like a flower wilting when it has no more water. Robin gripped her shoulder, and Ange’s head raised slowly, tears welling in her eyes.
“But I have a new idea. I need you to watch the children while I go back to the farm. I’m going to gather everything I have, and we won’t stop trying until your little girl is better. But that means you can’t give up on her either. Understand?”
Ange nodded, finally collapsing into Robin’s arms, letting all the built up worry flow out. Robin just let her cry, until it was time for her to go.
“I’ll be right back,” she said comfortingly, and walked toward the door.

The farm seemed so much more empty to Robin without her daughter there to make it feel like home. She pulled up all the herbs as quickly as she could, feeling uncomfortable, constantly looking over her shoulder. After what happened to Ange she could hardly stand being out alone, ecspecially at night. All her pockets were full, and her apron was laden with leafy plants. She rushed home a quickly as she could.

Ameline paced up and down the living room. She wasn't used to being so cooped up for so long. The curtains were  always closed, and she felt like the Lion Prince's men were going to come knocking on the door at any moment. Roana was there showing Calleo how to wear the masks, so in the morning he could disguise his family. Solin was impatiently trying to learn also, but he just kept getting in the way, making it difficult for Calleo to learn anything, so Roana had to keep asking him to sit down. He just didn't seem okay with doing nothing. Devon started crying, and Ameline, glad for something to do, quickly went to comfort her.

A pounding sounded on Ange's door. She hushed the children and sent Glandias to see who it was. He scooted under the door, and recognizing who it was quickly scampered up onto her arm.
"Hello Lea!" he chirped. She started in surprise, but quickly composed herself when she realized who it was.
"Hey, Glandias," she said with a small sigh. I know you're all leaving tomorrow, so I just came to say my goodbyes."
Glandias nodded understandingly. "I'll let Anj know," he said, and slithered back under the door.
Jenna was waiting for him, and scooped him up as soon as he came through. "Who is it?" she asked, eyes wide.
"Just Lia," he responded. "Came to say goodbye."
Anj opened the door and hardly let her get in before embracing her. All the fear she had been hiding from her children now poured out into that hug. Lea playfully greeted all the children before hugging Robin, and whispering "Good luck," into her ear.
The women went into the next room after managing to slip away from the children.
"How is Sage?" Lea asked Anj.
Her shoulders sagged. "She hasn't woken up yet."
"Well just remember," Lea said. "If you need anything, just send a messenger back here to Camden and I. We'll be here for you."
Ange nodded and they all hugged again. Stepping back to where the children were, Anj said, "Lea has to go now. Say good bye everybody."
Lea lovingly hugged each of them, and with one more sad wave she stepped out through the door.

© 2012 amdc101

Author's Note

Very long, very bumpy, and in all aspects, a ROUGH draft. I assure you, it will be edited and revised, but I wanted to get it up here so you could help me out. So if you took the time to read this whole thing, thank you so much, I would love to hear your feedback.

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You finally posted more! I had to read back to remember everything. A very long but interesting chapter. I shall read on! Good job and keep on writing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 13, 2012
Last Updated on July 13, 2012




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