[untitled]A Chapter by Amber_Nicole_Handya fantasy of two people who have been reincarnated many times and always end up togather dispite the fact they are always born enemiesPrologue
here told you will see the way a lasting love should be silver kisses, lasting words promises of a secret world Two families, one secret, one story, two lies one town full of gossip still a disguise hope for the future lying in dust lovers first kiss stolen with time a forgotten story of lovers lost friendships spoiled, and renewed here in a lovers rhyme Chapter 1 Mr. Adam Larson, and Mrs. Lisa Larson, the masters of the house had three children, two boys and one girl they all lived in a magnificent mansion. With the help of twenty maids and servants, the Larson’s never went to the market, never went to the shops, in fact they never left the great mansion. They were never once invited to a supper party, or any party held by a town member. Every couple of months they would see one of the members slip out at night into a carriage that would leave and return many nights later, after the first year the carriage would stop coming. Noone had seen the family since the year they moved in. The family had grown more secret and was never seen again. All knew, though noone saw the family still lived in the mansion, maids and servants were seen leaving and returning, fetching things from markets and shops. The butler always opening the doors to help bring in fresh supplies, washing vehicles that were never seen driven. Many also claimed the butler watched the people on the street from the windows, those who would see him said that he made them nervious, and make them afraid to walk by again. September 1,1782 “Lady Lisa a package has just arrived from Paris today, were should I leave it for you madame?” Lisa heard from the other side of the door from her ladies maids. “Just leave it in the library Carty, thank you” she replied, then turning to her mirror she studied her face. “Always beautiful, but always the same, if only...”she started to say to herself then thought not to touch the subject. She tried to admire her deep green eyes, her soft pale skin, which seemed to glow, and her short red hair. She stood to go to her dressing room. “Carty,” she called for “Please join me in the dressing room, I am expecting my daughter to join me for tea this afternoon and she claims to have excellent news,” she rattled on as Carty entered the room. . The years went by neither family had met, and the town’s folks gossip began to spread. Some moved away, those that stayed liked to make a game of taunting the families, they would egg their houses, graffiti would be written. Also more time than necessary someone would throw a brick or a stone through a window Five years later another strange family moved in across from the Larson’s, the Stienersons. The Stienersons there were Mr. Colin Stienersons, and Mrs. Maggie Stienersons, they had four children three girls and one boy. The two families had never met but they were very similar, and very private. The only differences between the two were that the Stienersons, left the house only to go the market. As with both families the doctors always gave call to the homes, all visitors were seen entering never seen leaving Chapter 2 It wasn’t until the winter after the Stienersons moved in that the two families meet in a very unique way. The oldest daughter of the Stienerson family ventured out late one night tired of always being in the cold dark house, as she looked for the first time as the mansion across the way. “Wow” was her only thought, “it’s beautiful , I wonder who lives there” she said to no one. She began to walk toward the mansion when she noticed a shadow behind the grand house. She ducked behind the nearest bush to watch to shadow. It began to walk across the yard and up a hill then disappeared over it, she began following keeping out of the moonlight. As she reached the gate blocking the mansion, she realized she needed to get over or around it. She began to climb when she got stuck going over as was hanging upside down by one leg. “Great now what,” she cursed under her breath “Now you get caught by the owner, for trespassing” a male voice spoke “or in your case attempting to trespass.” Even upside down he could see she was beautiful. She was dressed in jeans and a blue shirt that had one of those rude phrases on it. Her hair was a shade of red that looked like it was painted on, and her eyes were a lighter shade of green than his own. “Oh hi could you help down.”She said innocently “How about first you tell me how you got there!” as he stepped out of the shadows she saw that he was very pale, but he struck her as beautiful like a Greek god. “Umm....I..umm..This would be easier to explain right side up.” “How do I know you won’t run away?” “I promise I won’t please let me down I feel dizzy.” “Alright”he said as he grabbed hold of her and unhooked her pants from the gate, he then dropped her on her butt with a thud, “now explain.” “Ow thanks now I will have a bruise. Well I was enjoying the night when I saw a shadow so I thought I’d follow it. Don’t give me that look, I thought it looked suspicious.”She saw he wasn’t buying “okay. I was bored.” “Ah the truth of it” “Yeah so what was you doing out this late at night.”She asked with her hands on her hips Trying not to show she was checking out his 5'8 body, she saw he was built under his snug T-shirt, and his jet black hair complimented his green eyes. It was at that moment she envisioned him completely nude. Shaking her head to get the image out she asked him again what he was doing out. “If you must know it’s the only time I can come out of the house without the towns people staring at me, like I am from another planet.” “I know the feeling since we moved in the house across the street, a lot of people have kinda shunned us.” Most people in this arrogant town seem to think that its okay to sneer at people who really don’t want join the community of jerk.” “You seem to like them about as much as they like you.” “True, but right now I must get going I have things to do before dawn.” “Need company?”she asked hopefully, not wanting to leave yet. “Not this time,” he said shaking his head “maybe some other time. ”With that he walked away leaving her standing there. Cursing under her breath she realized she never asked his name or gave him hers.”Damn, damn. Now you really did it,” she yelled at herself stomping all the way home. As she walked back into the house, it hit here like a ton of bricks being dropped, a vision of the young man she just met. He was being chased by a group of people, the groups were all holding torches like from an old vampire movie. They were yelling at him words she couldn’t make out. Then it went away as fast as it came, she found herself crumpled on the floor arms wrapped around her knees, tears steaming down her face from the pain she felt from her vision. She had never had a vision about a person she hardly knew, most of the time her visions were of family and the few others she knew. She poured a glass of tea from the cooler, taking a drink still trying to figure out why this stranger was in the vision. Sitting at the family table, she sat pondering her thoughts. “Adriann, are you still up?”asked her sister Cathy who had just come up from the cellar holding a bowl in her arms. She was still wearing her riding uniform, black capri pants, and a cotton blouse top, and those stupid boots she insists on wearing while riding, they looked like they once belonged to a prostitute. “Yes, still up. Met one of the owners from across the way. ”she waited for a response,”he is very nice looking, said his family also has problems with the town.” “Glad to hear we aren’t the only ones. I just fed Jasper so he’s set for the night.” Jasper was a baby bear they found in the back yard so Cathy adopted him like she did with most of the animals she found. © 2009 Amber_Nicole_HandyAuthor's Note
Added on September 8, 2009 AuthorAmber_Nicole_HandyToledo , OHAboutI am an Artist mostly I love painting and drawing. I have few writings but those that i do have i feel are very important So I thought i would share more..Writing