I keep forgetting that with time
comes distance,
And an aging heart
only begs for things that are new, instead of repairing the old.
And when the sun
comes up so does everyone else, like puppets with wire strings, waiting for
their morning coffee; Habits not meant to be broken.
I’m getting older.
The ocean’s tide keeps pulling at my spine from hundreds of miles away, and as
much as I resist, I can’t stop it’s constant murderous tug.
I’ve always liked
swimming, but right now it just seems repetitive.
Kind of like my
conversations with everyone.
I think we out grow
each other; us humans…
Like trees being
uprooted from the dirt. It just happens.
I don’t want it to
be like this.
But I’ve never
really had a voice when it comes to certain situations.
So I’ll just sit in
my bed and wait for the waters edge to knock on my window,
While everyone else
finds soul mates for the spring and continues their packing to leave for
somewhere less cold.
Somewhere happy.
Somewhere I can’t
seem to reach.