![]() I Don't Know Who I AmA Poem by blink182427I am on the verge
of disaster I am ready to fall
off the edge My body is aching
for something My feet are
screaming at me I have to do
something I need to do
anything I cannot sleep
anymore I am too tired I cannot eat
anymore I am too full of
emotion I cannot breathe I am suffocating The air around me
is dense and harsh I cannot make
sense of this I am lost in my
own home I do not know
where to turn At every corner
there are remains Constant reminders
of the things I should have done There is no
structure Or is there too
much? My back is aching My hands are
bleeding I am watching
myself evaporate into thin air I am becoming
nothing Slowly they are
beginning to not need me What would they do
if I suddenly was no longer? How would they
cope? Would life continue? It seems to have
continued just fine No one has noticed
how I am falling Falling every day
and I have nothing to fall into I can feel myself
begging for someone Or something that
can help stop the pain My brain feels it
every day My brain is eating
away at itself And I cannot stop
it I am full of
darkness And I see no light All I see are dark
memories Faded dreams of
things I’ve always wanted What have I done
to myself? This is everything
I wanted But my mind is
telling me otherwise I cannot focus My heart is too
weak Where am I
supposed to go? I need hands to
fall into And there are none
here © 2016 blink182427 |
Added on July 19, 2016 Last Updated on July 19, 2016 Author