![]() Things I Wish I KnewA Poem by blink182427I wish I could go back in time To the first day that I intentionally deprived myself of food And tell my fourteen year old self That this would turn into an unstoppable cycle For the rest of her life That the shorts she was wearing at the time Because it was so hot in August Would never fit her again And that by time the next August rolled around She would hate her body so much That she would rather suffer a heat stroke Than dare to show off those dark stretch marks all over
her body I wish I could tell her That it would be three years Before she had the courage to tell someone About the disease that ravaged her body And that she would never be confident ever again No matter the amount of support she received From the people surrounding her I wish I could tell her That she would never be comfortable in a relationship
again That with every pound she gained She would feel as though She was slowly losing her significant other And eventually she would just accept a life of solitude And give up Because no one likes the fat ones, right? I also wish I could still convince her that was false. © 2016 blink182427 |