The Ocean

The Ocean

A Story by Amare Malum

Most people love the ocean. Believe it to be serene, reckless, constant. The careening waves soothing, the sand between their toes, nothing but a sweet lullaby. I can see the draw of it, the atmosphere that bleeds romanticism. 
But I hate the ocean, the very basin it lies on, I despise. I always have, I always will. It's a desperate, deceitful thing. The waves crashing here and there, not a care in the world. The grains of sand, bland, can be made into beautiful little seashells, but even that ounce of beauty is a victim to the ocean's carelessness. 
To wade in the ocean's shallow water, it trying to lull you into it's depths, even when you leave, it leaves it's despicable mark. Every inch of your skin, it's water licked, left salt, a briny aroma to obstruct your sense of smell. The ocean pushes farther then, letting the sand, stick to you. The ever desperate ocean, clinging to you. Shameless it is, shameless it stays.
At day, the sun dances on your skin, leaving crimson in it's wake. The sun's beams, harsher than ever, with the ocean in sight. It blinds you, bends to the ocean's will, drinks in the ocean's fabricated allure. It heats the sand, feeding the ocean's wish of wanting to be alone in it's miserable vanity. The ocean taunts the poor sun, "As beautiful as you may be, the brighter you shine, the harder you are to see." The sun bites back any fiery retort to this despicable truth and silently obeys the ocean's wishes.
But as the world works, night must always befall the ocean. The indulgent sun gives birth to the cruel moon. The ocean always calms under the piercing gaze of the moon. The moon forever outshining the ocean, leaves it's delicate whisper upon it. "Ocean, deceitful you are. You take advantage of my permissive mother, yet bow to my beauty. I'll make you a deal. I'll illuminate you every night, if you give me control of your tides. I will also cool your sand, so all can see the spectacle I will make of you." The ocean took this offer eagerly. 
Even in the dark of night, I see your deceit, Ocean. I still detest you. The moon lends it's silvery beauty, but I don't reckon it enough. 
Constant you are, yet ever-changing. A true paradox. You belie yourself infinitely. Narcissistic and foolish. 
I've never fallen into your pool of deceit and false allure, I won't. I refuse. 
You fool them, but not me. 

© 2012 Amare Malum

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Wow, this is brilliant. I have never read a story such as this. Nor have i read anything about the ocean in this matter, you bring it all alive, great work here!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is amazing.
When I was reading this, it felt to me as if the ocean has a mind of its own. This is powerful. I like the ocean, but while I was reading this, I wasn't so sure.
Well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

such a deep personal write here. I can feel the emotions come out in this write. This is a tugger. I can feel this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 5, 2012
Last Updated on April 5, 2012

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