Yet again, the fact that you write these words provides such a wonderful Raison d'être. Do you enjoy double, triple entendre? I hope so, I must think so, since you have provided your readers with such a marvelous example in this piece.
Everything that we perceive to cease leaves something behind to re-grow. We all have pieces of us that once belonged to someone now lost, in this way nothing ceases, nothing dies. Even the gravestones to souls I never knew and died before my father even breathed, they make me wonder of their lives. Plants and generations leave seeds for the next grow. How could nothing cease, if nothing ceased nothing could begin. Existence would just be static, stale water, to flow something must cease. We must let go, we must fall to learn to stand. I loved this piece of yours, well written
Hello, lovely people of!
I am a sixteen-year-old girl from Denmark, and my name is Amanda :-)
I began writing about one and a half year ago, and a day hasn't gone by without me .. more..