Why is it the older we get writing, drawing, and creative acts get harder? We spend more time thinking about what to produce then we spend making the art. We are more worried about what other people are making and if some how, in any way, ours will fit in. There is a large population of the world that has lost its imagination, or touch with it's inner child, if you will. The world has become a much duller place. Where ever you are, I'm sure there is constant movement. Trains, cars, bikes, planes, people walking, people talking. Going from point A to point B. But, at the end of it all lies a question. What is the point? As humans we have been programmed to constantly be on the move. After all, isn't there always something to be done? Wrong. Since we were children we have been taught that every day is an agenda and we must fill it. From school to soccer practice, to the dinner table to the shower, and then, to bed. Where we sleep soundly until its time to wake up and do it all over again. Now, what do you think the world would be like if we learned to stop for at least 30 minutes everyday and breathe. Enjoy a movie and not have to make sure we go to sleep in time to wake up so early for life. What if we taught our kids that its good to be productive and learn and make money but there is more to life. What good is it if you don't have time for true interaction. True connection. As a society I believe its time to take a step back and really take in the world around us. It's a time to be alive isn't it? Then why are we watching that time pass us by while we are jumping from trend to trend, absorbed in our technology or worrying about things we cannot control. I fully support the theory that our life styles today are a direct effect to the mental illness numbers sky rocketing. Meeting someone with a mental illness is as common as passing a Wawa on the East coast. It's horrendous. We have never been taught to not only take care of our bodies physically but mentally. It is effecting our world, our families, our friends, and one day maybe even us. So be the one to start that conversation. As a whole the human race needs to be more comfortable being uncomfortable.