my good Padre told me "Gene, just keep your mind on what you are doing in the moment." ... well .. not his exact words; but that's the gist of it. It's no wonder I do things like turn the TV on with my phone .. or can't find the dog leash I hung behind my head ... oh ... brother ... I could go on with a litany of those yesterdays driving around looking for tomorrows .. love your stuff man! be well ... :)
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Thank you kindly Gene, nice to hear from you and yes I’m like that lol.
Time takes its own time, it's we human tornados that mis-use it, using what's there as if it is the LAST DAY ! Why not sit, stand or slowly walk, looking, gazing, seeing what could go in second if fire erupted, if a hurrican or tsunami swallowed it whole. Time to savour, inhale, learn and remember. With your words in mind and your need for the ever could be-can be we might never starve. Thank you for a life-long gift, Vol,
Posted 1 Month Ago
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1 Month Ago
Vol? Are you on those pills em lol Thanks em
1 Month Ago
OOps, forgive.. Have I muddled.. am also on the Helpline!
1 Month Ago
I know you're just thinking of your favourite male poet here. I'll keep quiet.😉
And the calendar years are piling on. We seem to be on the same ride, Andrew. Perhaps at different times of the day and from different stops. I seem to have a season rail pass on me as well 🙏🏻🕊
Strindberg said.
" When I come home and sit at my writing table, then I live.... I live, and I live in manifold fashion of all human beings. I depict; I am glad with the glad, wicked with the wicked,.. more..