The earth is expanding. It does this naturally perhaps it's way of purging the illness growing on it lol Of course man is accelerating her purge with fracking ect But the earth does do this routinely. It's new to us because we haven't lived threw it before
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
p.s. we don't have to die lol we just have to change our ways. Stop fracking and dumping chemicals i.. read morep.s. we don't have to die lol we just have to change our ways. Stop fracking and dumping chemicals into the waters and use clean non nuclear energy
9 Years Ago
i always have believed it was natural,we have cycles in all nature,as we do our selves
great .. read morei always have believed it was natural,we have cycles in all nature,as we do our selves
great write andrew,great comment lynn
9 Years Ago
They know the changes are coming and they try to prolong from coming and they are getting prepared f.. read moreThey know the changes are coming and they try to prolong from coming and they are getting prepared for its coming
9 Years Ago
Thanks Wordman and lynn, I think man is changing how Mother Earth thinks now, a bit like Karma catch.. read moreThanks Wordman and lynn, I think man is changing how Mother Earth thinks now, a bit like Karma catching up with us, a bit like how our bodies are temples but abuse them you pay in the end with your life! A one chance scenario! Anyway Its only a poem don't panic yet!!! :(
9 Years Ago
and i am packed and moving to high ground ! it will shock me if we`re still here in 10 to 15 yearsread moreand i am packed and moving to high ground ! it will shock me if we`re still here in 10 to 15 years
we are in the last days,don`t worry about a tide,worry about your hyde
Amazing use of words. The words create lonely and dangerous places. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry. The storms of life leave us wishing for better endings.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Its scary cos even if we all get along in this world Earth cannot sustain our growth! Thank you John
9 Years Ago
I agree. How can you stop it? Man greed for everything. Little concern for the beauty of the earth.
9 Years Ago
Everybody wants a family hence China, India, Indonesia are having a big impact on Earth out of no di.. read moreEverybody wants a family hence China, India, Indonesia are having a big impact on Earth out of no disrespect but just living life but..... trouble lies ahead
9 Years Ago
You are right. I live in Michigan. Most of the Great Lakes are polluted. Lake Saint Clair. So pollut.. read moreYou are right. I live in Michigan. Most of the Great Lakes are polluted. Lake Saint Clair. So polluted. Can't swim in her.
9 Years Ago
wow scary!!! I mean where is our World's sewage going everyday! I hate to think!
Into our water in most places. California folks don't know. They drink the water recycled. No water .. read moreInto our water in most places. California folks don't know. They drink the water recycled. No water source except the ocean. To make ocean water drinkable. Very costly. Was one of my jobs in the Army.
9 Years Ago
can you imagine the carnage if terrorists sabotaged our water supplies!
9 Years Ago
The bleach killed most bad things in the water. I made water in Asia, Africa and South America. Need.. read moreThe bleach killed most bad things in the water. I made water in Asia, Africa and South America. Need to add protection against germs. Water sources for drinking. Should be protected.
And we havent even staryed with the storm yet. The way we are going we better hope our future generations adapt and evolve flippers and gills. We made the mess but who will clean it up.
Sharp, quick and to the point. Great write.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
I know its scary! If we don't have a war to kill some of us off , the way we treat the planet and th.. read moreI know its scary! If we don't have a war to kill some of us off , the way we treat the planet and the demand is out stripping our resources, its a volatile mix for Us!
Strindberg said.
" When I come home and sit at my writing table, then I live.... I live, and I live in manifold fashion of all human beings. I depict; I am glad with the glad, wicked with the wicked,.. more..