nicely captured ..staring into embers and flames is the campers lullaby ... did you mean to say caresses in the fourth line? ... just read your comment that this is an oldie ... glad you resurrected it .. feels good this morning in my snowy chill :)
Ive found myself many times lost in deep thought while staring into a fire. There is something mesmerising about the movement and sounds of flame.
Keep them coming.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thanks Doodley one of my many first poems I wrote 15 years ago in a brief period of writing poetry t.. read moreThanks Doodley one of my many first poems I wrote 15 years ago in a brief period of writing poetry then I stopped writing only to take up writing a year ago lol
9 Years Ago
Same for me too. Was a very good writer at school, even my English teacher suggested i should write .. read moreSame for me too. Was a very good writer at school, even my English teacher suggested i should write as a career. Then life gets in the way, and you kind of lose focus. I've only been back writing for the last month. We have to keep up the momentum!! Haha.
Strindberg said.
" When I come home and sit at my writing table, then I live.... I live, and I live in manifold fashion of all human beings. I depict; I am glad with the glad, wicked with the wicked,.. more..