Hi Andrew. this is it, isn't it. That bitter moment when the realization strikes!!! That sense of sorrow and loss that flows from our mind to our soul and takes up residence!!! Love the hope expressed here. Owning the key is one thing, having the courage to use, is a whole different matter!!! decision are not easy when it comes to matters of the heart and you have expressed this so well, despite hiding the emotion between your words. Love this, you have certainly captured that emotion, alf
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Captured so well alf lol Thank you so much for a top review!
9 Years Ago
Had to get serious on that one!!! That was a brilliant write, and I felt it!!!!
Andrew Mitchell,
Dreams. To me this innate ability to live a whole other life while oblivious to the real one is miraculous!
We all have this time where we work through the unsolved problems, the unsettling experiences and unrealized goals and desires. Is this actually part of how God helps us to live when we are awake? Does He even speak to us while asleep?
Love is a complex area with all people and I am not surprised that it is a theme here within your poem. You put this writing together in really clever way. It is like a letter to this lady you love or love in the reality of your beautiful dream. Great poem!
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Wow! Kathy thank you for a top review on an oldie of mine! Smiles to you.:)
6 Years Ago
I hope you have a beautiful dream life to match this one Andrew.
Then it will be
Just you and me
And when I find you.....
We'll continue our play
A lover's dream
i really felt for these lines they are so great i don't have words to describe
You have fallen in love with the Succubus it seems, who abandons you upon awakening but part of you remembers, she lingers in the back if your mind.
Or perhaps it is the other way around, you abandon her. Then she wriggles back into your awareness as you succumb to sleep.
Strange in all the delicious ways, I love this one.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you Amy for your thoughts, twas only I who abandons for the real world awakens me till the nex.. read moreThank you Amy for your thoughts, twas only I who abandons for the real world awakens me till the next sleep I return!
Hi Andrew. this is it, isn't it. That bitter moment when the realization strikes!!! That sense of sorrow and loss that flows from our mind to our soul and takes up residence!!! Love the hope expressed here. Owning the key is one thing, having the courage to use, is a whole different matter!!! decision are not easy when it comes to matters of the heart and you have expressed this so well, despite hiding the emotion between your words. Love this, you have certainly captured that emotion, alf
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Captured so well alf lol Thank you so much for a top review!
9 Years Ago
Had to get serious on that one!!! That was a brilliant write, and I felt it!!!!
Beautiful. We have all had those dreams that were so good then we wake up in and they disappear but leave their mark, leave us wanting more and we wish we could catch it again! Another great write. Nicely put my friend.
Strindberg said.
" When I come home and sit at my writing table, then I live.... I live, and I live in manifold fashion of all human beings. I depict; I am glad with the glad, wicked with the wicked,.. more..