Arizona Rapture

Arizona Rapture

A Story by Alyssa

The hot sun was blazing on my sweaty bare back as I was hammering and ripping off the shingles on the roof with my two co-workers, also known as my best friends since high school. It was boiling hot, I wanted to literally rip all of my clothes off, but that would probably get us fired for sure. Well, at least we had beer. That’s what you get I guess for being a construction worker in Arizona.
“Hey Austin, can you hand me the screw driver drill.” I heard Leo ask behind me. I handed him the drill to his reaching hand, his buzz cut head was gleaming with sweat. He was working on the peak of the roof drilling the new shingles on. Jeff, my other good friend was on the other side of the peak, working on the gutter.
“Hey guys after this do you want go watch the D-Backs game at my place?” I offered. All I wanted to do after this was sprawl out on my couch and watch a good old Arizona game. On Friday we would always crash somewhere after work to watch baseball games.
“Hell yes, I’m in.” Leo said while screwing a new drill head on the drill.
“I can’t tonight guys, Sarah and I are going out to dinner tonight.” I heard Jeff say from behind me. He walked up over to us and we were all standing.
“Dude, don’t let her control what you do. I mean yeah you’ve been dating her for a few months bu-”
“Almost a year.” Jeff interrupted sternly.
“Sarah and I have been together for almost a year.” Jeff said evenly.
“Well, whatever, but dude you know she’s doing this because she knows you always have a guys night on Friday.”
“No, tonight is our 11 month anniversary, I can’t miss that man.” Jeff breathed.
“Go to hell Jeff. More booze for me then.” Leo said humorously.
“Guys I already feel like s**t you don’t got to make it worse.” Jeff said and took a gulp of his beer. I speculated him for a moment and started to feel bad.
“I’m sorry bro, go with your girl we’ll tell you how the game goes.” I said, I shouldn't be assuming things about his girlfriend. I liked Sarah, she was perfect for Jeff. And I was always jealous of what they had. I couldn’t keep a girl for longer than 5 months. And the only girl I did have for as long as 5 months I thought was awesome till we started getting ridiculously bored in each other’s presence. That’s what I don’t get, it how someone can be married to the same person for 30, 40, 50 years and not get bored of them or anything, how do you love someone that much for so long? It was an impossible thing for me to accomplish. And just a year is amazing to me. I've never had a true relationship, and that scares me. I don't want to end up like Leo, he does one-night stands and thinks he’s a "player." Jeff on the other hand, I idolized... but I was pathetic next to him.
“-Sorry too.” I heard Leo finish as I tuned back into the conversation.
“Thanks guys.” Jeff said and walked back behind the peak and began to hammer again.

I threw some of the shingles that I ripped off and threw them off the roof. I could feel my tan getting tanner from the powerful rays of sun hitting every angle of my body. I heard jogging footsteps below coming from a distance but getting louder and louder as I was taking another sip of beer, lifting it all the way up and taking ever last drop left. I saw Leo perk up from the corner of my eye and heard him make a little gasp of joy. The he did a loud obnoxious whistle.

"Hey babe! You lookin as sweaty as us!" Leo shouted off the roof. Instinctively I looked down and saw what I expected, a young woman jogging on the sidewalk coming towards us. She had brown hair pulled up in a ponytail and her skin looked like ours, gleaming with sweat. She was wearing athletic shorts and a loose gray t-shirt. I shook my head in shame at Leo's comment with embarrassment. She was ignoring him, smart thing to do. Leo wasn't having that.

"Hello? Come one girl come join us we have beers!" He shouted again enthusiastically. What happened next completely surprised me. She stopped in her tracks when she was just about to pass the house and looked up with her hand above her eyes to keep out the sun and another on her hip.

"Really?" She yelled back.

Leo laughed in disbelief. "Yeah!" He called back surprised. She started to walk towards the ladder to climb up.

"No way..." I said to myself incredulous. I looked at Jeff and his mouth was open in disbelief and Leo was smiling amazed. She started to climb the ladder like she’s been climbing ladders her whole life, and hell it was hot. We were exchanging looks. Not ever did we expect this, usually the girl Leo called would just ignore him. Now that one actually decided to respond, we had no idea how to react to it. Then as soon as we knew it, her head popped up at the edge of the roof, her face was composed. She stepped onto the roof and pushed away her bangs from her face casually.

"Hey, so you gonna hand one over or not?" She said with a light chuckle. Leo snapped out of it and grabbed a cold one right out of the cooler and handed her one.

"Thank you" She said in a sweet tone. She opened the cap with a snap and took a big gulp.

"So, you were thirsty huh?" Jeff said trying to start up a conversation. She moved the bottle away from her lips and nodded embarrassed.

"Yeah, I’m sorry... I just really, really, needed something to drink, and this is perfect." She looked from Jeff to Leo, and then to me for the first time. Her face curved into a smile, and that’s when it all started.


I didn't know it was possible to fall in love with someone so easily. The emotions just came to me like a title wave, pushing me back till I slowly slid onto the shore surface, staring up into the sky in a love-struck daze. And I didn't even know her name. Perfect. It has been a total of 2 days since the woman of my dreams climbed onto the roof to where we were working to have a beer. After she smiled at me, we all talked for a bit and she ended up having to go, and we had to finish up work. She climbed back down the ladder and jogged away, boy how much I wanted to run after her. No name, no number. I didn't want to ask her because I thought it would be weird and sound ridiculous in a situation like that. You ask for girl’s numbers at a club, not on top of a roof. And if I did anyways Jeff and Leo would burst out laughing, I knew them too well. If they did that I would do the same thing. And later that night when Leo was over my house and we were watching the game, I told him that I was in-love with her. He didn’t believe me and said the heat got to me, but it was true. Since then I can't sleep, the image of her smiling and looking at me hasn't gotten out of my mind. It was a need to see her again. I had to find her somehow... she can't be far.


After a night of little rest I got up early and decided I couldn’t wait around any longer. Since she was jogging down North Ash Avenue, the street we were working on, I decided to jog around there with my dog, Hunter, he is a chocolate lab… another one of my best friends. We were walking down the road, same time, same place she was jogging that Friday. And I was looking everywhere; I went up the road, around the block, two blocks, three blocks… I couldn’t find her at all and I was beginning to give up. I went down to the water with Hunter and sat on a rock looking out at the glowing orange setting sun. I would have to work again tomorrow since it was Monday, that roof isn’t finished yet. So maybe she’ll come?


Monday was rough. Almost one hundred degrees, hopelessness got worse. No girl in sight. Jeff and Leo told me that I should stop thinking about it too much but I can’t. They think my heads in the clouds. Hey, maybe it is… that’s what happens I guess. This was the first time it really did. A whole 2 weeks went by, and my small house was disgusting. I couldn’t focus on anything, why was this happening to me? Its like she threw all my coordination skills out the window.

On another walk with Hunter, I walked by the houses where she jogged again. Hunter stopped at a tree to mark his territory and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around anxiously, and to my surprise it was an elderly lady with her husband. They were holding hands and smiling. That couldn’t of happened at any better time. What I wanted in my whole life walking by me. I could feel their aroma of love and compassion for another flying in the air and hitting me in the face, it stung my heart and ripped at the seams. If I could find her I could at least try to start something close to that. I later brought Hunter home and drove to an open bar and sat down. I ordered the strongest alcohol they had and kept taking shot after shot, drinking my blues away. I ended up being so wasted that I fell off the booth. Everything hit the wood floor but my head, I could feel two hands gently cupping it. I looked up from the ground and saw her. Saw her! My face lit up like it never has before, I felt as if my mouth would tear from spreading so wide. I was dizzy and didn’t think it was real. I had no idea what was happening, all that was important was her face, it was beautiful in front of the colorful lights from the ceiling. Her hair was down this time and her eyes were a gorgeous green.

“Angel.” I said serene. That came out of nowhere I thought. My mouth was still wide. She looked at me and laughed. Her amazing adorable laugh.

“Nope, not yet I am.” She helped me get up and I never took my eyes off of her.

“Are you really here?” I asked. The way everything was blurry except her made me feel like I was in a dream. She smiled at me.

“Of course I’m real. You just have had too much to drink, so lets sit you down here for a bit, and I’ll drive you home later.” She held on to my sides and led me back to the booth.

“Thanks You.” I said with an odd intoxicated voice. My eyebrows furrowed from hearing myself, boy I must be really hammered.

“No problem, you need to get home safely.” She said patting my shoulder. Every touch from her was like stepping in a warm bath. I suddenly remembered an important need I had other than finding her. My eyes widened.

“Name!” I said smiling while pounding my fist on the bar counter. She did not seem startled by the noise or shaking of the table.

“Name? My name?” She asked even though she seemed to already know the answer.

“Yes.” I said determined, leaning closer waiting eagerly for a reply. She raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

“Amelia Rowe.” Of course her name was Amelia, it couldn’t have fitted her face better. I gave her an adoring look that probably made her feel uncomfortable, but I looked at her, and she was handling me well.

“And yours?” She asked and rested her head on her hands. I forgot what she asked me and remembered it was what my name was; I forgot that too… so it took me a couple of seconds.

“Austin Porter.” I said clearing my throat. She smiled and pursed her lips friendly.

“Nice to meet you Austin Porter.” She took her hand out and with my slow reactions I realized what she gestured longer than I should have and shook it. The way she said my name made me want to melt to the floor.

“I think I should bring you home now, how about it?” She asked and stood up off her booth.

“Sure.” I said jolting up, nearly tripping. She threw my arm over her shoulder and helped me out into the warm night air. I got into the passengers side and told her where I lived. I put my head back, I was exhausted. She came in through the other side, still the only thing focused in my vision. She started the car and we backed out onto the road. The radio was on soft in the background and she looked over at me.

“So, what’s the reason behind this little act tonight?” She asked and put her window down.

“You.” I said assured, and like it meant nothing.

She looked at me confused. “Me? Ha you don’t have to tell me its all good.” She turned back to the road.

“No really, it was. I’ve been looking for you.” Why was I being so honest? I wish I was sober, this is probably going to be embarrassing when I figure out I did this.

“Really? How come?” She asked playing along like I was joking, when I really wasn’t.

“You amaze me.” Was all I said, as if it was no big deal.

She turned to me smiling and replied. “You amaze me too. You’re a mystery… I want to figure you out.” She said with real words.

“I want to be with you, always.” I said slightly dozing off, my eyelids began to get heavy and I drifted to sleep with her face as the last thing being carried in my thoughts.


“Austin.” I heard a warm voice whisper. I then felt a hand lightly shake my shoulder. I forced my eyes open and saw her leaning over me on my right with my door open.

“We’re here, come on!” She said and chuckled at my bewildered but happy face. It was like I saw her again in the bar, it was a confirmation that it wasn't just a dream.

Half asleep she walked with me with her hand on my back to my front door. She let go and put her hands on her hips like on the roof.

“So, Austin. You are home now, have a nice long sleep… you’ll need it! Goodbye.” She released a friendly smile, patted my arm and started walking down the steps. No! She cannot leave me again!

"Where are you going?" I asked frantick and out of tune while I followed her as she started walking to her car.

"Hey I got to get some sleep too you know." She said with humor. It wasn't funny to me.

"I don't want you to go, I love you." I blurted like a begging 5 year old and held her soft hand. My words suprised her.. and I regretted saying them, but half of me couldn't care less as long as she knew. I was too drunk to repair myself.

"Your sweet, but I really got to go." She said with pity, trying to hold back a smile. She realesed herself from my hand.

She saw my horror struck face and continued." Don't worry, we'll hangout... just not like this. Bye Austin."  She chuckled as she started walking again. I could feel relief spread relaxing my stiffend skin.  

“Bye Amelia.” I said clueless of where she even was anymore. I walked into the door, forgetting to open it and I heard a burst of laughter. I smiled and put my hand on the knob this time, walked inside and literally crashed onto my bed.


I woke up to the loud obnoxious high-pitched ring of the phone. I reached over to it resentfully and answered.


“Dude wake up work is in 10 minutes.” I heard Jeff say.  They must be outside in the work van waiting for me. I quickly got dressed and snagged a granola bar to eat. I hopped in the van and told them all about last night.

“Wow man.” Leo said and hit my back. “That’s one way to get a girls attention!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Did you get her number?” Jeff asked and as soon as he did I sulked in my seat. “I didn’t ask for her number again! But I was drunk… it makes sense.” Well, at least I could look her up in the phone book if she’s in it.

“True.” Jeff said.

We worked for 5 hours on the roof and all went out for lunch. I was planning on seeing if Amelia would want to go out tonight, so after work I miraculously found her name in the phonebook and the phone rang.


“Hey it’s angel.” She teased.

“Amelia?” I asked astounded.

“Yep, its me! Hey so you want to hang out tonight? I found your number in the phonebook just now.” All I could do was laugh.

“Yeah sure, you in for Lake Powell?” Lake Powell was my favorite place here. The scenery never gets old.


“Alright, I’ll pick you up in 20 minutes.” I said. We both said goodbye and hung up. I got out of my sweaty work clothes, took a shower and got dressed. Tonight will be a night to remember.


I drove to her house and picked her up, we went down to the beach, but its really more like big boulders of rock than sand. We sat down and faced the water. She was sitting Indian style as my legs were dangling off the rock. She faced me.

“Last night, did you really mean everything you said?” She asked gingerly.

I didn’t know if I should really tell her yes, but I want to be honest with her, she was all that mattered, no matter how ridiculous it would sound to her.

“Yes, I did. I know your wondering how could I feel like that so fast, but I couldn’t control it. I feel… this electrical vibe when I’m around you, like I can’t stop being happy. And when you’re gone, I miss you. Trust me, I don’t get it either.” I watched her carefully; she was looking out at the water tranquilly, not saying anything but clearly thinking heavily. I cut the silence, I was thinking she was feeling uncomfortable and got embarrassed.

“I don’t know, you probably think I’m creepy, and I get it. I’m pathetic, so pathetic. Ugh just…just never mind. I have problems, I don’t know how to be in a relationship, or be with any girl… this is probably why I never had a real relationship, and I’m 22 for god sake… I’m so stupid and- ” I was stopped by warm hands holding my face gently keeping it still. Amelia was looking me right in the eyes; her eyes only two inches from mine were looking in mine with such deep devotion it felt like she could see into my soul. I couldn’t look away.

“Austin Porter. You are the entire opposite of creepy, or pathetic. You have so many things that a lot of guys do not have. Honesty, integrity… your heart is willing to hold love for so many. You are humble, and deep. You are not stupid; you are smart in so many ways. What you do not have Austin, is the knowledge of knowing you are all this. You are a great person, and anybody would be lucky to share your love.”

I was hit with so many emotions I didn’t know how to react to her words; no one has ever spoken to me like that before, with such empathy and validity. Every word was so powerful and strong; it hit my heart healing every inch. She was my cure; she was what made me happy… she could see so much from so little. And I believed every word that came out of her mouth. All I could do was smile a little, at how much she made me love her. She smiled back and looked at my lips. I looked at hers and I knew what was coming. She leaned in slowly till her lips met mine. Her soft but electric touch was what I’ve always wanted to feel. I kissed her back as our lips fit together like a puzzle; I could feel our beating hearts unite as one. She was who I needed, the one and only person I could be with, forever.


© 2009 Alyssa

My Review

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i love it
sooooo much
im speachless

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is great!!! I LUV how u descirbe things. Like when Amelia was looking into Austin's eyes and u described it as looking into his soul!!!! This is FREAKIN AMAZING!!!! I'm not kidding when I say u should be a writer cuz u have awesome talent!! And that last sentence is soo beautiful!! It just ties everything together!! AMAZING WRITE!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is such a divine piece indeed ...
Really truly well written ...
Ever aspect ... a marvel in itself ...
Such wonderful words that flow from the page ...
A real beauty ...

Posted 15 Years Ago

This was written in a wonderful really tell your story in a lovely way..
He liked her the moment he laid eyes on her,and she haunted him every minute of his days ..
he never knew how to deal with women,their relation could not last more than a few months..he wanted more than that
when he saw a married couple he admired how love could stay for a year or ten or forty,he just could not understand it ,how love could stay all that time..
most of his women who dated did not last long they easily got impatient with Each other..
So when he met her Amelia Rowe,its like all time stopped ,he knew this woman had something no one ever had before she nestled in his mind ,so he went to look for her,and could not do that ,he thought he would drink his sorrows away ,so getting drunk till he fell to the ground ,help to raise him to his feet,when he saw her face ,it was like no one was there and she shined to his face ..
Right away he told her he could not live without her ,she was taken by surprise ,she hardly knew him,but then she told him she knew he was a hard working man ,never stupid or with out feeling ,a very caring man,and with character and that she too fell to his heart and fell for his love..
I was amazed as this was written in a strange lovely way ,so exciting that you just want to read,i really loved this..
lovely write..

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 24, 2009
Last Updated on June 13, 2009



Rochester, NY


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