![]() Blur at the BridgeA Chapter by Alyssa
Chapter 5: Blur at the Bridge
Cody had pulled in to this small 50’s diner called “Joe’s,” And as we walked in it had Elvis merchandise and a jukebox playing up-beat 50’s songs. The waitress lead us to a booth, the seat cushions were red and sparkly. When we sat down across from each other and started browsing the menu. The waitress came around five minutes later and we already knew what we wanted. “I’ll have the chicken bacon cheese sandwich with fries on the side please.” I said politely. I looked across at Cody and he was looking down at the menu concentrated. “And I’ll get the triple cheese burger, with a side of fries…” He was still grazing the menu. “Those chicken quesadillas, the mozzarella sticks and the onion soup bowl please.” My expression was the same but I was thinking to myself, boy does he have an appetite. The Waitress looked like she was thinking the same but made it completely obvious that she thought he was a freak. She took our menus and said she would be back and I watched her leave, feeling very appalled by her rudeness. I’m sure it showed on my face. I set my eyes back on Cody, who was already looking at me with an adored expression. “What?” I asked “Nothin’.” He shrugged. His arms rested on the table; one hand cupped over the other. I continued to look at him, how was it I noticed every detail? Every movement, expression, what he wears, how his jaw flexed while he was talking, his masculine arms and hands, his deep brown eyes, his pretty olive, caramel skin…he seemed so interesting to me, so different from anyone else I’ve met. He took my long look the wrong way. He raised his hands like in surrender. “Hey, I know what you’re thinking; yes I have a huge appetite- sorry I just get really hungry a lot.” He looked at me waiting for what I was going to say back. I just laughed. He looked at me bemused. “What’s so funny?” “You don’t have to justify something like that, it’s cool, so you’re hungry a lot, who cares? You run around everywhere doing stuff anyways, that’s probably why.” “Yeah, I sure do.” He said with a nervous smile that I didn’t understand. When we got our food we ate it fast, Cody finished all of his food right when I had just finished my sandwich. Then the check came, and he argued that he was going to pay, I really did not want him to get away with that, so I said I would, and he disagreed. We eventually decided he would pay the most sense he ordered most of the food for himself, though I still think it should have been fifty-fifty. He took out his wrinkled money and laid it out on the table. I turned on the radio in Cody’s truck, twisting the knob till I got to a good song. Cody and I were singing along to most of the songs, which happily surprised me. I thought it was kind of funny how it sometimes felt like we were separated at birth. I felt this heavy magnetic pull between us, if that’s how to describe it. We both made fun of our awful singing ability, I told Cody he sounded like a dying howling wolf on his high notes, and he burst out laughing which made me jump. We sure weren’t going to try out for American Idol any time soon. We kept driving, he music still blasting; I didn’t know where we were going at all, the clock in his car said it was one ion the afternoon, the day was still young. We decided to roll down the windows, which like always, made my long hair break loose, and was blowing crazily with the wind. The Steve Miller Band came on, “Hooked on a Feeling,” was now blasting. We both started dancing to the irresistible beat, and sang to each other. When the song was fading out, I looked at him for a while, and noticed a scar that went from the back of his neck to the right side. “Hey, what’s that scar from?” I asked raising my voice over the music warily, tired from singing. He looked where I pointed, and contemplated for a moment. “Oh that’s nothing.” He said, also raising his voice over the music with unreadable eyes. I leaned towards the scar, studying it. I wanted to run my finger along it, but I thought that our friendship wasn’t up to that comfort yet. “It sure doesn’t look like nothing, come on you can tell me-” I began to say. “No I can’t.” He said with a dark laugh. I speculated him with a suspicious concern for a few seconds, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were worried. Why couldn’t he just tell me? It’s not like I’ll throw up all inside his car, I have a strong stomach when it comes gore. “It can’t be that bad.” I said feeling a bit uncomfortable with his sudden serious guise. “Trust me, it is Desiree, I would love to tell you, but it’s not safe.” He said sternly. The way he said my name was different, and I didn’t like it. “What do you mean it’s not safe?” I said uneasy. I was confused; this was just a scar, nothing big. Why did he make it into such a big deal? He gave a preparing sigh for what he was going to tell me. “Des, it’s not safe for you to know how I got the scar because it would make me give you information that would without question scare you so much… you wouldn’t even want to be my friend anymore.” He divulged. I badly wanted to ask why, but I knew he wouldn’t tell me. So I just respected his privacy. “Alright, I’m sorry… I’ll let it go.” I said with words run-over. “I’m sorry Des, I do really want you to know, but I’m not sure if I can tell you.” He was still looking ahead in a daze. He was frustrated; he seemed like he wanted to tell me so badly. I wanted him to tell me so badly. Why couldn’t it just be simple? Whatever he wants to tell me is surely not simple. It became quiet for a while, and I kept glancing over at him, and when I didn’t do that, I was looking through my peripheral vision. I was meddling on about this in my head thinking of what it could be, but what possibly could it be that he can’t tell me about? Something that would make me want to not be his friend anymore? There is nothing I can think of that would not make me want to be his friend, nothing could convince me to. He is too valuable of a person in my life now. “Want me to drop you off home?” He asked wearily. “Sure, thanks.” I muttered. When he pulled into my driveway, I didn’t want him to think I was mad at him, so I leaned over and gave him a tight hug. He hesitated, but put his arms around me to hug back. His body under my arms was well-built. “I’ll see you later, and hey, sorry I asked about it.” I said with empathy. I pulled out of the hug and worked my way out of the truck. “Don’t be sorry, you didn’t know.” I smiled at him reassuringly for a second, and turned my head. “Bye Cody.” He backed out of my driveway and out of sight. I felt so weird, like this scar really was that big of a deal that it would jeopardize our friendship? Way to drop a load on me Cody. I turned around and saw June on the porch coloring and Dad mowing the lawn. He squinted up at me with that protective look on his face. I waved at him and bounced up the three stairs to the porch. “Hey Juni! How was Bob’s?” I asked and sat down next to her and muddled her hair. She was coloring Pocahontas the Disney princess in her coloring book. “Good, Kaitlyn was so much fun! We caught frogs and butterflies most of the time. I caught one frog, he was HUGE. He croaked really loud I jumped and dropped him. Me and Kaitlyn were laughing so hard.” “That’s cool; sounds like you had a lot of fun. Hope you don’t get warts now!” I said and picked up a black crayon and started coloring Pocahontas’s hair. She stopped coloring and looked at me with wide eyes, “Warts?!” “Yeah, sometimes if you catch a bull frog you can get warts. No biggy though you probably didn’t, I never did.” I reassured her. She then looked at the palms of her hands closely and got up from the chair. “I think I’m gonna wash my hands,” And ran into the cabin. I chuckled and watched my dad finish up the lawn, he steered the tractor back into the garage and Jumped up the steps and sat next to me. “Hey baby, how has your day been?” He said while putting his arm around my shoulder. “It’s been good, painted a cat, had lunch-“ He jerked his head back. “Painted a cat?” I explained to him what we did to Billy Red and why we did it, and he laughed a hearty laugh. “Billy Red huh? That’s funny, because when I was your age I would do stuff like that to Billy Red all the time, he still a grumpy goat is he?” “Hah really? Yeah, and his face was priceless.” I was kind of shocked he was so fine with me and Cody’s stunt. If he hadn’t had pranked him when he was younger, I probably would have gotten in trouble. “You know, you should bring that boy over sometime, I could really impress him with a good steak, and he seems like someone I’d get along with.” That took me off guard. “Yeah, he’s really cool. He’s a good friend.” As soon as I knew it, almost a whole week went by of the beginning of our summer in the Adirondacks. A lot of those days I hung out with Cody and sometimes his friends, Leroy and Jack. Dad, June and I also went fishing a few times in the canoe, we almost tipped over a couple times. There were nice beach days, where June and I would jump off the dock and swim. Cody and I were becoming really good friends. And with that, my dad started pestering me again. It was June 25th, and another sunny, hot day. My Dad and I were on the deck in the early afternoon relaxing after I took June for a ride on the tractor. I was watching her out on the lawn, running around on the lawn barefoot pretending to be Pocahontas with bird feathers in her hair. My dad cleared his throat, like he was preparing to tell me something that he’s wanted to tell me for a while. “Hun, I know you and that boy, Cody are just friends, but trust me when I say this… a father can tell when his daughter is feeling emotions for a boy…” I took me a second to process what he actually was talking to me about, I immediately got uncomfortable. “Oh Dad please-” I began to say but he interrupted. “Now Des just listen, the look on your face after you left his truck yesterday evening was a dead give away,” I was panicking inside, this stuff I talk about with mom, not dad. And when she talks about it she is more teasing and it makes it more relaxed, he made it sound so serious and I wanted to get up and run away to avoid it all. “ -and before you leave to hang out with him you look so anxious and get all rushy.” I opened my mouth to argue but he put his hand up and quickly continued before I could. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m just giving off future advice… you may not think you like him that way now, but just know this… its always better off to stay true to yourself instead of lying.” I sat there taken aback, not expecting to hear what he said. He was being ridiculous. It was making me even more uncomfortable. I decided to end the conversation and not say anything else. “Okay, thanks dad.” “No need to thank me, your mother isn’t here; someone needs to give you a life lesson.” He chuckled oddly, patting my back and stood up to go in the kitchen Later in the afternoon we all went fishing, and caught a couple bass for dinner, June and I watched my dad skin them at the sink, the whole time June was covering her eyes and plugging her nose, yelling at dad to make sure it didn’t feel anything. The fish fry was amazing and Bob visited to join us, his little niece was adorable and I was somehow dragged into playing Duck-Duck Goose and Hide and Seek with them. When they left the sky darkened into a pretty purple- blue color. It looked beautiful behind the mountains. I fell asleep with Cody as my last thought, I don’t know why. The next morning I made Pancakes, one of the few things I could cook, I even put chocolate chips in them. After breakfast our day was completely unplanned, our family isn’t much about planning I’ve come to realize. June was brushing her hair in our room mirror; I scooped her up in my arms from behind and swung her as she giggled. An idea sparked in my head. “You know what we should do June?” I asked. “What?” “We should go in the woods and go to that bridge again!” I suggested and lightly swung her onto the bed. Last year June and I were exploring the woods and found a wooden bridge over a creek. We would jump rocks in the creek and play Indians. “Yeah!” her face lit up like it was Christmas morning. It made me uncontrollably smile back. Her face could light up a whole room. When June got her shoes on we sprayed each other with bug spray and I threw on some jeans so my legs wouldn’t get bitten, even though I wished to wear shorts, it humid this morning. June put on sweats and wore a purple tank top, and then we started into the woods. My dad said he was going to go out to drop off the garbage at the dump, while constantly reminding us to be careful and to only go as far as the bridge in the woods, he didn’t want us to even go in the first place after how the woods put an impression on him the last couple weeks, but he knows how much we love the bridge. And I brought my cell phone just in case. June and I were following the yellow dots we made last year with the pain ball gun on the trees to the bridge. While walking June asked me about Cody, and I told her about him, and the funny stories about catching him naked and painting Billy Red’s cat. I then told her about dads rant on how he thought I was apparently infatuated with him. I kept nothing from June, and she kept nothing from me. “Daddy is being nosey.” June said hopping over a rock. “Yeah, but I can understand I guess… he feels like he needs to be in my business.” “Yea but I think it’s none of his bee’s wax.” She said in her little voice. “Yeah.” I breathed, stepping over a tree root that stuck out of the ground. We reached the bridge, it was layered with moss and the wood was weathered and looked a bit unstable, just like last year. The creek ran below it, there wasn’t enough water for fish to swim through, maybe minnows. We went and sat on the bridge, dangling our feet off the edge. The morning birds were chirping up in the trees above us, we were sitting in peaceful silence. “I love it up here.” June said tranquilly. “Me too.” I agreed. We sat in silence observing the nature around us, when out of nowhere we heard rough rustling from a nearby bush, I turned to look and saw a small, horrified light brown rabbit bounce out running and bouncing as fast as it could. June and I exchanged looks because it scared the living heck out of us. But I knew better that the bunny wasn’t just running from nothing, something was chasing it. I turned to June and grabbed her as I got up. “Juni we got to get out of here-” As soon as I said that I heard a deep growl and saw a black blur in my vision fly by me. Our hair whirled from the gush of wind from its pass. June screamed and I squeezed her arm tightly. We both had no clue what just passed us because it went by faster than our eyes could keep up with. The only image in my head of what it could be was the only thing that made sense. I looked over and saw the bushes and small trees shaken too by its windblown pass. I grabbed her hand and started running my way out of the woods, dragging June behind me, it had to be that wolf. “Desi? Desi what- what was that?!” She squeaked with fear. I didn’t know for sure, but I had a good estimate. What I saw couldn’t have terrified me more. June shrieked with pure horror, it was the same one that was walking towards me, the same one that haunted my dreams, and, now that I realized, the same one that owned those bright amber eyes that stared at me from deep in the woods. Seeing this was going to haunt June forever, and that was the last thing I wanted. The midnight black furred, amber-eyed wolf was blocking us, and we had no way around it. June’s now clammy hand was squeezing mine her nails digging for protection, and that’s what she needed… but could I do it? Could I protect her? I would try with everything I had in me at least. I pushed June behind me as she whimpered onto my back, burying her face into my side. I had no idea what to do next; the wolf was just standing there, watching us cautiously. The bright green of the forest made his black fur stand out. Beams of sunlight were peaking through the tree leaves above, landing on his scruffy fur, showing fresh pinkish red cuts on his snout and front left leg. It must have got them earlier in the day because there is no possible way a bunny could come close to doing that to a wolf, especially of its “Great Dane” size. I was panicking and so the only thing I could do was wait for a reaction out of it. I couldn’t take a risk and dodge, I was smarter than that. I slowly guided June and I to the tree, putting our backs against it. I placed June to my side, she was holding onto my waist tightly, still letting out little whimpers. I then slid myself down so I was sitting on the ground; June was clung to me… I already knew she was screaming with angry questions in her mind of what the heck was I thinking, I didn’t really know either, but it was the only idea I had. I thought that if we went down, and show our harmlessness, he would not see any worth in hurting us. I didn’t want to disturb him, and maybe he would just walk away knowing we meant no problem, he was hunting the rabbit after all not us. Maybe our running startled him? June and I were sitting against the tree, both clutching onto each other, and we both couldn’t have been more terrified from what was happening. I could feel the rough bark against my back and my jeans dampening from the damp earth. The only noises were the birds, the light wind through the trees, the low snarls of the wolf, and June, who was breathing in short little frantic breaths. Its amber eye's were glowing brighter than ever against his jet black fur. He started to slyly approach. It was like déjà vu. June’s breathing became faster, as did my heartbeat. “Desi!” She cried, her head buried in my side, trying to bring herself closer to me when it was physically impossible. I heard his paws dig into the dirt. He was a mere three feet away now; walking so slow the tension was agonizing. My heart felt like it was lodged in my throat. I couldn't breathe normally. He was a foot away. June and I were as still as stone, frozen with fear. I could see the details of its face, its eyes were not like any animals I’ve ever seen, and something about them was so different. I was in its eyes, lost in them. I felt this odd connection to them, like I saw more than just a pair of golden eyes. Where was I again? How did I get here? My mind went blank. I was so lost in its stare I didn't even notice that it came even closer...close enough his snout was inches from my and June’s nose. I felt its warm moist breath touch my face. He was looking from me to June with deep intensity. All my joints were locked and stiffened with horror. My head was pulsating from the intensity of its closeness. "Wh-what do you want? …What do you want from me?" I whispered hopeless, cracking my voice. I felt like an idiot talking to an animal, it doesn't even understand me. I looked into his eyes and they looked like they read more of me then I would have ever expected. I felt more exposed than ever. Then I was startled to feel a warm, wet tongue slide across my cheek. I looked at it perplexed, and it did the same to June’s face. June and I slowly exchanged looks and didn’t know how to react to it. We faced ourselves back to the wolf and its tongue was hanging out, panting friendlily. “Is-is he… good?” June asked me, her voice shaken, still overwhelmed. I speculated the wolf and I could have sworn he nodded. “Uh, yeah I guess so?” The wolf strained his neck as if to let us pet him. I hesitated, and he nudged in encouragement. So still a bit nervous, my hands trembling… I extended my hand slowly towards its snout. “Careful Desi!” June whispered. The tone of her voice was cautious, but much more relaxed to how it was before. I kept the pace of my hand until it finally touched his large snout; it was as big as my head. His nose was wet; I moved my hand to the top of his head petting by his ears as he closed his eyes with pleasure. His fur was soft and thick, I smiled lightly with such a relief, so relieved I wanted to cry, all my joints relaxed back to how they were before the wolf, June was relaxed too and she joined in on the petting, her eyes wet and nose stuffed from earlier terrified tears. He got onto his back so we could rub his belly and we both found that funny. His golden eyes were glowing. But this time they weren’t glowing with a cold glare… they were glowing with warmth. It was so extraordinary that I even thought of this wolf to kill me, and now it’s on its back for a belly rub? I guess he never intended on hurting June or me after all, but I swear he wanted to kill us a moment ago. I was so glad now, because if it didn’t magically turn friendly, where would June and I be now? Next time I should look up facts about wolves because from what I see now, they are just like dogs, but wild. The wolf was adorable from how we saw it now. I also thought it was very handsome too. We were petting it for quite a while. Then maybe after a half an hour, I could hear a deep howl coming from far in the woods. Instinctively the black wolf stood upright and faced us with very intelligent eyes. “You got to go?” I asked, confident for some odd reason that it understood me. It blinked back as if to say yes. “Bye doggy! You’re a very good wolf!” June said while hugging its neck. She released him and wrinkled her nose. “Ew, you need a bath!” The wolf barked in a way that sounded as if it was laughing. His responses left me awestruck. It then licked both of our faces, gave a friendly bark, and ran away like the speed of light. “Oh my god.” I said with awe. “I know!” June strongly agreed. “I have never, ever communicated with an animal like that before.” I stated. “Me either, how does he know what we are saying?” June asked curious. “I have no idea, maybe we’re stretching it. I mean, he’s a wolf… you know?” “Yeah, I guess so. But, you know that was not normal, at all.” She said fiddling with her fingers. “No, it wasn’t normal… we both know that was not normal.” I glanced over at her and she looked up at me. I felt she knew what I was going to say. “And, you know we are absolutely, without a doubt, no way possible, unconditionally forbidden to telling dad about this… ever, he will flip and he’ll bring us home and never let us do anything by ourselves ever again.” I said repulsed on the fact of leaving here, and worst of all, leaving Cody. It made my stomach churn. “Got it sissy.” “Okay good.” My phone buzzed and I answered it, it was dad. “Desiree Dawn Scott. What in the hell is taking you so long to get yours and June‘s little rear ends back home? I’ve been worried sick; I’ve called you four times!” My relief turned back into worry as my dad was flipping out on me over the phone, I must of not noticed the phone’s vibrate when I was too busy trying to save myself and my sister from a blood thirsty wolf, that turned out to be not so bad after all. “I’m so sorry dad, I didn’t notice you called… me and June were having too much fun at the bridge but we are on our way now and are almost out of the woods.” I tried to sound as innocent as possible and try to hide the fact that I thought I was going to get killed forty-five minutes ago. “Yes you better get out of that woods, you two can’t be in there for that long without letting me know your alright, for god sakes you could have been snatched or lost.” His voice was scary when he was mad, and this was just on the phone… he usually never gets this mad. “Don’t worry it’ll never ever happen again. I’ll see you in a minute.” “Oh yes you will-” I hung up the phone and grabbed Junes hand as we walked into our front lawn. “Is Daddy mad?” June whispered as we walked towards the house. “Very.” Was all I said because Paul was walking towards us from the front porch with his arms folded over his chest. “Are you guys okay? You had me worried sick! I’ve expected you out maybe a half an hour ago… Des, you’re smarter than that. You got to know that I don’t know where you are or what you’re doing and when I call and you don’t answer, it freaks the hell out of me.” He said still angry but more relieved than anything. “I’m so sorry dad, I swear I would have answered if I realized the phone was ringing, I guess we just got too caught up at the bridge, I’m really sorry.” I reassured. “I’m sorry too daddy.” June said ashamed. “June bug you have nothing to apologize for you had no responsibility to take care of, Desiree did.” He said surprised of her apology. “Next time, please answer you phone so I know you’re alive at least.” He said lightening up. “I will no problem.” I said feeling awful with myself; my shame was all over my face. I saw my dad look at me guiltily. “Okay, thank you. Now, I can’t stay mad at you forever, give me a hug kiddo.” I came over and he gave me a tight hug, hugging my dad was always one of my favorite hugs because they were always so warm and comfortable, like I was hugging a lovable bear. He picked up June and kissed her cheek and we all walked inside. It was getting even warmer than it was outside, and it was almost 11 in the morning. I put on some jean shorts, and a baseball t-shirt, and decided to braid my hair into low pigtails, after that, I ran into the kitchen towards phone, grabbing the note pad by the phone that had Cody’s house number on it. © 2009 AlyssaAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on April 15, 2009 Last Updated on December 31, 2009 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..