![]() chapter 4A Chapter by aly-luvs-1DJosh's POV
I walked into the hotel doors with a huge grin on my face. I cant wait til tomorrow. I really like Alex, there's something really familiar about her. I shrugged my shoulders and walked into my hotel room to be greeted by louis chasing harry, Liam watching toy story, niall eating some random food and zayn and his girlfriend Perrie cuddling on the couch.
"Josh!! Buddy where have you been all day?" Niall asked me. I smiled.
"I know that face. You met someone didn't you?" Louis assumed smirking. I nodded.
"Who???" Harry asked.
"This girl met at Starbucks." I answered.
"Is she hot?"
"Did you get her number?"
"Are you gonna see her again?"
"Yes, yes, and yes." I laughed.
"Can we meet her?" Zayn spoke up.
"Maybe i will invite her to the concert tomorrow." I said. "Oh and she has a kid." The boys just stared.
"How old is she? and how old is the kid?" Liam asked. What is this 20 questions?
"She's 17 turning 18 and he son is i think turning 2."
"What are there names?"
"Alex and Jackson." Zayn looked me wide eyed.
"A-Alex and J-Jackson." He stuttered. I nodded.
"Yeah, are you okay?" I asked him.
"Y-yeah, I j-just need some air." Zayn got up and walked out of the room.
"That was weird." Niall said. I nodded and sat next to him.
Alexs POV
Eventually Jackson went to sleep and so did i. But he woke me up at like 7 because he was hungry. So i havent gotten much sleep.
"Momma momma play with me!" Jax whined running up to me. I sighed.
"Maybe in a little bit. Mommys really tired." Jackson pouted.
"Nooo, pway wif me now!" Jackson cried.
"No Jackson!" I said to the child.
"But mommy please." He begged.
"Jackson chase malik! I said not right now!" He got teary eyed and ran away. "Jackson baby come back."
A moment later my phone started to ring. I checked the caller i.d. 'joshy'.
"Hello." I huffed.
"Hey alex." Josh responded.
"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah jacksons just being difficult." I said.
"Oh. Do u want me to come over? I can help if u want." He offered.
"You dont have too."
"But i want to. I will be over in like 15 minutes." I laughed.
"Okay see you then." I smiled. And he hung up.
I went upstairs to check on jax. He was sitting on his little couch with his head in his hands. I could hear him whimpering. I walked over and sat next to him.
"Jackson..." i whispered. He wouldnt respond. I put my arm around his tiny shoulders. He pulled away. I sighed. "Jackson, honey? Im sorry i yelled at you." He ignored me and ran to his bed. I got up and walked out of the room.
Someone knocked on the door and i went over to answer it.
"Josh!" I hugged him tightly. He laughed and hugged me back.
"Hey alex." I pulled away and walked over to the couch. He followed and sat down. I sat down next to him.
"Jackson come down here please!" I called to jax. I waited a minute but he didnt come.
"Jackson josh is here." A u later i hear little feet running down the stairs.
"Jossy!" Jax grinned. Josh bent to his level and lifted him in his arms.
"Hey little guy." Josh said to him. I smiled at the two. Josh sat back down next to me with jax in his lap.
"Are we still..." started to say but josh cut me off.
"Are we still gonna hang out? Yes we are but i was thinking is that we could make it a date maybe?" I grinned widely.
"Sure!" I said. Josh smiled. Jackson started to squirm on joshs lap.
"Pway pway jossy pway." Jackson squealed. Josh looked at me.
"Go ahead im gonna go call lauren to see if she can babysit him." I told josh, getting off the couch. Josh took jax up to his room while i called lauren.
I went up stairs to get the boys after i got off the phone with lauren.
"Lauren will be here in like 10 minutes." I said.
My phone started ringing a minute later i checked the caller i.d. unknown caller
"Hello?" No response just breathing.
"Helloo?" I tried again. No response.
"Who is this?" I asked. No response.
"Im gonna hang up now..."
"Im so sorry." The person said and hung up.
"Hmm that was wierd." I said to myself.
Zayns POV
I feel like such a complete a*****e for leaving alex and my son like that. But i had no choice. Management made me.
"Hello?" She answered. Wait she answered?
"Helloo?" She said again. What am i supposed to say. 'Oh hi this is zayn you know your babys father.' Yeah i doubt that will go over well.
"Who is this?" She asked. Oh yeah i changed my number.
"Im gonna hang up now.." wait noo. Quick zayn think of something.
"Im soo sorry." With that i hung up.
i miss alex, alot. more than you could ever imagine. i loved her and i still do. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. her and jackson mean the world to me and it kills me to not be there with them. i wish i could just go back in time to when management told me i had to stop seeing alex and tell them no instead.
"zayn?" i looked up to see perrie standing there.
"hey baby." she came over and sat with me.
"are you okay? you look upset." she asked putting her head on my shoulder. i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.
"im fine babe. just thinking about things. nothing to worry about, okay?" i said kissing her head and she nodded. im not saying i dont love perrie because i do love her. shes a sweet girl but no one could ever replace aly.
alexs POV
"no alex, you can not steal the duck and keep it for a pet." josh told me ruffleing my hair. i pouted.
"but whyyyy?" i whined. he laughed.
"because there technically wild animals and im pretty sure its illegal to own a duck without a license." he said. yes, we are arguing over whether i can take a duck home or not. no, i dont know why.
"then i will get a license, duhh." josh face-palmed himself and shook his head.
"you cant keep a duck. what if it bites jax or something? then what are you gonna do." josh pointed out. poking my stomach. i giggled a bit and pushed his hand away but he just put it right back.
josh and i are hanging out at the park and if anyone saw us right now they would probably assume we are dating. we are in the middle of the park laying in the grass, my head is nuzzled into his neck and one of hand are on his chest and the other is tucked underneath my side. he had an arm behind his head but now its on my stomach and the other arm is on my hip.
"i will keep them separate so that doesnt happen." i said. he chuckled.
"you have a strange imaginination, lexyboo." josh said kissing my head. josh has decided to give me a new nickname well actually 3 new ones. theres lex, lexy, and lexyboo. he wanted to be special and have his own nickname for me. "thats why everyone loves me." i smiled.
"so lex, you know how im a drummer, right?" i nodded, "well theres a concert tonight for the band i drum for and i wanted to know if you and jax would like to come?" josh asked.
"i would love too." he smiled. "what time and where?"
"7 at the primel arena."josh told me. (a/n: thats a random name. i dont know if there really is an arena with that name, probably not lol.)
"okie dokie." im starting to really like josh. hes super sweet to me and he seems to get along great with jax and jax loves him.
we sat in silence for a few minutes but not an awkward silence.
after a few more minutes i sat up. i need to do this. josh looked at me and sat up too.
"are you okay?" he asked. well he goes nothing.
"can i try something?" i asked. and he nodded looking confused.
i leaned in and kissed him. he didnt respond at first but after a few seconds, his lips moved with mine in sync. there was a tiny spark.
i felt josh slide a hand behinf my neck and pulled my face closer and the other hand move to my lower back pulling the rest of me closer. he smiled as my fingers moved through his hair. another minute later i was laying on the grass with him hovering over me, still kissing me.
kissing josh and feeling that little spark just made me miss kissing zayn and feeling those sparks, more like fireworks, we had.
after a bit more of making out, i pushed on his chest lightly to break us up. josh looked at me and smiled. he leaned down and kissed me again quickly before laying down next to me.
"what time is it?" i asked once i caught my breath. josh looked at the time on his phone.
"oh s**t, its already 4:30. i have rehersals at 5." josh said looked back at me.
"do you wanna get going?" i asked.
"i dont wanna go but i dont wanna get in trouble." i giggled and stood up, dragging him up with me.
"c'mon joshypoo, lets go. i dont wanna get u in trouble." he smirked and put his arm around my waist and we walked back to his car.
10 minutes later
he pulled into my driveway and i hopped out and walked over to his side. he rolled down his window.
"i would come inside to see jackson but if i do then i might be late." josh said.
"dont worry about it. we will see you tonight." i said. josh nodded.
"oh that reminds me," he grabbed something out of the glove compartment. "here." he handed me and envelope. "you might need these. its the tickets to get in and then backstage passes."
"no problem babe." he said. i smiled when he said babe. "well i better get going, tell jax i said hi, okay?"
"will do." i responded. josh leaned out the window a bit to kiss me. i smiled when he pulled away.
"i will see you later." he said buckleling his seat belt again. i nodded. i watched as he pulled out of the driveway. he waved before speeding down the road.
i sighed happily before walking into the house.
"im home!" i called.
"mommy!" i saw my son running at me. i bent down and scooped him in my arms.
"hey jaxy! have you been a good boy?" i asked. jackson nodded his little head.
"wheres jossy?" jax asked.
"he had to run baby but he said hi and we are gonna see him later." jax nodded and i put him down.
"jackson was good today as usuall." lauren told me walking over to us. "i swear that kid never does anything bad." i laughed.
"yeah, hes only good if your watching him." i told her. she smiled.
"well anyways im gonna get going. bye jax. be good for your mommy alright." lauren headed out the door. "bye alex have a good night." she said.
"bye, you too." she walked out and closed the door behind her. i brought jax upstairs to his room so he can play while i figure out what to wear tonight. © 2012 aly-luvs-1DFeatured Review
1 Review Added on November 23, 2012 Last Updated on December 24, 2012 Author![]() aly-luvs-1DAbouthey im alex but i liked to be called aly. im a sophmore in highschool now!! im really nice unless you make me mad. im totally and completely in love with one direction like legit im gonna marry them l.. more..Writing