chapter 1

chapter 1

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

Book 2 chapter 1


3 months later


" Aly, babe wake up." Someone said nudging my shoulder.


I groaned and turned away.


"Alex wake up." They demanded.


"Mmmm," i whined, "go away." I heard the person sigh and walk out of the room closing the door behind them.


5 minutes later


I heard the door open again and before i knew it i was being crushed by a Louis.


"Wakey wakey alybear!!!!" Louis shouted pinching my cheeks.


I started to laugh as he poked me.


"Ah-hel-p me za-a-yn." I said in between laughs to zayn who was leaning on the door frame.


"Okay Lou i think she's had enough." Zayn said walking over. Louis got off me and walked out of the room. Zayn climbed on the bed and layed down next to me. "Are you awake

now?" He laughed. I slapped his chest playfully.


"Your mean." I giggled. He smiled and pulled me into his chest.


"But you love me anyways."


"That i do." I leaned up and kisses him. I pulled away a minute later. "Now what was the point of waking me up at 8 in the morning?" I asked.


"Cause me and the boys have some news, now get dressed and meet us downstairs." Zayn kissed my head and left the room.


After i was dressed, i went downstairs to the boys playing with Jackson.


"Hey guys!" I said sitting on louis lap. "So what's the news u need to tell me?" They all looked at each other smirking.


"We are going on a world tour!!!!!" They all shouted excitedly. I jumped up off louis' lap.


"Oh my gosh!!! That's amazing guys!!" I exclaimed. I hugged each of the boys. "When do you guys leave?" I asked.


"2 weeks." Liam answered.


" and for how long?" I asked. The boys all looked at zayn who was y at his shoes. No one answered which this isn't good news. "How long is the tour?" I asked again.


"A year." Zayn whispered.




"The tour is a yea--." Zayn started.


"Yea yea i heard you. I just cant believe your gonna be gone for a year." I said. I sat on the floor and put jax in my lap. Zayn came over and wrapped his arms around me.


"I know love. But it will fly by. I promise we will call, text, and skype all the time." Zayn said rubbing my back soothingly. I could feel tears start to slide down my cheeks. "Hey guys, do u think u can leave us alone for a bit?"


"Yeah sure." Liam said. "Lets go guys." And with that they left.


Zayn brought Jackson upstairs for his nap while i stayed on the couch. Zayn came back and cuddled with me.


"I don't want to u to leave." I cried.


" i know baby i know. But we still have two weeks together. And i was thinking while I'm gone have Danielle and Eleanor help plan the wedding." Zayn said. I nodded in agreement.


(a/n: i know Danielle and Liam broke up :( but just pretend they are still together in the



After a well deserved nap i woke up very hungry. I sat up and stretched. I took a look around the room.


"I must've fallen asleep on the couch." I told myself. I looked at the time, 3:47. I've been asleep all afternoon?!?! I got off the couch and went to find zayn.


I heard voices coming from Jackson's room so i went to find out what they were.


I walked into his room to see him and zayn sitting on the floor playing with Jackson's 'action figures' even though they are are clearly just dolls.


"There are my two favorite boys." I said walking over to them and sitting next to zayn.


"Mommy!" Jackson smiled. Yes he can talk a tiny bit. He can sat mommy and daddy and a couple other words. But everything else he says comes out at asdfghjkl. Jax climbed into my lap.


"Hey lovey." I told the small boy in my lap.


"Hey love, have a nice nap?" Zayn asked. Wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.


"Yes i did actually. But my stomach woke me up." I pouted poking my stomach. Zayn looked at me questionably. "I'm hungry." He nodded.


"Well then how about we go out to eat then." Zayn suggested.


"Okay what time?"


"In an hour maybe."


"Sounds good." I said. "Hey babe? Can u get Jackson ready while i go take a shower?"


"Yeah sure." Zayn taking the baby from my lap.


"Thank you baby." I said giving him a quick kiss. I left the room and then went to go take a shower.


After my shower i picked out my clothes which was a pair of light blue slightly ripped skinny jeans, a purple sequin top and my purple flats. I straighted my hair then put it up in a side ponytail.


"Alex are you almost ready?" Zayn called from downstairs.


"Yeah, be down in a sec." I responded. I grabbed my black PINK sweatshirt and headed downstairs.


Zayn met me at the bottom holding Jackson in his arms. He grabbed his keys and we walked out to the car. Zayn put jax in his seat while i hopped in the passenger seat.


We decided to go to the outback.


After about a 20 minute drive we pulled into the parking lot and parked the car.


I got out and went to to get Jackson out of his seat. He was playing with his feet when i opened the door.


"Umm why is he playing with his feet?" Zayn asked from behind me making me jump.


"Who knows." I answered unbuckling our son and placing him on my hip. Zayn shut the door and locked the car.


"Hi, how many?" The hostess asked zayn looking him up and down with smirk in her face. I grabbed zayns hand making sure she noticed.


"3 please and can we have a kids menu for our son." The girl nodded and grabbed our menus.


"Right this way." We followed her to our table. "Here you are." She said placing our menus on the table.


"Thank you." We sat down.


"Would you like a high chair for him?" She asked pointing to jacks.


"Yes please."


an hour and a half later


We arrived at home getting ready for bed. I out Jackson to bed and went back to me and zayns room.


He was looking in the mirror with nothing but his boxers on.


"What are you doing?" I asked making him jump. "Let me guess your muscles are big enough? Um you don't have enough tattoos?" Zayn laughed.


"Actually i was thinking getting another tattoo." He said slipping his arms around my waist pulling me closer.


"Oh really? Of what?." I smiled.


"A snake."


"A snake?" I questioned.


"Yeah guess where?" He asked. "And i will give you a hint. It will grow every one and a while." He said smirking. Its gonna grow-


"Zayn!!! Your such a perv!!!" I said smacking his chest. "Why would you get a tattoo on your dick? Wouldn't that hurt a lot?"


"Well all tattoos hurt. But yes it would hurt alot and i probably would be able to have sex for a while. And u wanna know the best part." I nodded. "That your so gullible." It took me a minute to get what he said.


"You jerk." I hit his chest again.


"Why the hell would u think i would seriously get a tat on my dick? Are you insane?!?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. "But i do want to get another tattoo though i just don't know

what yet."


"Babe can we go to bed now? Im tired." Zayn laughed and nodded. I stripped out my clothes and threw on one of zayns shirts then climbed into bed next to zayn. I cuddled into his chest and fell asleep.


a week later


Only one more week til the boys leave and i havent been able to spend much time with them because of rehearsals and recording. I miss zayn and its only been a few hours since he left to head to the studio. I dont know what im gonna do when hes gone for a year.


"But baby, u said u werent leaving for another week?" I whined to zayn on the phone. A few minutes ago he called me to tell me that him and the boys were leaving in a couple days.


"Yes i know and i thought that was the plan but management wants us to get a head start." Zayn replied back. I felt tears starting to form and i started to sniffle."aly, baby, please dont cry." Zayn said hoarsly like he was gonna cry to. "Please." He whispered.


"Zayn i dont want to you to leave. I want you to stay with me and jackson." I told him.


"I know hunny. And i want to stay too but its my job. Now listen im leaving the studio now and will be home in like 15-20 minutes okay? Then we can talk about this." Zayn said.


"Okay i love you."


"I love you too baby more than anything." Zayn said. "Bye love see you in a bit." He hung up before i could reply.


I threw my phone to the other side of the couch. I curled into a ball and cried.


20 minutes later


I heard the front door open. I knew it was zayn so i didnt bother to look.


"Aly?" Zayn called.


"Over here." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. I heard the sound of his boots coming closer to the couch. He bent to to my level.


"Baby?" I peaked up through my hair letting him see my tear streaked face. I saw his mouth form into a frown. He lightly moved my hair behind my ears and leaned forward to kiss me lightly in the lips. He got up off the floor and sat on the couch.


"C'mere." He said patting his lap. I crawled over and sat on his lap. "Now listen to me. The year will fly by i promise you. I will be talking to you every chance i get." I nodded. "I love you. Dont forget that."


"I love you too." I replied. Zayn kissed the top of my head.

© 2012 aly-luvs-1D

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Added on October 16, 2012
Last Updated on October 16, 2012



hey im alex but i liked to be called aly. im a sophmore in highschool now!! im really nice unless you make me mad. im totally and completely in love with one direction like legit im gonna marry them l.. more..

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

chapter 3 chapter 3

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

chapter 4 chapter 4

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D