![]() chapter 15A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D
chapter 15
a year later
i felt the bed tip and i looked over to see zayn getting up.
"zaaaynnnn." i dragged out his name. he looked at me and smiled.
"allyyyy." he said mocking my voice.
"where are you going?" i asked.
"im going to get jackson up." zayn responded. i reached over and pulled him back to me.
"noooo...dont go." i whined burying my face in his chest. he laughed.
"but baby i have to get him." i felt him kiss my head and he gently pulled my arms off him and i flopped down on the pillows. zayn got up and started to walk to the door. i reached out my arms dramatically.
"dont leave meee." zayn laughed and continued to leave the room. i rolled my eyes and got out of bed. i probably should explain who jackson is. he is zayn and i's 8 month old son. yeah it turns our i got pregnant that night we played truth or dare with the boys. all the boys who happy and excited to be uncles. the only one who want as excited as the other boys was, you guessed it, harry. he got over it though and now hes happy about it. but i still feel he stills loves me and i know he does because he told after i told them all i was pregnant.
i grabbed some clothes for the day and went into the bathroom to take a shower. when that was done i dried my hair and threw it up in a pony tail. i grabbed a pair of my toms and slipped them on my feet and headed out of the bedroom and downstairs. at the bottom of the stairs i spotted zayn holding a giggly baby boy and surrounding him was the boys and their families and them all my family and friends. when they spotted me they all shouted happy birthday to me. 'oh ya its my birthday.' i though to my self.
zayn hugged me when i reached the bottom.
"happy 17th babe." he whispered to me and kissed the skin below my ear. i grinned and thanked him. i pulled away and looked at jacks.
"hey babyboy." i cooed as i took the baby from zayns arms. jackson giggled. i kissed his cheek and handed him back to zayn. "im gonna go find my parents." i told zayn. he nodded and kissed me quickly and walked of to who knows where.
i found my parents talking to harrys mom. i stuck behind anne (harrys mom) and put my arm around her shoulder.
"hey momma styles." i grinned happily. (a/n: i know anne's last name isnt styles but just go with it.) anne hugged me.
"hey sweetie, happy birthday!" she smiled.
"thanks you! hey mom, dad." i greeted my parents. and in less 10 seconds i was engulfed in hugs from my parents. then by siblings hugged me. i have 4 siblings. 1 sister and 3 brothers. matt is the oldest, hes 22. then my older sister ava-lyn, shes 19. the my younger brother, charlie, hes 11. then ny other little brother, nick, hes 8. so im the middle child. yay!
"wheres my grandson?" my mom asked. her name is michelle and my dads name is carlos.
"yeah, and i would like to my grandsons father, also my soon to be son-in-law." my dad said in his slight spanish accent. yeah and im part spanish.
"im with dad. i want to meet the prick that got my baby sister." matt said. my dad hit the back of his head.
"i will go get them." i said and left to find zayn and the baby.
i found zayn talking to liam. i walked over and stood next to zayn.
"oh! happy birthday little boo!" liam yelled hugging me. little boo is what all the other boys call me because louis still wont let them call me alybear.
"thanks Li." i said hugging him back. after a moment or two i pulled away and took my place back next to zayn who snaked his arms around my waist. i took my son from zayn and cradles jackson in my arms. "zayn, my parents along with my brother want to meet you and jacks."
"wait...which brother?" zayn asked cautiously.
"my older one." i answered. i heard zayn sigh nervoulsy.
"oh...liam? tell my mom i love her." zayn said dramtically. liam laughed.
"why?" liam replied still laughing.
"because her brother is gonna murder me." i rolled my eyes and pulled zayn away from liam and towards my family.
"mom, dad? this is your grandson, jackson." i said handing jacks to my mom.
"aww! hes so cute!" she gushed.
"and he looks so much like you alexcia." i face-palmed as when my dad called me by my full name.
"alexcia?" zayn whisper/snickered next to me. i gently elbowed his stomach and sounds stopped.
"actually dad, jacks looks more like zayn." i stated. my father and mother looked from jackson to zayn then back to jackson.
"yeah i can see that." my mom said. "hi im alex's mom, michelle and this is her father, carlos or carl. you must be zayn." my mom introduced her self. zayn nodded. "well its very nice to meet you."
"you too." zayn smiled. my parents talked to us for a few more minutes then began to talk to zayns mother and father.
"so your zayn?" matt asked. zayn nodded nervously. i mean he had every right to be nervous. matt gave him the once over. "i like harry better." i squeazed zayns hand because he began to shake.
"why?" i asked.
"because he didnt get you pregnant." matt said shooting a glare at zayn.
"well zayn treats me better than harry and i didnt want harry to father my children anyways." i snapped at matt and stormed away towing zayn behind me.
i dragged zayn over to where the boys were standing.
"hey alybear!" louis said excitedly.
"hi lou." louis frowned.
"whats wrong?" louis questioned. zayn put his arms around me.
"my brothers an a*s." louis nodded.
"well you dont need you brother. you have us." louis said gesturing to himself, liam, niall. and harry. the boys nodded in agreement. i talked to the boys a little longer until my mom brought my crying son over to us. zayn took the child from my mother and she walked away.
"maybe hes hungry." niall suggested to zayn who was trying to calm the our son down. zayn was such a good dad. hes does more than needed and its perfect i dont have to beg him to feed him, change him or bathe him. and its nice because when i need to nap or something zayn is more than happy to take care of him.
"maybe. has he eaten yet?" i asked zayn. he shook his head.
"no. i will go feed him now." zayn said taking jacks to the kitchen. the boys followed and i was alone.
after a while i went to see what was taking so long so i went into the kitched and gasped at what i saw.
"WHAT THE HEL-" I changed my words when i noticed jackson giggliling. "HECK HAPPENED IN HERE!?!?!" i screamed. i turned to zayn for and explanation and it better be a damn good one.
"well..umm.. uhh."
"spit it out malik!" i yelled picking up my food cover son. yeah the boys decided to have a food fight in the kitchen and as you can see i am not happy.
"i tried feeding jacking some fruit and he didnt like it so he though it on the floor, so we tried some baby cookie things and he didnt like that either so that landed on the floor. then louis tried to give him carrots and jackson threw that on the floor so louis got upset and threw the carrots at me so i threw it back and..well.. it lead to this." zayn said pointing to the kitchen. i glared at the boys. they all looked at the floor.
"go get cleaned up." i said. "then you are going to clean this mess." i demanded.
"but louis started it." zayn arrgued.
"no! you did." louis accused zayn.
"no you did."
"i did nothing."
"yes you did."
"hes your kid."
"hes your nephew."
" you started th-"
"ENOUGH!!" i yelled, making them jump. "go upstairs and get cleaned up." they remained where they were. "now!!" the boys ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. i looked at my son who was staring intently at me. i smiled and tickled his tummy. "c'mon babyboy, lets get you cleaned up." i brought him upstairs to zayn and i's bedroom. i grabbed some new clothes for jackson. i walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"yeah?" zayn answered.
"hey its me. can u come in?" i heard him laugh.
"babe, you dont have to ask, just come right in." i opened the door and walked in. i put jacksons clothes on the sink and closed the door again.
"what if you werent in this bathroom and one of the other boys was?" i giggled. i saw zayn shrug. "are you almost done?"
"yeah, can you grab my swim shorts from in the closet?" zayn asked. i nodded and got them for him. i gave the shorts to zayn and he slipped them on without getting out of the shower. i heard the shower curtain open and a wet body touch mine. i jumped and squealed.
"zayn! your all wet!" i giggled. he smirked and took jackson from after kissing my shoulder. "get his clothes off while i take care of the tub." he nodded and did as he was told.
i got the bath ready and zayn sat down in the warm water and i placed jackson in his lap. i took off my shoes and rolled up my jeans. i climbed into the and sat on the built-in chair. zayn moved so he was closer to me. he rested arm on my thigh and started rubbing it gently. i smiled and leaned over and kissed his wet hair.
jackson started splashing. and getting us (well mostly me because zayn was already wet) all wet. zayn helped me wash all the food off the baby then we got out. jackson was shivering in zayn arms and i quickly wrapped a towel around him.
"i know babyboy your cold but you will warm up soon. zayn grabbed a larger towel and stripped out of him wet bathing suit and put the towel around his waist.
we walked into the bedroom to get changed.
"what took you so long?" we jumped at the sound of louis' voice. apparently it scared zayn enough that he dropped his towel. the boys cracked and louis ran over to cover me and jacksons eyes.
"zayn! put that away! there are children in here." louis scolded zayn. i laughed at louis' stupidity. zayn grabbed his towel off the floor and grabbed his clothes to get dressed.
i made the boys get out so we could change.
after we changed then we went down stairs for cake. we got our cake and me and the all sat down on the couches. me and zayn shared a chair and the boys filled the couch. after putting frosting on eachothers faces it was time for....PERESENTS!!!! i opened louis' first and it was a sweatshirt that said i love boobear.
"now we have matching sweatshirts." louis yelled happily. i laughed and moved on to nialls gift. it was $500 gift card to my favorite store ever, zumiez!
"niall i love it!! thank you!!" i said. niall smiled. i opened harrys next and to be honest im am a little scared to open it but i did anyways. it was a $300 gift card to victorias secret. i rolled my eyes at that and i zayn wiggled his eyes brown suggestivly at me. i pushed away and opened the other thing he got me, a necklace it was half of a heart cover in pink diamonds that said 'best' on it. then hair pulled out his keys to show the other half that was covered in normal diamonds and it said 'friends' on it.
"harry... you shouldnt have. this must have cost a fortune." i said to him. he shook his head.
"dont worry about it aly." he said. i grabbed liams gift and opened it. when i saw it i started to get teary eyed. it was a book full of pictures off all of since the day they became one direction. and on the front it was the picture taken the day they got through to the live shows and it said under it, "Our lives are before us, our pasts is behind us, our memories are forever within us" its what liam always tells me when im upset or something and it always makes me smile.
"turn to the very last page." i did what he said and i got confused when there was nothing there. i looked at liam. "that way you can still add pictures and stuff as we keep growing and you guys can start adding pictures of mini zayn too." we laughed and i looked at the back cover. it was all nicely decorated and in the middle what another saying, Nothing we do changes the past - everything we do changes the future, i was slightly confused by that one. "you will understand that one as you get older." liam explained. i got up and hugged him.
"thank you so much! i really do love it." i said.
"im glad." i went back to my seat and finished onpening the presents. i noticed i never got a present from zayn.
"im giving you yours later." zayn whispered to me. i nodded and i kissed him.
"did you have fun today?" zayn asked when everyone (but the boys) went home. we were all sprawled out along the couches.
"yeah. thank you so much." i grinned to zayn and kissed him. "i love you." he smiled.
"i love you you too."
"thank you guys for the gifts." they all said your welcome.
"oh speaking of gifts. aly can i talk to you out side?" zayn asked. i nodded and i followed him out side. he closed the door leading to the deck and turned to me. "well..aly i really dont know how to say this so im gonna do the best i can, alex i love you so much it hurts, i can imagine my life if you werent there. i wouldnt have my son if it wasnt for you. and all i know is that i want to spend the rest of my life with you." zayn said and i started to tear up. he got down on one knee and pulled out a box to show the most beautiful ring i have ever seen. "aly will you please do the honors of being mrs. malik?" i couldnt find my voice so i just nodded.
ive never seen zayn smile so big. he jumped up and slipped the ring gently on my finger. he picked me up and spun me around. when we stopped spinning he gave me a kiss full of love and passion. i really do love him and im more than happy to be his wife. the kiss ended a few minutes later and he stared into his eyes.
"i love you, mrs. malik." he said still looking into my eyes. i giggled.
"i love you too mr. malik." he smiled and kissed me again.
we walked back inside to tell the boys the news.
"guys, we have some news." zayn said when we sat down.
"please tell me your not pregnant again." niall asked. i laughed and shook my head. he let out sigh of relief.
"me and zayn are engaged!" i annouced hold up the hand with the ring on it. louis, liam and niall jumped up and congradulated us. i looked over at harry. he didnt look happy. i peeked back at zayn and he was busy talking to the other 3, so i went over to harry. "hey harry, are you okay?" he looked at me.
"why?" was all he said.
"why what?" i asked. he shook his head.
"hey harry." i looked up to see a happy zayn. i watched harrys face go from upset to furious in seconds. harry stood up in front of zayn. harry pulled back his arm and puched zayn square in the jaw. all the boys gasped as zayn fell to the ground.
"zayn!" i cried and went to his side.
"harry why the f**k would do that?" niall yelled. liam went to zayns other side. i turned my attention to harry. his eyes flickered flicked all around the room. he never responded.
"harry answer the question!" louis ordered. harry ran out of the house before he could answer.
"lou,niall help me get zayn on to the couch." liam asked. they helped him onto the couch. i ran to the kitchen to get some ice and i put it on his jaw. zayn kept moaning and louis was giggiling because it sounded wrong.
"alex can you handle it from here?" liam asked once zayn was all set. i nodded and the boys left. i layed down next to zayn and waited for him to wake up. © 2012 aly-luvs-1DAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 11, 2012 Last Updated on September 11, 2012 Author![]() aly-luvs-1DAbouthey im alex but i liked to be called aly. im a sophmore in highschool now!! im really nice unless you make me mad. im totally and completely in love with one direction like legit im gonna marry them l.. more..Writing