chapter 5

chapter 5

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

chapter 5


"i love you." i told him. he starred at me not saying a word. oh crap, he doesnt love me. well now i feel like a total idiot now.


"aly." i knew it. he doesnt love me. i didnt let him finish. i got up and ran back to the house. "alex!!" i could hear him calling after me but i ignored it. i ran into the house and straight up to my room.


i buried my face in my pillow and cried. a few minutes later i heard my door open.


"aly, baby?" his voice rang in my ears. in a good way. i felt my bed tip a bit as he sat down.

"babe?" harry rubbed my back. "look at me. whats wrong?" i lifted my head up to look at him.


"i feel like an idiot, thats whats wrong." i mumbled.


"aww, baby c'mere." he said. i sat up and he pulled me into his chest. i looked him in the eye. he brought his hand up and wiped the tears from my eyes. he let his hand rest on my cheek.


"now love, why do you feel like an idiot? which by the way you are from being one." his husky voice whispered. i just looked at the floor. "wait, did you think that i was gonna tell you that i dont love you?" i didnt say anything. "baby, i do love you. i love you with everything i have." harry put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. i looked into his gorgeous green eyes. "i love you alex." he said and kissed me.

we pulled away a moment later.


"i love you too, harry." i said to the curly haired boy. he leaned down and kissed me again.

half an hour later we were chillen on my bed watching tv. my head was on his chest. my arms were around his waist. one of his arms was around mine and the other was behind his head and our legs were all tangles together. then someone started knocking on the door.


"come in." i called. then louis walked in.


"simon needs us down stairs, harry. hey alex." louis said to us.


"hey lou." i sat up so harry could go.


"i will come back when we are done ok?" i nodded.


"i would hope so." he smiled, kissed my head and then followed louis out the door.

i turned my attention back to the tv and put on a movie. i decided to watch cars 2. dont judge.


2 hours later the movie was over and i got ready for bed.


"hmm i wonder when harrys gonna be back?" i asked myself.


"why dont you turn around?" someone said. i didnt even hear the door open. the person put there arms around me. "hey babygirl, miss me?" harry said kissing my neck. i giggled and nodded.


"of course i missed you." i turned around and hugged him.


"hey love, can go to bed now? im beyond tired." i laughed and crawled into bed and then harry layed next to me.


"so what did simon need you for?" i asked him.


"he went over what song we were gonna sing." he answered.


"ohh what song?" he laughed and shook his head.


"oh no. i cant tell you." he said.


"aww why?" i whined. he pulled me closer.


"because simon told us not to tell anyone."


"grr. hes a poop face." i said pouting. i flopped back on the pillows and made myself comfortable. "oh ya. arent you gonna change? or are you gonna sleep in jeans?" i asked him.


"oh im gonna sleep in my jeans." he responded sarcasticly. "im gonna go change." i let him up. and he went to the bathroom to change. sad face.


"when he came out he was just wearing his boxers. no shirt so i get to see his sexy abs. hehehehe. he came back to bed and layed next to me. i fixed the blanket to it covered both of us. i put my head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart until i fell asleep.

© 2012 aly-luvs-1D

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Bahahahahaqjaiznnsjwuwiz! I reallyxneed to pull myself together with these fan fics. Great chapter!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thanks lol
♪The Girl Next Door♪

12 Years Ago

Np :)
I know I like beg and beg but I can never get enough! ONE MORE CHAPTER! PLEEEEESSEE!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

i will will put a new chapter tomorrow :)

12 Years Ago

will sometime today lol

12 Years Ago


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2 Reviews
Added on July 19, 2012
Last Updated on July 19, 2012



hey im alex but i liked to be called aly. im a sophmore in highschool now!! im really nice unless you make me mad. im totally and completely in love with one direction like legit im gonna marry them l.. more..

chapter 1 chapter 1

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D

chapter 3 chapter 3

A Chapter by aly-luvs-1D