![]() That SparkA Chapter by life*of*equiluxe"So, did the big bad guy rear his ugly head today?" Dad asked, over dinner that night. Mom looked up from her plate and Leif snickered. Fourteen year old brothers could be so annoying. I shot him a glare. "No." I took a bite, and as I chewed decided that I might as well divulge, or I would have even more explaining later. "Eric Levine gave me flowers, and Chauncey Edwards made a show of walking me to the car." "Really? About time you got some positive attention." She enthused, oblivious to the fact of how embarrassing it was to have so much blatant attention. "So, do you have a date?" I sighed. "No, I am going to think about it until Monday." "Smart girl." Dad said, approving. "Let them prove their mettle." A thought blossomed, and I frowned. "Dad, you aren't going to make me introduce them to you, are you?" He laughed, and Mom raised her eyebrows in approval and excitement at the idea. "No, Bridge, I'll let you make your choice and hope to catch site of him coming or going." He pointed his fork at me. "BUT, if he becomes a boyfriend, or the number of dates surpasses three then I expect to be introduced." I nodded in agreement and relief. It was one thing to introduce a boyfriend and another thing entirely to parade candidates before my father for a seal of approval. Almost as archaic as Cassie's idea of a picking party. "I vote for Chauncey." Leif injected into the conversation. This earned everyone's curious glances. Who would have thought my bother would care who I went out with? "He's on the varsity soccer team. He's awesome and could teach me a lot." Oh, that's why he cared. What was in it for him? "Leif, I think Bridget is more concerned about other traits than just his skills on the field." Mom looked at him pointedly as he slurped a spaghetti noodle. "Like manners, maybe?" "So what are you interested in?" She asked casually, turning back to me. I hesitated, twirling my fork in my spaghetti. I didn't really have a certain person in my sites, I just wanted somebody to be interested in me. So I thought of things I didn't want in a boyfriend. "Well, definitely not someone who emabarasses me. And he has to be confident enough to talk to me, and not controlling." Dad's eyebrows dipped in thought, the way they did right before he threw out a divining question. He had a great sense of moods and intent. That was his strong suit: detection, identifying, comprehending. And combined with his sense of humor it made him a great dad. "Compatability or complimentary?" "Oh, good one, Doug!" Mom's eyes lit up. Her and dad were a compatable couple. Their abilities didn't neccessarily work together, compliment, but they didn't clash either. There were some magics that melded really well together, boosting the carriers ability and execution. Of course all of it depended on the personalities of the couple, and strengths and weakness of their casting. "You don't get a choice do you?" I had become well versed in how to answer either/or questions. It made it easier to know what exactly Dad was asking, and he could tell whether you were just giving an answer or really had an opinion. "Well, it makes a difference as to whether you settle for someone you relate well with, or find someone who you actually blend and meld with." He countered. "But you and mom aren't complimentaries. Did you just settle?" I teased, though I knew what he was getting at. Mom quirked her eyebrow at him, anxious to see how he would get himself out of the corner he had backed himself into. They were both pretty light hearted people, and that was one of the reasons they made such a great couple. Leif was looking back and forth between them, too. He was getting to the stage that he was interested in relationships, though not neccessarily wanting one of his own. "Your mom and I spent a lot of time getting to know each other and growing together!" Dad got an irked look on his face, though not irritated. He knew his back was against the wall. "Compatability is usually underrated compared to the glamorous complimentary match, but that doesn't mean that two people aren't meant to be together!" This earned a sweet smile from Mom, she was happy with his answer. "Very true! A complimentary is like a love at first site thing- a miracle when it happens, but not expected. And there is no way to say that two people aren't meant to be together if they didn't know it immeadiately." "Well, I think it is a little too late for love at first site for me," I rolled my eyes. "I have known most of the guys at school since kindergarten, and the rest at least since freshman year!" "Maybe you haven't gotten a really good look at all of them." Dad raised his eyebrows in challenge. What? "Oookay." I said slowly. "Um, I will strive to look at all of the boys at school the rest of this week? " Leif was getting a kick out of this. "Does it take eye contact? Or do sparks fly when you touch?" He laughed, "I can just see Bridge walking around trying to look every guy in the eye!" Mom shook her head and started to clear the table. "Leif, you are a pill. You have dish duty tonight." "Aw, Mom," Leif whined. "Bridge knows I love her." He gave me a hopeful look. I did, but I wasn't letting him get out of it that easily! Cleaning up the kitchen was something that we all pitched in on and did together every evening. I would help put the food away, but I was more than happy to surrender the soaking of my hands in the nasty dish water. "You'll figure it out, Bridget." Dad said, scooping up my plate, so I grabbed the bread basket and salad bowl. "I hope so." I gave him a smile. "I guess it's not as big a deal as I'm making it." "I know you'll pick well." He smiled and reassured me. ++++++++ Later that evening I got a call from another guy, one I only recognized by name and face, asking if I wanted to go as his date to the homecoming dance. I gave him the answer I had given to everyone else, along with my thanks, before hanging up. I heaved Seleg up on my bed with a bigger huff than his small size warranted. He put up with me burying my face in the scruff of his neck, and then ladi his head in my lap. He was eight years old and his Yorkie legs were beginning to get stiff. Though he was technically the family dog it felt as if her were mine. Seleg slept at the foot of my bed, and even though Leif was supposed to feed him every other day, I almost always did it and never minded. I petted him absentmindedly, mulling over the day. As much as I felt justified by my anger at Stephen, this seemed to be getting out of hand. He hadn't even seemed to glance my direction when I had seen him at school, as if he wasn't even aware I was there. Wait, was I bothered that I hadn't registered on his radar? Of course not. It was just that maybe I had traded the focus of one for the attentions of a achool full of amorous boys. I wanted someone to hang out with and to take me on dates. But I had never put a face to that longing. The boys I knew best were the ones I had finger painted with in pre-school and had cleared for my own friends social calendars. Once we had reached puberty our abilities began to emerge and circles were formed. A majority had magical giftings, but there was also a good portion whose skills were majorly physical: strength, speed, agility. A smaller goup had the capabilities of manna- they manipulated the life source. It wasn't all healing and growth, but they also had a strong gift with animals and plants. The schooling system had changed a lot in the last few century. Previously the classes were segregated, once students reached age 12, into separate schools. However there was little unity among the community as a whole. The past few generations have worked hard to reinforce the importance of each class, and the neccessity of working together. Now we all learned about magic as a whole, together, and they strived to teach the importance of each ability. In our last two years of high school classes became more focused and tailored to the student. After graduation you had the option of attending academy to further develop your skills, and then enter an apprenticeship, or enter directly into a job or profession. Anyway, my friends and I weren't really in the "upper circle", even though it wasn't an exclusive club or anything at our small school. This didn't contribute positively to my sudden popularity- it magnified it in a way that was quickly making me uncomfortable. I decided to call Luca in the hope that she could reassure and cheer me up. "Hello?" "It's, me Bridget." "Oh, hey what's going on?" I told her about Kyle Pierce calling and asking me to homecoming. Though she thought it was a positive thing, I just felt dread. "I don't really know these guys, Luca!" My fears came out. "I don't want to say yes and it be awkward!" "Chances are it probably will be," Luca said pragmatically, as usual. "Cassie was nervous when she started dating Gideon." "Yeah, but she was excited and liked him!" I could tell I was starting to whine. Luca just laughed. "Then don't say yes until you are excited! There's your problem, Bridge." That realization calmed me down. Unless I was really interested, it wasn't worth it. © 2011 life*of*equiluxeFeatured Review
1 Review Added on May 11, 2011 Last Updated on May 11, 2011 Author![]() life*of*equiluxeMOAboutHello, my name is Amanda. I love to read, and have many stories of my own that need to find their way out of my imagination! I would love any constructive criticism and feedback on my work. I am a .. more..Writing